Class PolicyMr. Fraenza

The world is in great need of well-educated scientists: be they teachers, researchers, doctors, farmers, chemists… the list is endless. This is a great class to help you decide whether the sciences might play an important part of your career future.

NEEDS: Notebook, folders (optional), scientific calculator, pencil, brain

Rules:--Come to class with an attitude that says you are willing to do, read, discuss, and study science the entire period

--Show mutual respect to others in class.

--No food or drink in class.

--Backpacks will be left in your locker.

--School rules in the handbook will be observed

--Cell phones/iPods are to be in your locker or are to be laid on top of the filing cabinet.


Homework – 4%Quiz – 16%Final – 20%

Lab – 16%Test – 40%Daily Points – 4%


-Every assignment is worth 10 pts unless otherwise stated

-Must have name, on the top right of the paper

-All work must be done in pencil or blue or black ink

-No name papers

1st – warning

2nd – zero

-Assignments are due at the beginning of the hour on the due date. If the assignment is late, it will be worth half credit on the first day, and no credit if it’s more than one day late.

Daily points

Daily points will be awarded throughout the year based on attendance and behavior.


Taken daily

Any non school related absence will count against you

Tardies will count against you

*You are tardy if you are not at your desk and ready to work by the time the bell rings, w/o signing out or having a pass


Any breaking of the rules above will be counted against you.

No horseplay in or around any labs (yours and others)

Extra credit will be given at the end of every nine weeks.

daily pts lost / EC Earned
0-3 / 10
4-6 / 7
7-9 / 3
10+ / 0

You will be able to use 4 passes each nine weeks. Extra credit will be given at the end of each nine weeks. After the fourth pass used, daily points will be taken.

Passes used / EC Earned
1 / 10
2 / 7
3 / 3
4+ / 0

Tests and Quizzes

-I will give study guides and study day(s) to help you. If you don’t use the time in class to do the study guides I will stop giving them.

-Each test will have questions from previous tests.

-Cheating on tests or quizzes will result in an automatic zero for all parties involved.

-If you are absent on test/quiz day, you will have one week from when you return to school to take a make up test or you will receive a zero for the test.


-Make up tests will be given before or after school, not during.


-No baggy clothes or long sleeves

-Must have closed toe shoes

-Long hair must be tied back

-Keep lab station neat.

-Any horseplay during the lab will result in a zero on the lab.

-Recurring problems will result in a ban on lab activities for the semester

-If you miss a lab you must come in before school to make it up


-Rules for finals are the same as tests except:

--There will be no retakes.

--You can opt out of the final if you have an A (90% or above) and 95% attendance in class



--Can leave when released between bells to get work etc…

--To go to other classes you need a pass from that teacher.

--If you have no work, you will be quiet for those that do

Grade / Range
A / 100-90
B / 89-80
C / 79-70
D / 69-60
F / 59 and below

Grading Scale

I do not go backwards in class. If you need help, you must come in before or after class for it.

This class builds upon itself, so I suggest that you take notes and do your own homework in the interest of your learning. If you fall behind let me know ASAP so we can solve the problem.

Parent Signature______

Student Signature______