Wednesday 11thNovember 2015 6.30 PM–SAINSBURYS


Val Walker, Inez Duncan, Angela Smith-Macaulay, Annabel Scott, Julie Gair, Donna Lawrie, Adele Squires, Donna Smith


Sarah Canham


Approved by Val, seconded by Inez


Raised"Content is King Workshop" being run in Inverness on 25 November 2015 by The Scottish Association of Local Sports Councils if anyone willing to attend let us know asap


Donna Muras not available to report but HST are now collecting fees directly from HST swimmers so club swimmers will no longer pay HST fees through NDASC.


We have a few new little ones starting in Bronze / invited for assessment. There are currently 11 swimmers in Bronze, 14 swimmers in Silver, 18 swimmers in Gold, 6 swimmers in Gold Elite, 4 swimmers that are coaches in training, 1 visiting swimmer & 1 second club swimmer, giving a total of 55. We currently have 38 SASA registered officials.


Val’s time has been split between club & HST and thanks coaching team for rallying around to support. She reported that the squads are training fairly well and are reasonably settled but felt competition activity has been a little passive for some, so session allocation may have to change after Christmas.

Discussed Key initiatives:

Swim School – hoping to hold a new block in the New Year but HLH still to confirm. Once our new RSDM has found her feet this is something we need her assistance with to keep the liaison with HLH going. (ACTION ANNABEL/VAL TO CHASE HLH)

Level 2 coach’s course is up and running and going well. 6 candidates have places and are working away. It is a new format of course and quite tough but all are making a great effort.

Mindfulness training confirmed for the 14th November for the main squad groups – up to Gold Squad level. We still need to arrange a date for the advanced competitors, Masters plus a few older swimmers not able to make the Saturday. This session will likely be a Wednesday evening. Angela has kindly agreed to lead on the Saturday 14th session as I am at Grand Prix. (ACTION ANNABEL/VAL TO GET FOLLOW UP DATE)

Land programme operating indoors now and I am not aware of any difficulties so far.The previous concerns about some swimmers behaviour have been addressed.

Meeting with Sean Dawson (RSDM Moray) – Sean was pleasedtohear about our mindfulness initiative and gave contact for doing some work on nutrition and hydration – he recommends Ailis and Kenny Robertson (). Ailis Robertson is a food expert he has used for Scottish Swimming presentations. (ANNABEL/VAL TO FOLLOW UP)

Private Swimming Lessons - The Alness initiative is up and running and a couple of our swimmers are involved. There is also some block private coaching sessions available in DW Sports. Val is to liaise with Kate on this. It is targeted specifically at our Bronze group. (ACTION VAL)

Coach news - Other than the coach candidates working away at their level 2 Katie Mackenzie is doing a good job co-ordinating senior swimmers. Connor Maclean one of our new coaches has been appointed as HST land coach and is also doing lifeguarding course & on level 2 coaching course. A coach meeting is overdue so will arrange another in due course. (ACTION VAL TO ARRANGE COACHES MEETING)

Majority of coaches to renew child protection qualifications – course in Nairn on 7th Dec - Jeff covering poolside that night.


No issues for discussion



Recent results on club website for Alloa Graded Meet - 24/25 Oct 2015 – Stirling. Buckie Mini Meet – 7th Nov – results and report to follow.

Entries closed for Upper Deeside Challenge Meet – 21 Nov, North District Grand Prix – 13 -15th November , HST MEET 28 & 29 Nov – Inverness, , Scottish Short Course – 11 to 13th Dec – Edinburgh, Cults Novice Meet – 7th Feb 2016 .

No other competitions open for entry. However, as a matter of urgency, will get the competition calendar up and running atleast for the first quarter of 2016 (ACTION LOUISE).

The North District Age Group Meet will be in Inverness on 23/24 Jan 2016. Entries close prior to Christmas so I hope to have eligibility reports etc this week so that we can tie HST timing session entries in with opportunities to get times for The ND Age Group Meet(ACTION LOUISE).


Club Champs - Helen & Shirley available to referee/start. Richard to organise rest of officials(ACTION RICHARD). Entries closing 17th Nov – reminder to go out(ACTION DONNA S). Also a note to be handed to new members not yet ready for competition re club champs being on & offering a couple of Sunday a.m. sessions instead (ACTION ANNABEL)


(info re 2 HST meetings taken place since last NDASC committee meeting)

As part of the ongoing review, a meeting was held with Sharon McDonald from Scottish Swimming to discuss governance structure & roles & responsibilities. Outcome as follows:

Governance Structure proposed tohave 3 parts

(1)Performance Management Group (PMG):The PMG will provide the strategic direction for Highland Swim Team. This group will meet on a quarterly basis.The PMG comprises representatives from the following organisations:Highland Swim Team Executive Committee (2 reps), HighLife Highland, Scottish Swimming, Inverness leisureSportscotland

(2)Highland Swim Team Committee (HST):HST committee are responsible for providing the operational implementation of the plan and supporting the coaches to deliver the athlete programme. The HST Committee will meet 6 weekly (and on a quarterly basis will meet outwith Inverness so Thurso/Wick can attend more easily but will use technology where possible to ensure all clubs represented). HST committee comprises a minimum of 2 active representatives from the constituent clubs, an independent chair (if possible), a coach representative, the STO convenor and the Scottish Swimming Regional Development Manager.In addition a Highland Swim Team Executive Committee (HST EXE) will be created comprising the Chairperson, Vice chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Child Protection Officer who will be responsible for making decisions required in between committee meetings.

(3)Highland Swim Team Coaches Group (HSTC):The HSTC group are responsible for the co-ordination and implementation of the swimmers programme. Alan Lynn Scottish Swimming National Coach will sit on this alongside club coaches


Performance Management Group responsible for:

  • Overseeing development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a strategic plan.
  • Financial Management – external funding
  • Coach Management – HR support, performance review, training.
  • Dealing with any strategic issues affecting the swimmers programme such as pool access.

Highland Swim Team Committee responsible for:

  • Booking pool access
  • All policies and procedures such as child protection, swimmers, parents and coaches conduct
  • Volunteer support and training
  • Finance – membership fees, sponsorship, other funding sources
  • Athlete support Services – funding and booking as appropriate
  • Competitions – booking of accommodation, travel through Meet Secretary
  • Complaints
  • Marketing – website, brand, promotion
  • Swimmers Database

Highland Swim Team Coaches Group responsible for:

  • Swimmer selection policies
  • Swimmer progression
  • Competition Programme
  • Coaching Programme
  • Athlete Support Services


To ensure the effective running of the Highland Swim Team communication between the swimmers, parents, coaches, HST committee and Performance Management Group needs to clear.

The HST committee feel it is important to create a centralised email system to ensure compliance with data protection.

Apart from communication re a swimmers programme or progression which should come direct from the coaches all other communication should be sent to the HST secretary who will distribute appropriately. E.g. if sessions need cancelled or changed or there are additional sessions, communications to do with fees, competitions etc The Lead Coach will be responsible for ensuring the HST secretary has the appropriate information to communicate and to whom.


1Review of pool access

2Performance Management Group – decision to be made on who to invite

3Explore finding an independent chairperson

4Role descriptions for new committee roles

5Set up sub groups

  • swimmer programme – lead coach, treasurer, meet secretary
  • Volunteers
  • Marketing
  • Finance and fee structure

6Possible Sportscotland direct club investment

7STO convenor/Audit

8Composites to be represented at ND meetings?

9Planning and governance workshops – January

After this meeting, a further meeting was held on 3rd November to discuss Sharon’s notes of the previous meeting & make arrangements for the upcoming AGM etc

It was felt that HST Committee meetings should have a coach representative attend meeting but only to report any coaching issues to the committee, then should be free to leave meeting.

AGM – The AGM should cover the keys areas required:

Approval of minutes.

Report from Chair and Acting Head Coach.

Report from Treasurer and signed annual accounts.

Elect Office bearers – nominations required from clubs.

Changes to be made to constitution and By-Laws but not in a position to change constitution at AGM, will need to call an EGM in due course.

Certain constitution changes will need amended at AGM:

Membership – No changes to be made at AGM. Changes will be made at EGM.

Management – Motion to amend C5.2 to include Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Child Protection Officer, Secretary, Membership Secretary and STO Convenor.

Preferably where possible the chair elected should be independent of HST and member clubs. An advert for this position will be placed in Inverness Aquadome and on Facebook.

Committee and Coaches – to meet on lunch break on next nationals training day – 21 Nov 2015. Soup and sandwiches will be provided.

Sharon MacDonald will be attending the AGM.AGM will take place in the Unison Office in Inverness on the evening of 28th November 2015.

Feedback from HST Coaches Meeting – 24th October 2015.

Coaches have to rotate lead coach role. Maureen Keil will take over responsibility from Val Walker after North District Grand Prix.Maureen intends to dropbox an Attendance Register for all coaches to complete, which will allow reasons for absence to be recorded.

Training quality has improved.

Mindfulness training will be investigated. Suzanne Gumbrell has a contact for a tutor who delivers a Nationwide Mindfulness Course for teenagers. Suzanne to contact tutor to find course details and cost. A pilot Mindfulness training is being held at Nairn for Mindfulness, we await feedback re the course to decide whether it is a course that we would like to encourage swimmers to be part of.

Meet Planning.

Strategy for Short Course Nationals and Grand Prix.

Inverness Swim Club, will ensure that all HST member clubs are grouped together at the North District Grand Prix. Coach cover for Short Course Nationals will be organised after the Grand Prix. For swimmers who qualify. HST will cover coach costs for the SC Meet. – All meals, travel & accommodation.

Training Days.

Skill Squad will join in with Junior A training days in afternoons.

Movement of Squads.

Jane has issued letters to the swimmer’s inviting to move squads

Christmas Training:

Two days (29/30 Dec) will be booked at Nairn swimming Pool, over the Christmas period for HST training.Training Sessions will be 11am-12pm Land Training 12pm -2pm Pool Training.Val and Maureen to coach one session each. Swimmers need to be notified who can attend these sessions.

Land Training Progress.

Committee are very pleased with provisions in place for Land Training.

Other Matter’s Arising:

-Tartan Hostel in Glasgow to be booked for SNAG’s 2016, need to pay in advance with HST Credit Card.

-Fundraising – A suggestion was made to committee to start a Bonus Ball Draw. Club member’s can join £5 per month, they will be allocated one number. The winner will be from the National Lottery Draw on the last Saturday of each month. Bonus Ball Winner will receive £100, other six balls drawn on night will receive £10 each. Assuming all numbers are taken, then this will leave £135 for club funds each month.This was agreed by committee & Donna Lawrie organising.

-AGM – Each member club to have two active members attend the AGM.

-HST Banner – Dot Dornan has arranged a HST Banner to be made – Cost £96.

-HST Meet – Forres to be invited to attend the HST Meet.

-Gary Williamson can take photo’s of swimmers at HST Meet, advertise this service on Meet Programme.

After discussion on HST report - Annabel to put out email to Nairn HST swimmers re:

-No training Sat/Sun due to Grand Prix in Inv’ss (13-15 Nov)

-Email address for reporting absence etc

-Reminder to check if medical /contact forms returned

-Email to drum up more Nairn support for HST AGM



Donna Lawrie suggested we organise our Fast 50’s meet in March time, but, include 100m IM, open it to all clubs, based at the Aquadome? - after discussion the feeling was that we liked our own in house meets as a way of introducing our newer members to competition in a familiar environment. We could look to doing an extra comp as a fundraiser in the future. It was suggested HST take forward a 50’s meet to help towards funding trips to National Comps as the cost of these trips to parents can be high.

Also Donna mentionedthat HST are starting a Bonus Ball draw, £5 per number, paid by standing order. This is based on the National Lottery Draw on last Saturday in month. Bonus Ball Winner gets £100, other six balls drawn on same night gets £10 each. This would leave HST with £135 per calendar month, could this also work at Nairn? Need to cover 59 balls. Some would rather pay £5 per month rather than pack bags or do baking for coffee morning. Put out to membership after Xmas.(ACTION ANNABEL)

If we need equipment we could consider an application to the Davidson Trust. Annabel suggested underwater camera but not sure how often we would manage to make use of this and not sure what to look for in a good one – Val suggested we speak to National Swim School in Stirling for advice. If there are any suggestions as to what to request in any application, Annabel will take forward.(ACTION ANNABEL – OTHERS PLEASE FORWARD ANY SUGGESTIONS)


Need to meet before Xmas to ensure everything organised for prize giving on 29th December.

Need to think of suggestions for team building games that we could do at the prize giving for next meeting(ACTION ALL!)

DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING – Wed 9th December 6.30 Sainsbury’s