National Student Clearinghouse (NSC)ReportingLast updated 7/18/18

The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is used for requesting of enrollment verifications by students and outside entities, requesting of official transcripts, and also, monthly enrollment reporting. Enrollment reports are due to the NSC multiple times throughout the semesters (recommended monthly for enrollment reporting, at least once a semester for degree file) and are populated in Campus Connection. NSC connects with the National Student Loan Data System for Students (NSLDS) to report enrollment information for federal financial aid purposes.

1-Instructions to Create a Statistics Period and Process Consolidated Statistics(completed prior to term, monthly during the term, and end of term)

Create the new Statistics Period: Records and EnrollmentEnrollment ReportingConsolidated StatisticsDefine Statistics Period

  • Create a new statistics period by clicking on the ‘Add a New Value’ tab
  • Name the Academic Statistics Period. Below is an example of one named to create a preliminary fall submission, FA_2017_P. The first of term submission may be identified with a ‘A’ indicated, such as FA_2017_A.
  • Click on the ‘Add’ button.

  • Add a description. This shows in the upper left hand corner when you create your NSC Report.
  • Select the consolidation trigger ‘Consolidation Date’.
  • Populate a date that fits within the first day and last day of the term, in order to ensure you are getting data for the term you are reporting for.
  • If you create a preliminary fall file and use the first day of the term, when you create the next submission, you’ll use the next day.
  • For example when you create FA_2017_P, you’ll use 8/21/2017 and when you create FA_2017_A, you’ll use 8/22/2017 as the date. If you use the same date as the previous statistics period, you won’t get any updates to the data.
  • For any submissions after your FA_2017_A, use the current date that you are reporting for (ie- If you are running your FA_2017_B report on 9/5/2017, use that date)

Process Consolidated Statistics: Records and EnrollmentEnrollment ReportingConsolidated StatisticsProcess Consolidated Statistics

  • Create a run control by clicking on the ‘Add a New Value’.
  • Populate the Run Control ID with a unique name. Click the ‘Add’ button.

  • Populate the Academic Statistics Period with the one you created above. The first one you run for the term will not have a ‘Prev Stats NSC’ populated. However, the next statistics created for the term, such as FA_2017_A, you would populate the run control below with FA_2017_A as the ‘Academic Statistics Period’ and FA_2017_P as the ‘Prev Stats NSC’.
  • Click on ‘SAVE’ to save your run control.
  • Click on ‘Run’ to run the process.

  • Check the ‘Take Term Statistics Snapshot’ process first, and click on the ‘OK’ button.

  • After that process runs to Success and is Posted, then select the ‘Consolidate Acad Statistics’ process next, and click on the ‘OK’ button.
  • After that process completes, you may go in the Process Monitor and see the details of the file that was created. Click on the ‘Details’ link.
  • Click on the ‘View Log/Trace’ link.
  • Click on the .log file.
  • Note that the file size will always be 286 bytes.
  • View the details of the process.
  • Create your NSC Report: Records and EnrollmentEnrollment ReportingNSC Report.
    Update the Academic Statistics Period and the file name on the output line:

Once the report is showing as posted in your Process Monitor, follow the steps on the page 12 to edit and upload your file to NSC.

2-NSC Report Error Resolution (completed after each NSC Consolidated Statistics Run)

Once the file is uploaded to the NSC, the file will be processedand an email notification will be sent to inform you that the file has been processed and to review your Error Resolution Report. Once processed, errors will need to be corrected in NSC. Errors must be corrected in order for the enrollment report to fully process through the NSC.

The email will be similar to this:

Thank you for your most recent enrollment file. An Error Resolution Report has been posted to our website and is ready for you to review and update. Please log into our secure Clearinghouse website to work the report.

Important Note: Please have only one person from your institution be logged in and working the report at any time.

If you have any questions, or need assistance, please refer to the Clearinghouse Contact Information listed on your Error Resolution Report.


School Operations Team

National Student Clearinghouse

2300 Dulles Station Blvd., Suite 300

Herndon, Virginia 20171

To access the Error Resolution Report:

  1. Log into
  2. Click Student Reporting
  3. Click on Error Correction
  4. The page will load with the errors to be corrected. Once all errors are corrected, click submit for processing.

Errors can be for a variety of reasons such as:

-incorrect demographical information
-Issues with reported programs, enrollment status, etc.

Use Campus Connection (Student Transcripts, Add/Update a Person, Enrollment Request Search, Program/Plan stack) to update the information as needed to correct errors. If you are having issues with updating an error, contact the individual listed at the top of the page to assist.

3-School Enrollment Transmission Processed, Rejected Records Corrections (completed after completed Error Resolution)

Once the Error Resolution report is processed, NSC will email you to complete the School Enrollment Transmission Processed, Rejected Records updates.

The email will be similar to this:

The school enrollment transmission for SCHOOL INFORMATION/REPORT INFORMATION has been processed. Please use the following steps to review the detail and rejected records from this transmission:

**** Please pay particular attention to warnings 251,253,289 & 290 as these students may have loans. If rejected, their enrollment is not being reported to lenders, servicers, or NSLDS, which could result in repayment notices for the student, and possible audit issue for your institution.****

1.For those records where you have confirmed the SSN you are reporting is correct, please submit online updates under Student Lookup (choose 'Add Student' option). We will review your updates and take necessary steps to remove the conflict on our system. In the event we are not able to process for want of SSN proof, we will reach out to you to request same, then we ask that you fax these to our secure fax machine 703-742-7792.

2.For those records where you have determined the SSN you are reporting is incorrect in your database (SIS), please correct it in your system and we will get the data in your next enrollment file. Otherwise, you can complete an online update via the Student Look Up tab.

There are no Reject Lists associated with Graduates Only Submissions.

1. Go to

2. Enter your user name and password

3. Student Reporting

4. Enrollment Reporting

5. Select School code and Branch code

6. Click Search button and Select Transmission History

7. Click on Detail Link and Select Reject Detail (School Review)

8. Link for explanation of Error Codes is provided below list of Rejected Records

An explanation of errors is available here. This explanation will help with determining what needs to be corrected for each error.


1. Log into

2. Click Student Reporting

3. Click Enrollment Reporting

4. Select School code and Branch code (if necessary)

5. Click Search button and Select Transmission History

6. Click on Detail Link and Select Reject Detail (School Review)

The list of students with errors will come up. You can export the report and save it work with while you correct the errors.

To correct errors with Social Security Number issues:

  1. Using your list of errors, verify that the student only populates when search matched in Campus Connection
  2. (Campus Community>Personal Information>Search Match)
    Search for the student using the SSN on the error report for the student.
  3. If the student’s SSN is matching up with other students, email the student requesting a copy of their SSN card to confirm.
  4. If the student does not provide within 7 days, move to the Add Student in NSC step
  5. If the SSN is correct:
  6. Confirm the SSN with the Financial Aid office by having them look to see if a completed FAFSA is on file for the student with that SSN.
  7. If the student’s information is correct, move to the Add Student in NSC step
  8. If no FAFSA on file, email the student requesting a copy of their SSN card to confirm.
  9. If the student provides the copy, fax the copy to the secure NSC fax number.
  10. If the student does not provide within 7 days, move to the Add Student in NSC step


1. Log into

2. Click Student Look-Up

3. Search for the student using School Code and College ID

--No information should come up as the student data has not been loaded due to the error.

4. Click the ADD STUDENT link

Once on the Add New Student Page, Enter information as required (see next page for more information). After all information is entered, click SUBMIT. Save the email you are sent confirming the added student in NSC. Should any proof or documentation be needed from NSC, they will contact you accordingly.

4-School Enrollment Transmission Processed, NSLDS error cleanup (completed after completed Error Resolution)

After you have completed your Error Resolution report, you will get an email similar to the one below that contains instructions for accessing the errors. The email is for cleaning up errors between the NSC and NSLDS sync. It is recommended that you clean up within 10 days of the email to ensure that the errors are corrected with NSLDS.

1. Log on to our secure site at .

2. On the Student Reporting tab, select the Enrollment Reporting link.

3. Select the NSLDS Reporting tab to view the history of rosters returned to NSLDS (the most recent report is at the top).

4. Select the value in the # Students w/Errors column to view a list of records not accepted by NSLDS and their error codes. (A link to an error code glossary is at the bottom of the page.).

5. If you have errors, download list in Excel format to save for review and reference if necessary.

6. Correct records by selecting the SSN link.


Error Report Receive Date: Date the Clearinghouse received the NSLDS Error Report.

NSC Due Date: NSLDS has suggested errors be corrected/resubmitted within 10 days.
This date is set to allow review of corrections submitted to the Clearinghouse, loading to our database,
and transmission to NSLDS within the 10-day timeframe.

# Students w/Errors: If the number is greater than zero, a link to the list of records NSLDS did not accept is displayed.

NSLDS Error Codes and (#): Total record count for each error. Because a single record can have multiple errors, the total error code count does not necessarily equal the number of records with errors.

The Clearinghouse will automatically send a response on the Due Date shown on the NSLDS Reporting tab and include any updates made up to that point.

If you need assistance, please contact .

Thank you.


2300 Dulles Station Blvd., Suite 300

Herndon, Virginia 20171

As of 2017, the only errors that can be corrected are as follows:

Error code 26: Anticipated Graduation Date

Error code 32: Enrollment Status Effective Date

Error Code 35: Enrollment Status Code

Error Code 38: Certification Date is too Old

Error Code 45: Address Effective date

Error Code 51: Move to Location

Error Code 63: Published Program Length

Error Code 65: Weeks in Title IV Academic Year

Error Code 66: Student Begin Program Date

Error Code 67: Special Programs Indicator

Error Code 77: Program Length
Error Code 78: Program Length

Error Code 79: Program Begin Date

5-NSC Degree File Submission (completed after all degrees are awarded for the semester)

After degrees have been awarded for the term, the NSC Degree file will need to be sent. The Degree file does not have any error files associated with it.

  1. Log into Campus Connection
  2. Click NDU Applications
  3. Click NDU Student Records
  4. Click Report
  5. Click NSC Degree Verification
  6. Use your Run Control or add a new value if needed.
  7. Enter your academic institution
  8. Enter the branch code (00)
  9. Enter the FICE code for your school
  10. The from date will update to your date you last used for your thru date. For example, this report was last ran on 8/14/17. The new submission would start with 8/14/2017.
  11. The thru date will update to today’s date
  12. Use the following for the output (change the file name’s term to the term you of graduates that were just awarded): \\\CSData\StudentRecords\NSC\WSC01\GRADUATESONLYSUMMER2017
  13. Click Run
  14. Once the report is showing as posted in your Process Monitor, follow the steps on the page 12 to upload your file to NSC.

Move-It Instructions to Upload NSC Files

Updated 6/28/2018

In Campus Solutions: Populate the ‘Output File’ path for the NSC Report and NSC Degree Verification Report, using the following path: \\\CSData\StudentRecords\NSC\

  • Populate the next folder with your campus as shown in the screenshot below.

Log into MoveIt:

  • Once logged into MoveIt, click on ‘FOLDERS’ in the menu on the left-hand side.
  • Go to the directory: /CSData/StudentRecords/NSC/(populate with your campus folder)
  • Making edits to the NSC file:
  • Click on the file in MoveIt that you want to edit.
  • Click on the ‘Download’ button.
  • Edit the file; and save the file with changes locally.
  • Click on the ‘Launch the Upload Wizard’ button in MoveIt, and upload the edited file.
  • Uploading the file to NSC:
  • Check the box to the left of the file you want to upload to NSC.
  • Populate the Folder name ‘Upload_to_NSC’.
  • This folder is set up to upload files to NSC within a 2 minute time-frame.
  • Click on the ‘Move’ button.
  • After the file is successfully uploaded to NSC, the file will be automatically moved to the ‘archive’ folder.
  • The files in the ‘archive’ folder will be automatically deleted in 14 days.