Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) 2

Prosthetics - Grading Criteria

Criteria / Clear, concise, and useful for the client and/or generalizable to similar situations / Requires minor editing/additions/rework to meet the clients needs / Is non-existent or requires redirection or major editing to meet the client's needs
Points / 1 / 0.5 / 0
Individual Contribution (2 points total)
#2 Listed factors that contribute to pricing prosthetic hands/hooks
Yes = 3+, Sort of = 1-2, No = 0 / Yes / Sort of / No
#3 Gave correct cost of 27 cm3 of aluminum (Ans: $0.13) / Correct / Incorrect
Team Contribution of Completion (3 points total)
Described hook features considered in model and explained why features were left out of model (if any) / Yes / Sort of / No
Explained mathematical model for pricing prosthetic hooks and how each feature contributes to that model. / Yes / Sort of / No
Explained the process of development of the model including the rationale behind the elements of the model. / Yes / Sort of / No
Team Contribution of Quality (5 points total)
The last section is a score from 1-5 based on the QAG RUBRIC / Quality Score
The quality score for the prosthetics problem should take in consideration both the explanations of the procedure and the Excel model itself. Did the model and the memo meet the client’s needs? / 4 or 5 / 3 / 1 or 2

Below is a format that the TAs can copy and paste into the comment box: Just cut out the grades for each item that you don't want the students to see. TAs can add additional clarifying comments as needed. Need to keep total character count to 1000 including spaces.

Individual Contribution (2 points total)

Listed factors that contribute to pricing prosthetic hands/hooks–Yes Sort of No

Gave correct cost of 27 cm3 of aluminum (Ans: $0.13) – Correct Incorrect

Team Contribution (3 points total)

Described hook features considered in model and explained why features were left out of model (if any) - Yes Sort of No

Explained mathematical model for pricing prosthetic hooks and how each feature contributes to that model.- Yes Sort of No

Explained the process of development of the model including the rationale behind the elements of the model.- Yes Sort of No

Quality Score (5 points total): 1 2 3 45

Total Score = (# of Yes/Correct)*1 + (# of Sort of)*0.5 + Quality Score

Here is an example of what a graded MEA 2might look like:

Individual Contribution (2 points total)

Listed factors that contribute to pricing prosthetic hands/hooks – Yes (Mary and Pete), Sort of (John) No (Sara)

Gave correct cost of 27 cm3 of aluminum (Ans: $0.13) – Correct (Mary, Pete, and Sara), Incorrect (John)

Team Contribution (3 points total)

Described hook features considered in model and explained why features were left out of model (if any) – Yes

Explained mathematical model for pricing prosthetic hooks and how each feature contributes to that model–Yes

Explained the process of development of the model including the rationale behind the elements of the model.- No

Quality Score (5 points total): 4(Insert your comments here)

Total Score is 8 for Mary (# of Yes/Correct = 4, # of Sort of = 0, # of No/Incorrect = 1, quality score = 4)

Total Score is 8 for Pete(# of Yes/Correct = 4, # of Sort of = 0, # of No/Incorrect = 1, quality score = 4)Total Score is 7 for Sara(# of Yes/Correct = 3, # of Sort of = 0, # of No/Incorrect = 2, quality score = 4)

Total Score is 6.5 for John (# of Yes/Correct = 2, # of Sort of = 1, # of No/Incorrect = 2, quality score = 4)