PEG letter Instructions

The following letter is intended to be a sample that your district may customize.

The date will update automatically. If you are using an older version of Microsoft Word and it does not update, right click on the date and choose the Update Field option.

Text in red font should be customized for each particular campus.

Depending on the transfer opportunities within your district, choose one of the two paragraphs in blue font to customize. Delete the other paragraph.

Process decision points:

  • Where will parents pick up transfer forms?
  • Where and to whom will the forms be returned?
  • What is the deadline for returning forms?
  • What will happen if forms are returned after the deadline? (The deadline is for processing and planning internally. The option for students to transfer remains open for the duration of the 2015-2016 school year.)
  • Who will process the forms, notify the receiving campuses, and notify the parents of the transfers?
  • How will the transfers be tracked?
  • Who is responsible for tracking the transfers?

If you have any questions about the PEG list, the transfer process, or requirements please do not hesitate to contact me.

Jennifer Womack

System Support


October 10, 2018


In1995theTexasLegislaturecreatedthePublicEducationGrant(PEG)program(TECSec.29.201–12.205).ThisprogrampermitsparentsofastudentenrolledinaschoolonthePEGlisttorequestthattheirstudenttransfertoaschoolinanotherdistrictortoaschoolwithinthedistrictthatisnotonthePEGlist.Campuseswith passing rates on STAAR® that are less than or equal to 50% in any two of the preceding three years OR the school was rated Improvement Required in either 2013 or 2014.

The Texas Education Agency released the list of PEGdesignatedschoolsin December.TexasElementarySchoolisonthePEGlistdueto an Improvement Required rating in 2013 or STAAR® passing rates in 2013 and 2014.

Insert paragraph here which provides parents with a brief explanation of campus improvement plans based on the particular reason for the PEG designation.

As a parent or guardian of a student attending a PEG designated campus, you have the option to request a transfer of your student to another campus for the 2015-2016 school year. You may request any of the following: Campus A, Campus B, or Campus C. You may pick up a transfer application from school office personnel. Transfer forms must be returned to Texas ISD Central Administration, 100 Main St., by Friday, February 27, 2015. Parents who choose to transfer their student will be responsible for their child’s transportation to and from the new campus.

As a parent or guardian of a student attending a PEG designated campus, you have the option to request a transfer of your student to a campus in another school district for the 2015-2016 school year. You must contact the chosen school district to obtain a transfer application and you must apply in writing. This letter will provide adequate justification for the transfer request. The chosen school district is entitled to accept or reject the application for the student to attend school in that district but may not use criteria that discriminate on the basis of a student’s race, ethnicity, academic achievement, athletic abilities, language proficient, sex, or socioeconomic status. The home school district is not responsible for transportation costs to and from the chosen school.

It is important to note that student eligibility for transfer expires upon any of the following three conditions:

  • Completion of all grades on the campus upon which eligibility was originally based (9-12)
  • Removal of the campus from the PEG list;
  • Assignment of the student to a campus that is not on the PEG list as a result of redrawn attendance boundaries


If you have any additional questions, please contact Ms. Peg Contact, Assistant Superintendent, 512.555.1111.
