South Kirkby and Moorthorpe Town Council – Minutes -2016/2017

Town Council – 8th February 2017

In attendance:-

TJ Allsopp RRC – Chair of Environment and Planning Committee

Mrs J Cole - Chair of Recreation Committee

Mrs M Collins

Mrs C Cormack

L Harrison

DE Mothershaw – Leader of the Council and Chair of Finance and Resources Committee

A Redfern

R Redfern

C Robinson – Deputy Leader of the Council and Vice Chair of Finance and Resources Committee

Mrs E Sykes

J Treacy – Chair of Grants Committee and Vice Chair of Recreation Committee

Mrs L Whitehouse – Deputy Town Mayor and Vice Chair of Grants Committee

247 Apologies for Absence

Resolved that apologies for absence were received and approved in respect of Cllr Mrs M Burkinshaw and Cllr Mrs P Evans. The reasons for absence were noted by the Town Clerk.

The Town Clerk reported that apologies had not been received from the other absent member, namely, Cllr Mrs C Cormack.

248 Town Council Minutes

Resolved that the minutes of the following meetings as detailed in Minute Book No. 4 (2016/2017) be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Town Mayor:

Town Council – 7th December 2016

249 Code of Conduct – Members’ Interests

The Town Clerk reported that no member present had informed him of any interests to declare under the code of conduct adopted at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council held on 3rd May 2016, in accordance with section 27 of the Localism Act 2011.

250 Dispensations

The Town Clerk reported that no dispensation requests had been received in respect of this meeting.

251 Public Forum

Mrs Janet Spencer and Mrs Susan Lester were in attendance and raised their concerns about the proposed route for HS2.

252 Town Mayor’s Communications under Standing Order 13(E)

The Town Clerk reported that the Town Mayor had received two items of correspondence from the Westfield Centre Food Bank – one being the chairman’s annual report and the other being a request for possible funding.

Town Council – 8th February 2017


Resolved that the request for funding be referred to the Grants Committee.

253 Members’ Questions under Standing Order 13(f)

Cllr Allsopp enquired whether a complaint had been received regarding Cllr Harrison. The Town Clerk confirmed that a complaint had been received but that no details could be divulged at this stage due to confidentiality.

Cllr Allsopp enquired as to whether the council’s grant application form asks for confirmation of DBS checks being in place, where appropriate. The Town Clerk confirmed that the form does not but that the matter could be referred to the Grants Committee for review.

Resolved that the matter be referred to the Grants Committee for review.

254 Committee Meetings - Minutes

Resolved that the Minutes of the following committee meetings as detailed in Minute Book No 4 (2016/2017) be received and adopted:-

Environment and Planning Committee 11th January 2017

Recreation Committee 11th January 2017

Finance and Resources Committee 25th January 2017

255 Precept 2017-2018

The Town Clerk reported on the discussion regarding the budget and according precept for 2017-2018 at the Finance and Resources Committee meeting held on 25th January 2017 – minute no. 239 (2016/2017).

The Town Clerk and the Responsible Financial Officer confirmed the council’s current financial position, the reduced council tax base and the financial pressures of the coming year – in particular the staff pension costs and the level of reserves. The Town Clerk and the Responsible Financial Officer recommended that the council exercise caution and at least maintain the same ‘Band D’ level for 2017-2018 and consider a modest increase.

Cllr Mrs Collins proposed a ‘Band D’ figure of £306.38 which was seconded by Cllr Treacy.

Cllr Allsopp proposed to maintain the ‘Band D’ figure at its current level of £311.05 which was seconded by Cllr Harrison.

Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk and the Responsible Financial Officer be received and that the Town Council levy a Precept in the sum of £812,224 for the year ended 31 March 2018, thereby reducing the annual ‘Band D’ figure from £311.05 to £306.38.

256 Summer Play Scheme 2017

Resolved that the details of this year’s summer play scheme be as follows:

·  Duration: 31st July to 25th August (inc.).

Town Council – 8th February 2017


·  Age range: 8-14 years of age.

·  Start/finish times for children: 9.30am – 3.30pm.

·  Start/finish times for staff: 9am – 4pm.

·  Location: South Kirkby Colliery Welfare Club, Stockingate, South Kirkby.

·  Trips to Howell Wood will continue to be organised by Outdoor Action for Kids (OAK) and the Forest School.

·  Entrance to the scheme will be free irrespective of whether the child resides in the parish or not.

Resolved that Mr Robert Peart be authorised to recruit 12 suitably appropriate members of staff for the play scheme.

Resolved that Mr Peart be commended for his continued sterling work on the scheme.

257 ‘Pit Wheels’

Resolved that the former pit wheels be used and moved to prominent locations in the parish to promote local coal mining heritage.

258 War Memorial

The Town Clerk reported that the refurbishment and engraving of the war memorial was on schedule for the unveiling on 31st March 2017. The Town Clerk also reported that the daughter of former mayor, Albert Winter, Mrs Tracie Hargrave, had requested that as her father’s ashes are located in the environs of the war memorial whether the council would consider some sort of memorial plaque to him.

Resolved that Mrs Hargrave’s request be approved provided she meets the cost and that she be invited to the unveiling on 31st March 2017.

259 Community Bus

Resolved that as of 1st April 2017 the fare for non-parishioners for journeys in the SESKU area be increased to £2 in view of the fact that the residents of South Kirkby and Moorthorpe subsidise the bus service via their precept.

260 Referendum Principles – Town/Parish Councils

The Town Clerk reported that the Government has confirmed that the referendum principles that currently apply to principal authorities will not apply to town/parish councils in 2017-2018 but that the matter is under continual review.

Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved.

261 1918 Great War Commemoration

Resolved that a working group be set up in conjunction with the local Royal British Legion to make recommendations to the council for the centennial commemoration of the end of the Great War in November 2018.

262 Hedgehogs

Town Council – 8th February 2017


Resolved that the council supports the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

263 Exclusion of press and public

Resolved that members of the press and the public be excluded for the consideration of business of a confidential nature, as per the Public Bodies Admissions to Meetings Act 1960.

264 Mayoral Security

Cllr A Redfern provided details of the offer from SESKU Academy to provide mayoral security.

Resolved that the report of Cllr A Redfern be noted and approved.