Student Senate Meeting Minutes
November 6, 2007
7:00 p.m. Belknap Research Building
I. Call to Order-7:04 p.m.
II. Roll Call (see attendance record)
III. Executive Cabinet Reports
a. President Hoffman
i. Update on Resolution 1
1. Meetings have begun successfully
ii. Beginning to ask for budgets from top RSOs in order to ask for more money from the University
iii. Council on Post Secondary Education has recommended only $11 out of $31 million for the University, therefore tuition will likely go up by at least 9%
b. Executive Vice President Brueggemann
i. Smoking Ban Focus Group went very well and a report will be issued shortly
ii. State of Student Body Address is in two weeks and will be around 6.
iii. RSA 8th Grade Dance on Wednesday at 7:30
c. Academic Vice President Flairty
i. Still working on deal with Kaplan for discounts
ii. Still working on Resolutions 4 and 5
iii. Meeting with the Provost soon to discuss resolutions
iv. If you have any feedback on advising, please notify AVP
v. Congratulations to Jennifer Howard from School of Public Health as Student of the Month in October
d. Services Vice President Spencer
i. Green parking lot of Floyd will be closed for a week
IV. Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
a. E-Board- EVP Kate Brueggemann
i. Met two weeks ago, unanimously approved Ashley Howarth as new Supreme Court nominee
ii. Decided that the Senate President shall retain voting rights on council
b. Academic Policy- AVP Matt Flairty
i. Next meeting will probably be in early December
c. Appropriations- Senator Luka
i. Starting January 1, 2008 all requests must be submitted digitally to the Appropriations Committee
ii. All councils must submit requests for money on a template designed by Appropriations Committee
iii. On March 15, 2008 Appropriations will be ready to submit all budgets for next year to Senate
iv. Also studying benchmark institutions to see how U of L compares financially with other universities
d. Senate Development Board- President Jones
i. Met on October 29th and spoke with EVP and Brian Bennett to discuss concerns with staff positions
e. Student Organizations Board- Senator Awadallah
i. Will have RSO fair in Spring sponsored by SOB
ii. Still working on RSO training packets
f. Student Activities Board
i. No representative present
V. Old Business
a. Update on Senate Resolutions
i. Resolution 7 Update
VI. New Business
a. Approval of the October 18, 2007 Senate Meeting Minutes
i. Motion by Senator Downs, 2nd by Senator Murphy, APPROVED, Unanimous
b. Consideration of the Student Organization Board Approvals
i. See Senator Awadallah for itemized list
ii. Motion to approve by Senator Downs, 2nd by Senator Foster, APPROVED, Unanimous
c. Consideration of Senate Appropriations Requests
i. See Senator Luka for itemized list
ii. Motion to approve by President Jones, 2nd by Senator Awadallah, APPROVED, unanimous
iii. All budgets from all RSOs and Councils must be submitted to Suzanne Galbreath by December 11th in order to be considered for funds
1. moved to consideration of Resolution
d. Consideration of Resolution 8, Budget Review- as amended
i. EVP Brueggemann-see amended Resolution
1. decided that all budgets need to be submitted by January 15, 2008 for consideration
2. Appropriations Committee must finish template by December 11, 2007
3. President Nguyen asks for a friendly amendment to change Suzanne Galbreath to Unit Business Manager in case she doesn’t always work for SGA
ii. Discussion
1. Senator Downs moves to change January 15th to December 11th, 2nd
2. Senator Luka wants to clarify that this includes all budgets, not just SGA related
3. President Barnes wants to point out that the budget will still not be submitted on time, and that changing the dates won’t do anything for this year
4. Senator Downs states that this is a compromise because last year budgets were due in early November. This gives Appropriations enough time
5. Senator Foster asks if the Appropriations Committee will be meeting after December 11
a. Senator Downs said that the budgets will be reviewed over Christmas break over the Internet
6. Senator DeRossett asks if councils will have to vote on and approve budgets before submission because most councils will not meet in time to vote on this
7. Vote on Resolution – for the amendment- 12, against the amendment- 24 – the amendment has failed
8. Vote on edited version of Resolution 8- APPROVED with little opposition
e. Consideration of Resolution 9, Election Dates
i. See Resolution 9
ii. Passed the EBoard unanimously
iii. President Brauch decided to set the dates for elections
iv. No discussion
v. Vote- APPROVED, unanimous
f. Consideration of Resolution 10, Ad Hoc Committees
i. See Resolution 10 and accompanying graph
ii. Senator Awadallah believes that Ad hoc committees will allow for more issues to be addressed and more collaboration between Senators
iii. Also allows for Senators to work more closely with a certain issue and with Senators from other schools
iv. See graph for explanation of how Ad hoc will work.
v. No Discussion
vi. Vote on Resolution 10- APPROVED, unanimous
g. Consideration of Resolution 11, Regarding Nov. 27th Senate Meeting
i. EVP Brueggemann- State of the Student Body will be in Bigelow Hall
ii. Wants to do a member retention event instead of a Senate meeting
iii. Senator Luka wants to know if Senate will be meeting in December
1. Senator Luka wants to point out that Appropriations will not get to meet until January
iv. Motion to amend Resolution to send all Appropriations requests to Top 4 by Senator Awadallah since the Senate will not be meeting
v. Debate on whether it should go to Top 4 or EBoard
vi. Call to question by Senator Downs, 2nd by President Barnes- approved
vii. Vote on amendment made by Senator Awadallah
1. for the amendment- 26, against the amendment- 10
2. Approval of Senate Resolution 11- APPROVED with little opposition
VII. Announcements
a. Don’t reply to the Senate listserv
b. State of the Student Body Address November 27th with Senate Workshop to follow
c. International Fashion Show is this Friday
d. November 14th in A and S office- AS council will be meeting with Dean Mardis and eating China Inn food
e. Senator Foster- Chi Omega Chili Cookoff is on Saturday
VIII. Adjourn- 8:00 p.m.
Taylor Hamilton Page 3 of 3
Director of Administration