National Network for Excellence in Mathematics (NNEM) Leadership Peer Coaching Programme
Further details
The NNEM was launched in July 2017 to support collaborative working across a range of partners with the aim of raising levels of achievement in mathematics for all pupils across all educational settings. In doing so, the network has set out eight national priorities[1], of which developing mathematics leadership is one. The importance of high quality leadership is reflected in its place as one of the four objectives in Education in Wales: Our National Mission[2]. One of the first opportunities for leaders of mathematics to engage with the NNEM is through the Leadership Peer Coaching Programme.
Reflecting the move towards facilitated joint practice development, the NNEM welcomes expressions of interest from leaders of mathematics who would like to progress their leadership skills through participation in a collaborative partnership with another leader of mathematics.
Leaders will be placed into partnerships based on a variety of factors, including geographical proximity, and the programme will take place over three school terms to allow co-coaching relationships to develop. Across the six terms, leaders will collaborate and coach each other to:
- progress a priority within their department improvement plans
- develop an aspect of their leadership skills.
Each partnership will agree the focus of each meeting to be in line with the aspects identified above. Activities in support of these will be determined by each partnership but could include visits to each other’s schools, joint review of department improvement plans, data exercises, sharing strategies to develop teaching and learning.
As NNEM partners, consortia representatives will support the review of expressions of interest. All who have expressed an interest in participating in the programme will be notified of outcomes in the week after the closure deadline.
Following a successful outcome from an expression of interest, those participating in the programme will need to:
Activity / DeadlineSubmit a contract and completed programme outline form specifying areas for development / By 23 March 2018
Attend a full day regional briefing session / Summer term 2018
Meet with their peer partner at least once per half term and submit a short progress report (6 half terms). Meetings are to be arranged by participating leaders. / End of each half term
Attend a full day programme evaluation session / Summer term 2019
- case study against department/subject improvement priority
- critical reflection piece of the development of leadership skills.
To support participation, each leader will be funded via contract for six days at a rate of £200 per day (£1,200).
Those wishing to express an interest in participating in the programme should do so with their headteacher’s agreement by submitting the attached form to by 12 noon on Wednesday, 7 March 2018.
NNEM leadership peer coaching programme: Expression of interest
Name of leaderName of school/setting/organisation
Sector / Primary/Secondary/FE/PRU/Special school
English medium/Welsh medium
Job title
Length of time in role
What experience/s do you have of collaborating with other mathematics leaders? What experience/s do you have of collaborating with other leaders? How has it supported your development and that of your subject area/department?
Give an example of one of your subject area/department’s priorities from the last academic year.
How did you evaluate progress against this priority in your self-evaluation at the end of the year?
Does it continue as a priority? What further actions will be taken?
What are the current improvement priorities within your subject area/department?
What aspect of your subject provision/department would you like to progress as part of this programme? How will this support you in improving outcomes and experiences for pupils?
What aspect of your leadership skills would you like to develop? How will this support you in improving outcomes and experiences for pupils?
Signature: ______
Headteacher’s signature: ______
Please return to by 12 noon on Wednesday 7 March 2018.