NEK-CAP, Inc. receives its HEAD START funding from:
US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Human Development Services Administration for Children, Youth and Families Office of Head Start, including American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services; Kansas Early Learning Collaborative
Your family is about to embark on a wonderful learning experience. We believe you are your child’s first and most important teacher. Head Start believes the early years are so important, this is the time the children are developing self-image, basic skills and the habits needed for success now and in the future.
Head Start 0-5 Philosophy on Families
It is the belief of Head Start that parents are the most important teachers of their children. Parents make a lifelong impact on a child’s desire to learn, view of the world and self-esteem. It is important for your child’s success in Head Start and in later school experiences that you take part in their educational experience. Head Start provides a variety of opportunities for positive involvement including volunteering in the classroom, participating during home visits, attending parent activities, socializations and being a Policy Council Representative for your local Head Start.
NEK-CAP, Inc. Mission Statement
“NEK-CAP, Inc. is committed to helping people thrive now and ending poverty for future generations.”
Our hope for the upcoming year is to provide support to your family as you strive to accomplish your goals….
Families are encouraged to provide volunteer service in or for the Center. This is very beneficial to your child and yourself.
When in the Center, a volunteer can participate in the Center activities, observe children’s interactions with others or assist with other tasks, such as assist staff in preparing lesson plans and planning parent activities.
Volunteering for tasks outside of the center is as important and counts in the same way as volunteering during Center time. If your schedule does not allow for much time during the day, check with the local Center staff and see if there are other opportunities for you to participate in the program.
At home, find ways to repeat activities through the week, read to your child daily or make homemade toys. Remember to keep track of your volunteer hours and sign an in-kind form because each center recognizes their volunteers in their own unique way!
Finally, thank you for your participation it is greatly appreciated by NEK-CAP Head Start!
As a parent, how can I be involved Head Start?
Center Based 0-5
Four Kinds of Parent Involvement
There are at least four major kinds of parent participation in localHead Start Programs:
- Involvement in Decision-Making.
- Involvement in the Classroom.
- Involvement in Parent-Oriented Activities.
- Involvement in Home Activities with their children.
ALL information regarding families and children MUST be safeguarded to assure CONFIDENTIALITY.
Your child’s complete file is kept at the respective center where he/she is enrolled. These files are kept in a locked file cabinet.
Only with parent’s signed consent will any information be shared with any other agency.
Those persons who have access to Head Start files are:
- Any official representative of Health and Human Services and USDA personnel
- NEK-CAP, Inc. Auditors
- NEK-CAP, Inc. Administrative Staff
- Your local NEK-CAP, Inc. Staff
Laws and Regulations for Licensing Preschools and ChildCareCenters
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
KAR 28-4-426 Administration –
(a)(2) Each admission policy shall be non-discriminatory in regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, or sex, in accordance with K.S.A. 44-109. A copy of the admission policy shall be available for review.
Programs must analyze causes of absenteeism if the monthly average daily attendance falls below 85 percent. (1305.8 (a) Head Start depends on parents to keep children regular in attendance.
Parents are expected to notify the center or home visitor regarding a child’s illness etc. on the day of absence. Collect phone calls are accepted from a long distance number.
ATTENDANCE POLICY(approved May 30, 2008)
In the event of irregular attendance or frequent absences, the following procedures will be implemented:
- Staff will make phone calls, home visits, etc. to discuss the problem with parents.
- If no contact occurs between staff and parent after unexcused absences or a pattern of habitual absences, (ex: not attending 4 days a week; missing every Monday), parents will receive notice that their child may not be eligible for the center base program unless attendance improves. Center staff and parents will work together to maintain regular attendance.
- If parents do not respond, they will be sent a letter stating that their child will be put back on the pending list. All available resources will be thoroughly investigated prior to implementation of these procedures.
Our centers are only licensed for children for certain times of the day. Please check with your local center for their class time. Children should not be at the center until 10 minutes before class time and should be picked up not later than 10 minutes after class dismisses. Parents are expected to call the Center if emergency situations arise and they will be delayed.
If you are late once it will be excused, but the next time staff will call the next person on the emergency contact list. The third time you are late your child will be put on the pending list. Thank you for your cooperation. Parents are to make arrangements for a person to pick the child up in case of emergencies.
When a child has unexcused absences or a pattern of habitual absences, their enrollment will be reviewed by staff. If, after repeated attempts to provide assistance by program staff, their attendance has not improved, they may be subject to dismissal and placed back on the pending list.
If contact is not made with parent/guardian within 5 business days, the slot is considered vacant.
Refer to the policy of your LOCAL center.
Transportation offered by NEK-CAP Head Start is a privilege. Transportation may not be provided for every child at all times. Routes are based on location with the greatest number of Head Start children and Kansas Licensing Regulations regarding the length of time and number of children being transported.
Due to the fact that Head Start drivers need to maintain a schedule, parents will be expected to:
- Have your child ready five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time.
- Watch for the bus to arrive and return.
- You must be visible to the driver on return. Change in pickup or drop off locations may not be possible. Discuss any changes with the Head Start staff.
- Accompany your child to the BUS door. He or she will be received, seated and secured in their appropriate CRS by the Bus Monitor. NOTE – All passengers riding Head Start vehicles must wear seat belts while on the bus.
- Our drivers will wait three (3) minutes for your child in order to maintain their schedules. If your child misses the bus, it is your responsibility to bring your child to school. Expect a variance in time occasionally due to weather or road conditions, etc.
- No food, drink, or smoking is allowed on the vehicle.
- Please notify the driver prior to route time if your child will not be riding the bus.
- All passengers must respect the rights and property of others. Children will be expected to keep their hands to themselves and speak quietly.
NEK-CAP Head Start uses The Creative Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers and The Creative Curriculum for Preschool as the framework for the development of young children ages birth to five years old. Creative Curriculum stresses the importance of relationships between the children and their caregivers and arranges the classroom into interest areas such as blocks, dramatic play, creative art, fine motor, outdoors and reading and writing centers. Each interest area allows the children to interact with materials, other children and adults in their environment, think of new ideas, ask questions and solve problems.
While the children learn and explore through play, teachers interact with children purposefully to enrich their experiences. By carefully observing children’s development, teachers can plan for each child and the whole group. Teachers track child outcomes through observing and recording each child’s progress on a continuum.
NEK-CAP Head Start’s philosophy is that children learn through play, exploration and teacher guidance. Play is a natural and important part of growing up. The education component of playful learning experiences is carried out with all of our Head Start children.
A mandatory 10% of our funded enrollment is children with disabilities. It is important to NEK-CAP that there is :
Inclusion of children in the least restrictive environment
Assistance to families in finding community resources for services
Cooperation among agencies, programs and families
Coordination for smooth transition to the next placement
Training for families and staff concerning children with disabilities
Kansas Regulations for Licensing Preschools and Child Care Centers28-4-124. Parental permission for outings and field trips in day care facilities.
Each day care facility as defined in KAR 28-4-113, KAR 28-4-420 and KSA 65-517 and any amendments to it shall obtain a separate signed parental permission for each location to which children go off the premises. The destination, the time children leaves the child care facility, the adults responsible for the children while off premises and the estimated time of return shall be posted in a place accessible to parents. (Authorized by and implementing KSA 65-508 and 65-522; effective; T-86-46, December 18, 1985; effective May 1, 1986; amended Feb. 26, 1990).
If we go on a field trip, staff will have you sign the permission slip for your child, the slip may be sent home, or you may sign it at the center, or bus stop. The permission slip will include the time, date, place of the field trip and adults responsible for the children during the field trip. The time, date and place will be posted at the center.
The Kansas Child Protection Act KSA 38-716-38-724 requires that suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect must be reported by doctors, nurses, dentists, optometrists, psychologists, social workers, teachers, and other school personnel, day care providers, and law enforcement officers to the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) or the District Court or local law enforcement agency.
All persons may report suspected cases of abuse or neglect of a child. Anyone knowingly and willingly violating the provisions of the Child Protection Act is subject to a penalty of up to 6 months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. NEK-CAP Head Start falls into the educational category and is required to report any suspected child abuse or neglect.
According to Performance Standards 1304.22 (a)(5), NEK-CAP Head Start staff must report any suspected case of abuse and neglect, both for the safety of the child and the wellness of the family. In addition, CACFP and Community Services staff is required to report any suspected case of abuse and neglect. Establishing these procedures helps determine when and to whom such a report needs to be made.
It is important for a child’s growth that certain practices are followed to insure their health and well-being. We are committed to the families we serve by helping them understand the importance of preventive medical practices and helping establish this routine. Head Start does this by:
Tracking and reviewing children’s health records to assure all required components have been completed and the child’s physical well-being is monitored by staff.
Assisting families with enrollment into the Health Wave or Medicaid program.
Assisting families in getting children’s medical and dental exams and immunizations as required. Head Start funds are available for exams when services are not covered by insurance or medical cards. See Health and Safety Handbook.
Referring families to other community health (medical, mental, dental, prenatal) services as needed for follow-up services.
Providing children, parents, and staff with information on preventive health and current health issues.
Coordinating daily health habits and life skills in the classroom and at home.
Maintaining a safe environment in centers, on the playground, and during transportation.
Helping children and families recognize positive mental health attitudes and coping skills as a vital part of a child’s physical well-being.
State regulations require that children with a communicable disease (this includes chicken pox, and other related rashes, pink eye, fever over 100 degrees, flu, RSV, bronchitis and pneumonia) be excluded or not attend public, parochial, or private school or licensed child care facility until expiration of the prescribed period of isolation for that particular infection or contagious disease.
NEK-CAP Head Start follows a “lice & nit free” head lice policy. The child, staff person, volunteer or foster-grandparent that is infested with head lice and/or nits will be sent home and must have completed treatment and be free of head lice and/or nits upon return to the center.
Upon return to the center, the staff, volunteer, foster-grandparent or parent/guardian of enrolled child who was previously infested with lice and/or nits must present a signed statement (Signature line is on page 2 of the “Parent/guardian notification of confirmed case of head lice and/or nits”), that treatment for head lice/nits has been completed. The treated adult or child’s scalp and hairline must be examined upon return to center by staff. If any live lice and/or nits are found, the infested Adult/child will not be allowed to remain at the center. The parent/guardian of the child will be notified to pick up his/her child.
Head Start staff will perform routine screenings on all children, staff, volunteers, and foster grandparents. The recommended screening schedule: the beginning of each school year, after Christmas break, 7-10 days after confirmed infestation, and as needed when cases of head lice are suspected or identified.
Staff persons who conduct the screening will giveNo visibleor verbalresponse or gesture when head lice are identified. Staff will spend an equal amount of time screening each child, even if head lice or nits are found. If extended time is needed for an individual screening the staff will quietly take the child to a designated licensed area or room for privacy during the screening in order to minimize teasing and/or embarrassment to the child. Confidentiality will be maintained.
The Head Lice Checklist protocol for centers will be followed when staff identifies any case of head lice and/or nits.
Staff will make attempts to work with the family to rid the child and possibly other family members in household of head lice and/or nits. When necessary, Staff will refer parent/family to Community Services for available resources.
Child, staff, volunteer, or foster-grandparent may return to center 24 hours after treatment for head lice has been completed and is free of head lice and nits.
Each child and family enrolled in Head Start has their own uniqueness or culture. Culture is everything that contributes to the life of a group of people, from their daily experiences to their customs and beliefs. Culture affects children’s learning styles, values and self-concepts.
As a Head Start program, it is important for us to help your child gain cultural awareness and social competence. Cultural awareness is about your child’s understanding and respecting their own culture, and in turn, they understand and respect the culture of other people. Social competence is a child’s ability to deal with their present environment and leads the child into managing their future responsibilities in life.
We need your help to provide this diversity in our classroom. Please share your traditions with your child’s classroom at your Head Start Center.
Picture your child eating a meal or snack at a Head Start center. What is he or she experiencing? For one thing, your child is getting the kinds of foods he or she needs to be healthy and strong. But there is so much more. Eating snacks and meals – and for older children, doing related activities such as setting the table, cleaning up, and brushing their teeth after eating – give your child a chance to feel cared for, and develop self-help, communication, and social skills. Mealtime is also a chance for children to begin practicing good nutrition and health habits.
Children’s experiences and the attitudes they form today will help shape their eating habits in the future. By modeling health practices and making eating a pleasurable and social time, together we can lay the ground work for nutritional and enjoyable eating for the rest of their lives.