Minutes of Regular Meeting

June 6, 2016

The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, June 6, 2016, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina.

Members present: Jim Burgin, Chairman

Gordon Springle, Vice Chairman

Abe Elmore, Commissioner

Barbara McKoy, Commissioner

Joe Miller, Commissioner

Staff present: Joseph Jeffries, County Manager

Paula Stewart, Deputy County Manager

Dwight Snow, County Attorney

Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer

Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk

Chairman Burgin called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Vice Chairman Springle led the pledge of allegiance and invocation.

Chairman Burgin called for additions and deletions to the published agenda. Commissioner Miller moved to approve the agenda as published. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Chairman Burgin presented Pat Godwin with a Proclamation Congratulating Godwin Manufacturing on 50 Years of Business in Harnett County. Also present were son Pat Godwin Jr. and daughter Phyllis Norris. Mr. Godwin addressed the group.

Commissioner Elmore moved to approve the following items listed on the consent agenda. Vice Chairman Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

  1. Minutes: May 16, 2016 Regular Meeting
  1. Budget Amendments:

412 School Project CP1501 Fund

Code 308-8300-480-47-51 Safety & Security 14,709 increase

308-8300-314-50-00 Sales tax 14,709 increase

414 Public Utilities Fund

Code 568-9100-431-90-30 Public Utilities 305,265 increase

568-0000-356-91-03 Reimbursement 304,630 increase

568-0000-361-10-00 Interest 635 increase

416 Highland Middle School Project CP1301

Code 331-8300-480-90-03 Capital Project 2,400,000 increase

331-8300-480-45-20 Legal 281 decrease

331-8300-480-45-33 Materials & Supplies 7,161 decrease

331-8300-480-46-01 Residual Equity 614,720 decrease

331-8300-480-47-26 Construction Contract 5 14,517 decrease

331-8300-480-47-35 Construction other 22,518 decrease

331-8300-480-47-49 Land Acquisition 54 decrease

331-8300-480-47-54 Furniture 414,940 decrease

331-8300-480-47-55 Technology 24 decrease

331-8300-480-47-62 Contingency 70,303 decrease

331-0000-370-82-11 Other Financing Resources/QSCB 1,650,883 increase

330-0000-370-82-12 LOB 167,839 decrease

330-0000-361-50-00 Interest 732 increase

330-0000-314-50-00 Sales Tax 228,294 decrease

419 Solid Waste Dunn-Erwin Corrective Project Fund

Code 583-8300-461-46-01 Residual Equity 184 increase

583-8300-461-45-68 Technical – GEO 12 decrease

583-8300-461-45-30 Engineering 1 decrease

583-0000-461-45-20 Legal 1 decrease

583-0000-361-90-03 Interest- NCCM 169 increase

583-0000-314-50-00 Sales Tax 1 increase

421 Airport Capital Project 1405

Code 333-8300-406-45-01 Project/Construction 489 increase

333-0000-314-50-00 Sales Tax Refunds- Project 489 increase

422 Airport Capital Project 1303

Code 302-8300-406.45-01 Project/Construction 1 increase

302-8300-406.45-80 Project/Contingency 58,362 increase

302-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refunds – Project 58,363 increase

423 Animal Capital Project 1404

Code 332-8300-406.45-01 Project Construction 3,980 increase

332-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refunds- Project 3,980 increase

428 Special Districts Fund

Code 242-8022-420.82-30 Crains Creek Sales Tax 1,025 increase

242-8024-420.82-30 Benson/Banner Creek 125 increase

242-8035-420.82-30 West Johnston 3,025 increase

242-0000-313.30-00 Other Taxes- NC Sales Tax 4,175 increase

430 General Fund JCPC

Code 110-5899-420-32-64 ReEntry Healthy Choices 3,000 increase

110-0000-334-41-08 ReEntry Healthy Choices 3,000 increase

431 IT Department

Code 240-5900-420-74-74 Capital Outlay Equipment 54,383 increase

240-0000-399-00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 54,383 increase

433 General Fund Cooperative Extension

Code 110-0000-465-74-74 Capital Outlay 23,417 increase

110-0000-334-73-24 Revenue- 4H Teen Court 23,417 increase

434 Cooperative Extension

Code 110-7301-465-60-33 Materials & Supplies 2,840 increase

110-7301-465-30-22 Indirect Cost 283 increase

110-0000-334-43-01 Child Care Resource 3,123 increase

436 Public Utilities Fund

Code 531-9000-431-50-00 Capital Lease Districts 975,586 increase

531-9000-431-86-31 Debt Service Interest 6,417 increase

531-9000-431-87-31 Debt Service Principal 592,810 increase

531-0000-340-20-10 Water Sales 1,574,813 increase

437 Southwest Water Fund

Code 537-9006-431-86-31 Debt Service Interest 1,770 increase

537-9006-431-87-31 Debt Service Principal 457,001 increase

537-0000-357-00-00 Capital Lease Revenue 458,771 increase

438 Bunnlevel W&S Fund

Code 538-9007-431-86-31 Debt Service Interest 85 increase

538-9007-431-87-31 Debt Service Principal 22,256 increase

538-0000-357-00-00 Capital Lease Program 22,341 increase

439 South Central W&S Fund

Code 534-9003-431-86-31 Debt Service Interest 1,307 increase

534-9003-431-87-31 Debt Service Principal 342,744 increase

534-0000-357-00-00 Capital Lease Program 344,051 increase

440 North East Metro Fund

Code 532-9001-431-86-31 Debt Service Interest 423 increase

532-9001-431-87-31 Debt Service Principal 150,000 increase

532-0000-357-00-00 Capital Lease Revenue 150,423 increase

  1. Tax rebates, refunds and releases (Attachment 1)
  1. Resolutions to add roads to state system (Attachment 2 & 3)
  1. Harnett County Cooperative Extension requested permission to accept additional grant funds in the amount of $3,123 from the Chatham County Partnership for Children (formerly Child Care Networks) to aid in the continual programming of the Child Care Resource program.
  1. 2016 Elder Abuse Awareness Day Proclamation
  1. Harnett County Social Services requested approval to reclassify a vacant Social Worker II position (grade 67 $37,164) in the Work First Unit to an Income Maintenance Caseworker II position (grade 63 $31,405) in Adult Services. The reclassified position would serve as the lead Transportation Coordinator for the Medicaid Transportation Unit in Adult Services and does not require additional funds in DSS current budget. The NC Office of State Human Resources approved the reclassification of this position and the job description.
  1. Harnett County Tax Department requested approval to contract with Pope Law Group to assist with delinquent collections including foreclosures. Pope Law Group would also serve as a legal advisor on matters pertaining to the collection of property taxes. All associated fees pertaining to this service are remaining the same as with the prior attorney; no additional funding is needed.
  1. A Resolution to Establish a Policy on Credit Allocation for Partial Payments of Ad Valorem Taxes in Harnett County. (Attachment 4)
  1. Harnett County IT/GIS and Emergency Services requested adoption of the proposed Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Operations and User Policy. This policy governs county government usage of UAS equipment in both normal and emergency situations. Harnett County will conduct UAS operations und the guidelines as outlined by FAA. All rules and regulations pursuant to FFA guidelines will be followed explicitly under the letter of the law. Additionally, the aircraft and all persons associated will meet all state and local guidelines.
  1. Order for the Tax Administrator to advertise, pursuant to NCGS 105-369, unpaid taxes for the fiscal year 2015-2016 that constitutes a lien on real property. The unpaid county taxes on real property, as of May 27, 2016, were $645,509.33.
  1. Harnett County Health Director requested approval to enter into a contract with Clifton Larson Allen, LLP, to sell the Home Health Program.

Chairman Burgin opened the floor for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. No one spoke. Chairman Burgin recognized the new Daily Record reporter Shaun Savarese.

There were no appointments.

Anna Peele, Administrative Assistant for General Services, petitioned the Board for a public hearing regarding the 2016-2017 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Commerce Fellows – Building Community through Capacity and Knowledge. Mrs. Peele said the Community Development Program, which is part of General Services, applies for grants to assist elderly and disabled citizens and low to moderate income individuals with home rehabilitation needs throughout Harnett County. She noted as a requirement to apply for the Commerce Fellows Building Community through Capacity and Knowledge Program Grant a public hearing must be held to give citizens the opportunity to provide comments on Harnett County’s use of CDBG funds.

Mrs. Peele said, if approved to apply and awarded, the funds would be utilized to enable a local administrator to participate in professional development courses which will include grant writing, planning, budgeting, leadership development and economic development at East Carolina University. Mrs. Peele noted as a participant in this program the County will also be given technical assistance from ECU faculty and staff who will come into our community to assist in developing a sustainable program. General Services requested approval of the grant application, following the public hearing, for the full grant amount of $50,000 which does not require a local match.

Chairman Burgin called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Seeing no one move, Chairman Burgin closed the public hearing. Vice Chairman Springle moved to approve the application as presented. Commissioner Elmore seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Harnett County General Services also requested approval of the updated Harnett County Language Access Plan as required by the NC Department of Commerce, Rural Economic Development CDBG program in order to apply for funding. Commissioner Elmore moved to approve the updated Harnett County Language Access Plan as presented. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Jeffries petitioned the board for a public hearing regarding the 2016-2017 proposed budget ordinance. Mr. Jeffries said in accordance with the NC General Statutes staff presented the Board with a FY 2016-2017 balanced budget for consideration with no fund balance appropriation and no tax increase. He noted the only change from the original proposed budget was a new Evidence Technician position in the Sheriff’s Department.

Chairman Burgin called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public.

-  Lewis Weatherspoon of 180 Allen Street in Angier, who said he was also representing

The Town of Angier as their Mayor, distributed a handout detailing Angier Parks and Recreation’s 2015-2016 Participation to commissioners. Mr. Weatherspoon requested that the County consider additional funding to supplemental the needs and additional facilities and programs in Angier’s Parks and Recreation Program. He also said the Town of Angier would welcome the opportunity to work with the County to facilitate a county-wide library system.

Seeing no one else move Chairman Burgin closed the public hearing. Vice Chairman Springle moved to approve the 2016-2017 proposed budget ordinance as presented. Commissioner Elmore seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioners commented on the budget and thanked staff for their hard work.

Mr. Jeffries petitioned the board for a public hearing regarding the proposed economic development appropriations as set forth in the proposed Harnett County, North Carolina budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016. The total proposed expenditure budget for economic development matters is $1,107,566.00. Of that amount there are two specific incentives to be paid pursuant to previously adopted Economic Development Incentive Agreements in the form of a partial reimbursement of local ad valorem taxes paid by the applicants. Those specific incentives are as follows:

a)  The Rooms To Go Distribution Company, LLC Agreement for the new Rooms

To Go facility in Dunn, NC (up to $240,000); and

b)  The Dunn Hospitality Ventures, LLC Agreement for the new Fairfield Inn &

Suites facility in Dunn, NC (up to $33,750).

Chairman Burgin clarified that the Economic Development incentives are property taxes that those companies have paid and then a portion of that property tax is given back to them as an incentive. Chairman Burgin called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Seeing no one move Chairman Burgin closed the public hearing. Commissioner Miller moved to approve the 2016-2017 economic development appropriations as presented. Commissioner Elmore seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Jeffries presented the following reports:

- Harnett County Financial Summary Report – April, 2016 (last page of the Financials are

the Board of Education numbers based on the most recent data that is available from

their website)

- Sales Tax Analysis By Article

- Development Services Report - April 2016

Chairman Burgin commented on the financials provided.

Chairman Burgin called for any new business. Vice Chairman Springle moved to cancel the July 5, 2016 regular meeting of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Commissioner McKoy moved that the Board go into closed session for the following purposes:

1)  To instruct the County staff concerning the position to be taken by the County in negotiating a proposed employment contract; and

2)  To consult with the County’s legal staff in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege concerning the handling of certain claims including the following litigation, “Jeffries, et al vs County of Harnett vs Andrews”, Harnett County File No. 11 CVS 1187; and

3)  To discuss economic development

This motion was made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143-318.11(a)(5)(3)&(4).

Vice Chairman Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Commissioner Miller moved that the Board come out of closed session. Vice Chairman Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Commissioner Elmore moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm. Vice Chairman Springle seconded the meeting which passed unanimously.


Jim Burgin, Chairman Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk

June 6, 2016, Regular Meeting Minutes

Harnett County Board of Commissioners

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