Consultation Response from
Nature Conservation & Ecology Officer
To: / Development Management / Our ref: / MG/11/05891/0001. ECO /From: / Nature Conservation & Ecology / Application
Reference: / 11/05891/STPLF /
/ Date of Response: / 06 February 2012 /
/ Site Visit Date: /
Site Address: / Elm Tree Farm Brigham East Riding Of Yorkshire /
Applicant: / L Foster And Son /
I note that the Natural England (NE) response 42354 dated 23 January 2012 shows that they are satisfied that the application is not likely to have a significant effect upon the River Hull Headwaters Site of Special Scientific interest (SSSI)
The applicant has provided a Protected Species Survey and Bird Assessment that has been undertaken by E3 Ecology Ltd. The assessment has followed appropriate guidance and current best practice to evaluate the ecological effects associated with the proposed scheme. On the basis of the information provided within the report, it can be determined that the immediate area of the development is of low ecological value and it is unlikely that the proposed development will cause significant harm to any protected species.
However recommendations are made in the report for the implementation of mitigation measures to minimise or avoid negative ecological impacts. I would advise that these recommendations should be imposed as a condition of any planning approval.
Furthermore the proposed turbine is sited in accordance with the guidance provided in the Natural England Technical Information Notes: TIN051 - Bats and onshore wind turbines and TIN059 - Bats and single large wind turbines. I would therefore advise that the proposal is unlikely to have an adverse effect in respect of bat species as no part of the rotor swept area is within 50m of habitat features for bats.
However if the LPA receives any representations from other parties that highlight the possible presence of protected or Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species on the site you may need to request further survey information from the applicant before determining the application.
Condition : No development shall take place unless in strict accordance with the Mitigation Requirements set out in section D4 of the Protected Species Survey and Bird Assessment ( Elm Tree Farm., Brigham, E3 Ecology Ltd, October 2011). Any variation thereto shall be agreed in writing by the local planning authority before such change is made.
Reason: In accordance with the recommendations of the Protected Species Survey forming part of the application, to conserve protected species and their habitat and to comply with the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC) 2006
Martin George
Hedgerows, Nature Conservation and Ecology Officer