Mr. Braverman’s Government/Economics Policies and Procedures for Success
“Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.”
-Thomas Jefferson
Dear Parents and Students,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to a new year of Government/Economics. This is a required class for all seniors and must be passed in order to graduate high school. Government/Economics is an overview of how our government and economy work at local, state, federal and worldwide levels.
This course prepares students to become responsible/aware members of American society. It is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to critically evaluate issues that affect our government and economy. Students will learn to assess historical resources in regards to significance, viewpoint, and reliability, while gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of how this country operates. Students will also develop the skills necessary to form conclusions based on fact and to present their conclusions in multiple clear and persuasive formats.
In order to ensure success in my class, certain guidelines need to be followed. It is recommended that each student get a notebook or journal and blue or black pens. Unless given permission (ex. multiple choice tests), the use of pencils is not allowed. GLITTER IS NEVER OK. DON’T USE GLITTER!!!
Note: The following policies for grading, late work, absent work, etc. have been established by the Social Science Department and are consistent among all Social Science teachers.
Late Work Policy:
All assignments are due at the beginning of class. No late work is accepted(unless prior accommodations have been made). Students who have extracurricular, family, or other obligations are encouraged to speak to the teacher and ask for upcoming assignments and complete assignments ahead of time.
Absent Work:
After an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to:
•Visit the class website or ask a classmate for any assignment information or notes.
•Pick up any assignments.
•Schedule make-up exams or quizzes.
The due dates for absent work are as follows:
•If the assignment was due the day the student was absent, the assignment is due the day a student returns from an excused absence.
•A student gets one day per day of excused absence to make up an assignment after returning to class before it is considered late. It is up to the student to monitor this deadline.
•No extratime is given to projects/assignments unless there is an extreme circumstance.
No late work is accepted for students with unexcused absences.
Make-Up Exams or Quizzes:
Students with excused absences must schedule their make-up exam or quiz upon returning to class. Make-up exams and quizzes can only be administered before school or during lunch within two days upon returning to class. No make-up exams or quizzes are given to students with unexcused absences.
There are certain expectations in my classroom that will be met by all students.
1)In order to be treated with respect, one must first give respect. I will treat all students with respect and in turn I expect that all students will treat the other students, themselves, and me, with the same respect.
2)No use of electronic devices at all unless given permission by the teacher.
3)All work must be neat and legible. If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it.
4)Plagiarism/cheating of any kind will result in an automatic 0 on that assignment.
The grade breakdown is as follows:
Assessments= 30%
Projects= 30%
Classwork/Homework= 20%
Participation= 10%
Final= 10%
The Grading Scale is as follows:
89.5%-100%= A
79.5%-89.4%= B
69.5%-79.4%= C
59.5%-69.4%= D
0%-59.4%= F
Thank you for reading and understanding my classroom expectations. Complying with the above guidelines will result in a happy and successful school year.
Please sign below that you have read and understood the above information and return by Friday.
Parent Name (Print)Parent SignatureDate
Student Name (Print)Student SignatureDate Period