NCMGVA Executive Board Meeting- January 28, 2008

Johnston County Center- Smithfield, NC

Present: Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman, Pres.; Bob Kellam, Pres. Elect;George Quigley, V. Pres.; Barbara Walters, Treas.; Brenda Bernhardt, Rec. Sec.; Gloria Polakof, Corr. Sec.; Beth Nelson, Newsletter Ed.; Linda McLendon, Past Pres.;

Mary Reeves (Buncombe), Carol Wilson (Brunswick), John and Sara Caldwell (Catawba),Rose Gambill (Carteret), Cathy Hunter (Cumberland), Sue Howard (Davie), Jim Coughlin (Durham), Sheilah Lombardo (Forsyth), Deborah Branson (Hoke), Paulette Kenley (Iredell), Bill Adams (Johnston), Edna Gaston (Kerr Lake Group), Millie Boyd (Moore), Jim Haywood (Nash), Pam Marshburn (Pender), Wanda Oates (Wake), Connie Kammler (Wayne), Carroll Gaissert (Wilson), Cindi Lauderdale (Wilson - Agent), Jeff Morton (Onslow-Agent), and Shawn Banks (Johnston –Agent).

Counties not represented: Bladen, Craven, Lee, and New Hanover

President, Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman called the meeting to order. As the attendance sheet was being passed around, the group made introductions. The minutes were approved as received.

The President acknowledged a letter and a Certificate of Appreciation to the NCMGVA from the Mississippi MGVA and the Mississippi State University Extension Service for the financial support provided to The Gulf Coast Project. This project helped to bring back the green spaces that were heavily devastated by Hurricane Katrina along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Treasurer Barbara Walters reported a beginning balance of $8,304.44. Income from dues was $1260. Expenses for Nov. 5 thru Dec. 31, 2007 were $42.91. The ending balance as of Dec. 31, 2007 is $9,521.53. An audit report as of Jan.23, 2008 was accepted. The audit was done gratis by an association member.

Barbara also reported for membership. At the close of 2007 we had 380 members. 150 members joined or renewed at the 2007 state conference. (Bob Kellam distributed lists, by county, of expiring memberships to the delegates present and asked that they contact those on the list to remind them of the expiration.) Thus far this year we have 310 memberships. 14 counties gained in membership and 5 lost memberships. We have 100 counties in NC. 20 counties do not have a MG program. There are 5 multi-county programs. NCMGVA have members in 58 counties. We need to continue our drive to reach all MG to join NCMGVA.

Newsletter Editor Beth Nelson reported that we still need district reporters. The deadline for the next newsletter is February 1. The Spring newsletter will be sent to members both via mail and email and will be available on the new web site. Beth, with mixed emotions, said that she will be moving to Kansas in June to be with her husband at his new military assignment. Thus NCMGVA will be in need of a new newsletter editor. Bob Kellam expressed the group sentiments saying that Beth will be greatly missed and hard to replace.

MG Program Updates and Announcements were not available from our NCSU Coordinator.

The proposed new membership brochure was discussed. Sheilah Lombardo expressed a concern that we need to make the connection between NCMGVA and NCSU Cooperative Extension. She noted that we are a part of the NC Cooperative Extension in that we provide services for them. Bob clarified that the association is an independent organization and does not work for the Extension Service. The group concurred that we do need to make the connection to NCSU Cooperative Extension.

Sheliah also questioned the copywrite status of some of the photos in the brochure. Gloria Polakof agreed to provide similar photo shots using NCMGVA members. We have not definitely decided on the paper texture to use. Therefore, Carroll Gaissert made a motion that we charge the brochure committee (Bob Kellam, Polly Kopka, and Sheilah Lombardo) to complete the brochure. Shirley suggested that the committee be given complete power to make decisions regarding the brochure. Gloria Polakof seconded the motion which was unanimously accepted.

Brunswick County reported that plans for the 2008 State Conference are coming along nicely. (32 people recently showed support by their attendance at a planning workshop.) More workshops than speakers will be provided. Plans are to use Hort. agents as workshop leaders. There will be 3 or 4 concurrent workshops running at the same time. The reception will be held at the Silver Coast Winery with wine being purchased by individuals, other beverages will be gratis. We will still have the Landscape Garden Design Competition. Information will be posted on our web site. The Planning Committee will be using information gained from the last two conferences as guidance. As of now, the registration will be $125. All activities will be on site except the reception and tours.

Iredell County reported that planning meetings have been held with participating counties. The 2009 site will be in Iredell County. Lodging and the conference site will be separate with busing provided for the short distance between the two.

Onslow County is trying to find other counties willing to serve as co-hosts. If this is possible the 2010 conference will be in Onslow County.

Bob Kellam gave the 2007 conference financial status report. He stated that there is good news and bad news in the report. The good news is that we are still in the black, though not by the margin we expected. Of the revenue generating events, we made profit on the silent auction, garden tours, and NCSU’s book/memorabilia sale. The bad news is that the remaining bills, provided by NCSU in late December, have resulted in significant budget overruns in several categories. Of the revenue-generating events, we lost money on the campus tours and trade show.


McKimmon: Meals ($2,595.99)

JC Raulston: Reception (Pig Pickin’) ($ 112.50)

Name Tags ($ 99.71)

Total ($2,808.20)


$5,319.66 of the total overrun of $8,127.86 or 78% should have been within our ability to control.


Event (Event MGR.) Revenue Expense Profit (Loss)

Garden Tours (Jere Stevens) $6,400.00 $5,298.95 $1,101.05

Campus Tour (Erv Evans) $ 260.00 $ 332.87 ($ 72.89)

Silent Auction (Wanda Oates) $3,944.50 $ 66.43 $3,878.07

Trade Show (Erv Evans) $1,095.00 $2,910.30 ($1,815.30)

NCSU Book, etc. Sale (Evans) unknown unknown unknown

The Current Financial Status for the 2007 NCMGVA State Conference is:

Balance in Conference Checking Account $16,885.62

Conference Revenues Paid Directly to NCSU $ 2,605.00

Total Assets: $19,490.62

Unreimbursed invoices (NCSU): $13,414.31

Outstanding: NCMGVA loan $ 2,000.00

Outstanding: Tony Avent speaker fee $ 750-1500

Total Liabilities $16,914.31

Net Proceeds as of 1/28/08: $ 2,576.31

The current vision statement for NCMGVA is: Helping North Carolina Grow. The draft NCMGVA Mission Statement is as follows: To enhance the effectiveness of the Master Gardener Programs in North Caolina by organizing and hosting training and educational opportunities, by facilitating the exchange of information through publications and special events, and by working in collaboration with the Cooperative Extension. George Quigley motioned that we accept the draft mission statement as our formal mission statement. This was seconded by Sheilah Lombardo and unanimously accepted by the group.

George Quigley motioned, seconded by Bill Adams, that we accept as our district areas those newly defined districts established by the Extension Service. The group so accepted.

Gloria Polafof motioned that we duly accept to name the NCMGVA landscape garden design competition The Madeline Collier Landscape Garden Design Competition. The motion had multiple seconds. The board unanimously accepted the motion.

Bob Kellam presented an update on the Web Site Upgrade. The details of the associated members group site are still being worked out. Information concerning the NCMGVA conference, newsletter, organization and membership with links are on it. Barbara noted that email addresses are still a problem. Sheilah Lombardo motioned that we go live with the new web site with the old domain name. This was seconded and approved. George and Bob will collaborate on making this happen and email the address information to the Board.

Barbara Walters presented the 2008 budget. The group looked at the whole budget and voted by line. See attached budget. Discussion was held regarding the larger budgeted items:

Beth Nelson gave information regarding the newsletter and the use of Constant Contact (an email marketing program) to facilitate the delivery of the email version. Annual costs for the newsletter could be reduced by $1500 if the newsletter could be provided by email to those with addresses on file. For 500 members the cost of the Constant Contact service would be $120 per year. Since this is the transition year, the group agreed to send the next newsletter as a hard copy and email. Members will be given an option as to how they would like to receive the newsletter. Bob said that new member applications will have a box to indicate how they would like to receive the newsletter. In conclusion, $3,000 was budgeted for the newsletter.

Bob indicated that he would have to give up the responsibility for printing membership cards in March and proposed that the Association buy a printer that could be used by the person taking over. Members questioned whether the Association needed to purchase a printer for the membership cards. Jim Haywood (Nash County) volunteered to take over the responsibility from Bob and print the cards on his equipment. Bob will get together with Jim to make the transfer. We would still need to purchase software. Therefore, membership budgeted items were reduced from $1200 to $675. Conference seed money and hospitality funds would remain as budgeted.

The Board elected to continue the outstanding MG awards. We will use contingency funds to award conference hosting counties back to the previous 5 years. Linda McLendon will follow up on these awards.

Due to budget constraints, the group agreed to allocate only $500 for the Landscape Garden Design Competition Awards. We will seek supplemental funding from sponsors and fund raising to offer prize money for 1st place ($500 x2) and 2nd place ($100 x 2).

Much discussion followed on the budgeted item to provide registration discounts to members for this year’s conference. Mary Reeves motioned, seconded by Barbara Walters, that we build in a member discount in the conference fee. The group accepted this motion. Fees could be raised, if necessary, to provide the discount. Based on the Board’s decision, the $1500 budgeted item was deleted.

An amount of $1500 had been proposed for partial conference scholarships. This was an endeavor to get new counties represented in NCMGVA. However, the discussion showed a desire to encourage membership through agents and personal contact. George Quigley moved, seconded by Millie Boyd, that we remove this item until we try a tiered county approach to get counties to be represented in NCMGVA. The group accepted this motion. We will approach counties via email to join NCMGVA.

The proposed budget also included $1500 to start a Competitive Matching Grants program with the NCMGVA offering matching funds for county projects on a competitive basis. Sheliah voiced that this is a very promising idea. After more background research, perhaps we could budget for it next year. Beth Nelson suggested that we allocate a small amount ($250) for this year as a pilot and consider expansion of the program next year, depending on the interest. The majority of the group agreed. Millie Boyd will chair a committee composed of Bob Kellam, Beth Nelson, and Carroll Gaissert to develop criteria for a Matching Grants program. They will report at the spring board meeting.

A $795 budget item was proposed to undertake a teleconferencing pilot, as a means of promoting greater participation in the Board meetings. After discussion, the group felt that this item should not be funded. The reasoning was that the group was too large for teleconferencing to be feasible and that personal contact would be lost. Some interest was expressed, however, in making phone conferencing available to the various committees to help facilitate their work. Bob will work on a revised proposal for the Spring meeting.

The proposed budget was cut by $2500 to make it more in line with our present financial status. Barbara Walters motioned, seconded by Edna Gaston, that the revised budget be accepted. The motion was accepted. See the attached adopted budget.

In the President’s Remarks, Shirley asked Gloria Polakof to continue to contact counties to get delegates to the board meetings. Gloria‘s efforts are rewarded with this being a well attended meeting. The president thanked all board members for their time and efforts in making our organization thrive in serving our communities and state. She then distributed the annual reports assembled by the officers and committee chairs for 2007.

Cindi Lauderdale, Wilson County Agent, made an announcement regarding a Garden Expo, Landscape and Trade Show and Green Scaping classes to be held in or near their county.

Bob Kellam expressed thanks to Jeff Morton (Onslow), Cindi Lauderdale (Wilson) and Shawn Banks (Johnston)who as county agents attended this meeting. The group agreed that NCMGVA should make an endeavor to get the electronic newsletter to all county agents. We also should encourage the use of agents to do workshops and to develop better relationships with all Cooperative agents.

The President reminded the board of future board meetings: April 28, 2008 in Moore County and August 11, 2008 in Brunswick County, site of the 2008 NCMGVA state conference.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Brenda Bernhardt

NCMGVA Recording Secretary