Thursday, March 8, 2012
Present: Ray, Sue, Ann, Bridget, Jenn M., Ally Bains, Erin, Laura, Sharon, Rob, Liana, Christine Younghusband
Regrets: Christabelle – Erin Wilson Acting Chair for tonight’s meeting
Adoption of the Agenda: Motioned by Rob, Seconded by Ann. Adopted.
Adoption of Minutes: Motioned by Rob, Seconded bySharon. Adopted.
Meeting Commenced: 7:10 pm
New Business:
Lauren Taylor – K-1 teacher, has done the research around what the school needs re: to school books and has come with some requests and recommendations. School supplies beginning to dwindle. Have already committed to look into this and CommunitySchool will also look into money – perhaps consider a partnership. $1000 spent to replace lost books, and doesn’t go that far. Have cancelled the Scholastic Book fair this year, and we’re looking at a different publisher. Approximately $800/bin, looking for 5 bins.
Guided reading sets for k’s, one’s and two’s. 1st wave - $1213 (grade one) 6 copies of 32 titles. Pearson Sales Literacy
26 titles -6 copies –grade 2’s ($1213)
Mid grade 2 ($1200) – 20 titles
Bridget to look into helping to bring the books in at cost.
Sue made a suggestion to look into purchasing one kit in partnership.
Motion for PAC to partner with community school and school to get one kit – motioned by Rob, seconded by Bridget – all in favour –passed.
PAC requesting a formal proposal outlining funding request from the school to be presented to the PAC at next month’s meeting. Discussion tabled until next month.
School Board Report: (Christine Younghusband)
Christine Younghusband: Strategic Plan is ending this year and looking for input on changes/direction. Look into pdf on district website. Look forward to public forum – hoping for end of March will notify us of date. Looking for input from all stakeholders (admin., parents, support staff, teachers) – 3 year plan. Look for online questionnaire to be completed.
Principal’s Report:(Ray Clayton) – please see attached report. Further discussion:
Teacher’s at this point now working “bell to bell” – arrive right before the bell and leave right after the bell (work to rule). Have asked for further assistance with supervision from another administrator.
Belief is that there will not be any further walk-outs until after spring break, but will be stepping up job action. Next week – early dismissal Wednesday and Thursday. No report cards will be sent out. Expectation is that teacher’s will be available for that hour to families. This will be communicated to families as best we can shortly.
Book fair has been cancelled for this year, as it is too complicated with the job action.
Kindergarten student registration week is completed – please communicate this to any families that we know have a kindergartener. 14 registerred so far – were expecting 22 with cross-boundaries. Cross-boundary registration deadline is March 31, 2012. All planning done in April/2012. Will guarantee at that time if there is room. Otherwise, the family will not know until the first week of school.
Grade 7 student’s have had a notice go home to parents re: automatic registration to Chatelech, and if wanting another school (example: PenderHarbour) this is considered a cross-boundary registration and deadline is March 31, 2012.
FSA’s almost completed.
New website for our school coming up.
$1.2 million surplus within district. See back of report for details. Looking for public input for how to allocate these funds.
Community School Report: (Sue Lamb) – please see attached report. Further discussion:
- Strongstart – slow week due to job action, potluck supper March 26th @4pm at POD/dinner in gym 5:00
- Kindercare- going well
- Kicks for kids – with Lee Campbell – being organized to start in April
- Spin class registration to happen at Sue’s office @8 am.
- Teen night – last Friday – pool – 26 kids – great
- HMB performing arts – May 31st with Elaine Hunter – has booked the gym for this performance.
- Yearbook club – deadline April 23rd – please bring in any pictures to Sharon
- Still need 4-5 business sponsors – please send it to Barb attn: Sue $20 and a business card.
- Student Council – community forum on Saturday - posters going up
- Marathon club on hold at present.
- Homework club – last one today – has been very successful –back April 3-May 10
- Primary Art Club – on hold
- Karate Club – has finished
- Recycling/breakfast/fruit&snack program going well
Jesse Miller – received great feedback from his presentation
Jeanette/Lauren “Outerdoor kindergarten” starting in April
Restorative Justice – presentation to scrd re: funding. Went well. Interest in this. Cap process for high schools – trying to use the community process.
New book available on bullying
Free baseball workshop for 8-13 March 23, 24/2012 – available even if the child had had no experience
Saturday 1-4 here – Community Forum – facilitated by John Talbot
WelcomeBeach Assoc. has donated $250 for a garden at the school – thank you.
Parent’s Homework support – March 29th @ 7pm for any parent interested in more learning about how to support their child in doing their homework.
Easter Egg hunt in planning stages
Treasurer’s Report:(Bridget Evered) – please see attached report
Motion to accept report: motioned by Rob; seconded by Ann
Thank you to SueCommunitySchool and teachers for the dance.
DPAC Report: (Sharon McKenzie)
Feb 28th meeting – Dan Galaska - presentation with Elphinstone student Sharlene Smith on Youth Crime and drug prevention program. Dates to be announced - “Odd Squad” and “Children of the Street Society” will be involved in presenting. Discussed the programs and would be willing to talk with our PAC. May – “Children of the Street” coming to present to the Elementary schools, then April will be presenting to high schools.
Emergency Preparedness - only 1 container needing to be replaced. Almost done collecting school lists of what is in containers (march 14th – earthquake drill – Shake Out BC). School district will be ordering supplies – PAC’s expected to look after things like water and food. To be discussed in April budget meeting.
Chair’s Report: (Erin Wison):
Opening Soccer field- opening.
Soccer goal posts – Erin volunteered to look into. To look into type of net – tabled and taken back to the field committee. Ray would like to see 4.
Starting next phase of field project soon. Committee to finalize.
Wednesday 14 th at 5:30 Connor park – Shawn Reid presenting re: Outdoor Amphitheater
HMB PAC bursaries – tabled until next meeting.
Next meeting: Thursday April 12th, 2012
Meeting Adjourned: 8:35pm