An experimental investigation on flow through a permeable structure[(]

Chen-Yuan Chen1,Cheng-Wu chen2,and Chung-Pan Lee 1

1 Department of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University Kaohsiung, 80424 Taiwan, R.O.C.

2 Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, No. 38, Wu-chuan Li

Chung-li, Taoyuan, Taiwan 320, R.O.C.


This paper describes an experimental study in which flow through permeable structure of porous media under a constant head permeability device. Porous characteristics such as the intrinsic permeability and resistance characteristics in porous media with different grain sizes and shapes have been studied experimentally in this paper. Two materials used in the study are well-sorted gravels and uniform polycarbonate spheres with four (60% passing size through the sieve) of 5.2mm, 7.4mm, 12.2mm, and 31.7mm for gravels and diameters of 13.0mm, 16.0mm, 25.0mm, and 35.0mm for spheres, respectively. The intrinsic permeability concluded from this study shows a strong dependence on flow velocity. This is inconsistent with the traditional definition of intrinsic permeability that is only a function of grain size which is determined by linear Darcy Law. On the other hand, if the resistance force in porous media is quantified by the sum of linear frictional drag and nonlinear form drag the turbulent friction coefficient shows a similar trend as that of Shields curve. The authors analyze the experimental data using a experienced equation and compare with a newly derived equation. Results indicate that the intrinsic permeability changes significantly as the grain size, shapes, and Reynolds number vary and are not constant value in an approximately uniform flow field. Results also show that resistance characteristic is a function of the Reynolds number and it decreases with increases of porosity.

KEY WORDS: porous media, intrinsic permeability, turbulent coefficient, uniform polycarbonate spheres, convergence, divergence, and porosity.


With the development of international trade and transportation in recent decades, many harbors around the world have had vertical concrete quay-walls for ship berthing and shipment handling. These structures are designed based on geo-technical and structural stability at a specified load level and risk measurement. Field measurements indicate that this kind of quay-wall reflects about 85% of the incident wave energy back to the harbor basin. How to reduce the unnecessary oscillations in the harbor and improve the tranquility has become a most desirable tank. The building along coastlines in the harbor of various permeable structures for the energy dissipation of inner harbor waves, such as perforated caisson-type seawalls, crib-type breakwater, piled barriers, and slotted vertical walls, has been suggested. It is required that reflection from these structures be minimized. As a result of the requirements for effective seawall structures, theoretical models involving wave-energy dissipation have been developed (Evans, 1990; Evans and Linton, 1991).

The objective of many papers is focused on the experimental studies of the reflection characteristics of porous seawalls. Wave reflection and transmission through a permeable structure has been studied widely, especially after the theoretical study on a crib-type breakwater by Sollitt and Cross (1972). Seawalls with porous toe, caissons on rubble foundation, rubble-mound breakwaters, and submerged porous breakwaters are some types of typical permeable structures. Permeable structures protect lee-side wave attack by reflecting and dissipating wave energy through the viscosity-induced resistance in the porous media. Submerged breakwaters in addition may trigger the early breaking of incident waves and dissipate most of the energy. Because of the submergence of the breakwater, its application on protecting coastal area may attract more attention for environmental concern. The reflected waves and the dissipated wave energy are strongly affected by water depth, wave properties such as period and height, and structure properties. The major properties of permeable structures are porosity, intrinsic permeability, size distribution and shape function of the components of the porous media.

These factors also determine the stability of the structures, reflection and/or transmission, wave run-up and run-down, etc, under wave attack in a given water depth. A study to optimize the cost of constructing a secure and efficient structure is usually needed. This requires an understanding and prediction of the flow inside and outside the structure and the force distribution on the structure under given wave conditions. Unfortunately, at the present time, only very simplified structure geometries (e.g., crib-type breakwaters: Sollitt and Cross, 1972) can be examined analytically. And most of the numerical methods have been developed only for specific structures. Therefore, many design problems concerning characteristics inside porous media are still solved by empirical equations such as Hudson equation or by experimental tests.

Owing to the importance of the factors, researches about characteristics including porosity, grain-size and shape are demanded immediate attention. At the present time, only very simplified empirical equations concept suggested by Ward (1964), Dinoy (1971), and Sollitt and Cross (1972) have been enormously useful in analyzing both intrinsic permeability and resistance coefficient. According to previous results, it is shown that the permeability scales directly proportional to the square of the length ratio, and the turbulent coefficient are the same in similar materials (Ward, 1964; Sollitt and Cross, 1972). The parameter of intrinsic permeability plays a crucial role in many of the calculations and formula of the hydraulic engineering fieldthat deal with fluid flow through porous media. Although this permeability factor and the turbulent coefficient have long been accepted as a constant for any particular media, experiments have shown that they do vary and are not constant as was previously assumed (Cherry and Freeze, 1979).

The study of the convective transport properties of fluid in porous media is a fundamental issue both theoretically and technologically. Many different models have been developed to define a suitable set of geometrical parameters able to describe the complex interplay between geometry, connectivity and transport properties. Fluid flow in porous media takes place within complicated boundaries that makes the rigorous solution of the Navier-Stokes equations practically impossible. Frisch et al. (1986) introduced a cellular automaton fluid model to solve the Navier-Stokes equations numerically. When flow through a porous medium is in the regime of low Reynolds number, Darcy's Law is often applicable (Dullien, 1979). This law is given by. This linear relationship, between the volumetric flow rate per unit area Q and the applied pressure divided by the length of the sample, is used to define the permeability K of the medium, provided that the dynamic viscosity of the fluid is known. A property of porous systems frequently considered is the porosity that is the volume fraction of void space. Some effort has been made to elucidate the nature of the exponent for the power law that relates the permeability to the porosity, in some simple porous systems.

2. theory

2.1 Deriving a Empirical Equation

Porous media are modeled by the addition of a momentum source term to the standard fluid flow equations. The source term is composed of two parts, a viscous loss term (Darcy), and an inertial loss term


where is the source term for the i-th (x, y, or z) momentum equation, and D and C are prescribed matrices. are the velocity components in the x, y, and z directions, and is the density of water. This momentum sink contributes to the pressure gradient in the porous cell, creating a pressure drop that is proportional to the fluid velocity (or velocity squared) in the cell.

To recover the case of simple homogeneous porous media


whereis the permeability and C2 is the inertial resistance factor, simply specify D and C as diagonal matrices withand C2, respectively, on the diagonals (and zero for the other elements).

In laminar flows through porous media, the pressure drop is typically proportional to velocity and the constant C2 can be considered to be zero. Ignoring convective acceleration and diffusion, the porous media model then reduces to Darcy's Law given by . Where is the pressure gradient, the fluid viscosity, K the permeability, and the superficial velocity. The equation is known as Darcy's law. In an external force field, Darcy's law may be extended as . Forchheimer (1901) was the first to point out that the departure of predictions by Darcy's law from measurements may be due largely to the kinetic effect of fluid which is not included in the models for small Reynolds number flows. For this reason, he suggested that a term representing the kinetic energy of fluid,, be included in Darcy's Law equation, i.e., . Accordingly, the parameter a is called the Forchheimer constant or parameter. Ward (1964) had studied the expression for Forchheimer constant, and the most widely used expression for it is that given by, where is the so-called Ergun constant. Although the Ergun constant is dimensionless, it is not a universal constant and is often found to vary with changes in porosity and structure of the porous medium. The Ergun equation is often written in the vector form in the literature as (Nield and Bejan, 1992)


Empirically, skin friction is proportional to, and the form drag is proportional to. The equation was established by Ward (1964) for large porous media in steady flows. The virtual force is proportional to. Thus, a permeable structure is considered to be anisotropic but homogeneous. The equation of motion for a steady, non-convective flow in large grain permeable media can be written as (Sollitt and Cross, 1972)


where j =1,2 in a two dimension flow field, g is acceleration due to gravity, is the kinematic viscosity, is the dimensionless turbulent coefficient, k is intrinsic permeability, x1= x, x2= z where the origin of the coordinate system is at the still water level, u1=u, u2=w, and is the pressure. is called the virtual mass coefficient. The form drag and the virtual force are similar to those in the Morison equation (Steimer and Sollitt, 1978). The viscous drag forces dissipate energy. On the other hand, the virtual force (also called inertia drag) can be considered to contribute to the kinetic energy of an added mass that does not dissipate energy.

2.2 Deriving a New Equation

Consider flow field within a multi-layered anisotropic but homogeneous permeable structure, it is shown as Fig. 1.

In a flow field of uniform flow speed along the streamlines, if streamlines diverge, divergence is occurring; if the streamlines converge, convergence is taking place. Normally, the convergence and divergence components are combined inside porous media. Therefore, a fluid moving through a body shown as figure above experiences a drag force, which is usually divided into two components: frictional drag (sometimes called viscous drag) and form drag (sometimes called pressure drag). The corresponding frictional drag is in the form as given by Newton’s viscosity law as. The bulk volume of a permeable structure is the sum of the volume of grains and pores, and the solid volume is the volume of grains. Consequently, Bulk Volume = Solid Volume + Volume of Pores, and the number of grains = Solid Volume÷ volume of each grain (Particle global volume). They are given as the following

Solid Volume = cross sectional area A of the meterial sample × length L of the pore media through which flow occurs.

Particle global volume = spherical volume =

The surface force can then be expressed as

Surface force = (Dimensionless sheer coefficient) × (Sheer stress) × (Particle number) × (Sphere volume)


where is hydraulic radius. D is particle diameter, is porosity. L is length of the flow path the pore media in flow which occurs.

In addition, form drag is associated with the pressure difference of the frontal area and the lee side of a grain. It can be estimated from the Bernoulli equation to obtain. The bulk drag force is calculated by integrating pressure over the area of the body.

(stagnation pressure) × (frontal area)

Let equal to the factor of proportionality, then leads to, where is a dimensionless drag coefficient, which is function of body shape and turbulent state (Reynolds number). is frontal area, perpendicular to u. This result in


3. Conclusion

This experiment has been discussed before, as the porous pressure is larger in small-sized grain, which leads to larger differences in water head, and thereby puts a limit on the Reynolds number of materials with small-sized particles. This experiment had overcome the problem of the Reynolds number and using simple experimental data to find relevant information. It is hoped that we can further understand the porous material and the true relationship between intrinsic permeability and the drag coefficient. However, the real data on two other, where porosity =0.32, 0.49 and 0.12, still await analysis. Therefore, the authors have continued to step up the pace on further research and discussion of this problem so that we can find an appropriate relationship model.


The authors wish to acknowledge the support of National Science Foundation, R.O.C., under Grant Number NSC89-2611-E-110-019 and Mr. W.Q. Ker, National Sun Yat-sen University, for technical advice.


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