The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has issued this amended Notice under section 136 of the National Energy Retail Law (NERL). This RoLR notice replaces the notice issued by the AER on 4 April 2016.
RoLR Event
A Retailer of Last Resort (RoLR) event has occurred in relation to GoEnergy Pty Ltd (097 708 104) with the registered participant identification ‘216’ in the Short Term Trading Market (STTM). Prior to the issue of the RoLR notice dated 4 April 2016, Go Energy Pty Ltd was an authorised gas retailer for the purposes of Part 5 of the NERL with the authorisation identification TG12017.
On 1 April 2016, GoEnergy Pty Ltd appointed an external administrator. The appointment of an administrator constitutes a RoLR event under section 122 of the NERL.
The appointment of an administrator is also a default event in the gas Short Term Trading Market (STTM). On 4 April 2016, the Australian Energy Market Operator Limited suspended GoEnergy Pty Ltd from the Short Term Trading Market, with effect from 6:30am on Tuesday 5 April 2016 for the Sydney hub, and with effect from 8:00am on Tuesday 5 April 2016 for the Brisbane hub.
The AER issued a RoLR notice on 4 April 2016.
Amended RoLR notice
On 13 April 2016, the AER amended the RoLR notice issued on 4 April 2016, to designate AGL Energy Sales & Marketing Limited as the default RoLR for customers connected to the gas distribution system of Jemena Gas Networks (NSW) Ltd (‘Jemena’). The RoLR notice dated 4 April 2016 designated AGL Retail Energy Limited for customers connected to Jemena’s gas distribution system. The RoLR notice was amended following the termination of AGL Retail Energy Limited’s registration as default RoLR for customers on Jemena’s gas distribution system and the appointment and registration of AGL Energy Sales & Marketing Limited as the default RoLR for customers connected to Jemena’s gas distribution system. These changes were necessary to ensure that the default RoLR for the affected customers is a participant in the Sydney hub of the gas Short Term Trading Market.
Affected Fuels and Markets
As GoEnergy Pty Ltd sold gas to customers in New South Wales and Queensland, this notice affects gas customers in those jurisdictions, in areas within and outside of the gas Short Term Trading Market.
Registered RoLRs Appointed as Designated RoLRs by operation of section 132(1) of the NERL
Pursuant to section 132(1) of the NERL, the default RoLRs set out in schedule 1 are taken to be appointed as the designated RoLRs for this RoLR event with effect from the transfer date specified in this notice.
Section 137 gas directions
If it becomes necessary for the AER to issue a direction or directions for gas under section 137 of the NERL, the AER will amend this RoLR notice under s. 136(6) of the NERL. The AER will publish the RoLR notice (as amended) in accordance with ss. 2.4.1–2.4.4 of the AER’s RoLR Plan. Parties which may be affected by a direction for gas should confirm whether there are any amendments to this RoLR notice.
Transfer date
In accordance with s. 140 of the NERL, customers of GoEnergy Pty Ltd were transferred to the designated RoLRs set out in schedule 1 with effect from 6:30am (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Tuesday 5 April 2016 for the Sydney hub of the STTM, and customers in New South Wales that are located outside the STTM. The transfer date for customers in the Brisbane hub of the STTM is 8:00am (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Tuesday 5 April 2016.
Revocation of GoEnergy Pty Ltd’s gas retailer authorisation
Under s. 142 of the NERL, the AER revokes GoEnergy Pty Ltd’s gas retailer authorisation (AER authorisation identification TG12017) with effect from the transfer dates specified above. This means that, for the purposes of s. 88 of the NERL, GoEnergy Pty Ltd must not sell gas to a person for premises in New South Wales, Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory and South Australia.
DATED: 13 April 2016
James Cox
Australian Energy Regulator
Gas Designated RoLRsDesignated RoLR / Responsible Area
Jurisdiction / Description of responsible distribution systems
Origin Energy LPG Limited (000 508 369) designated in its capacity as a default RoLR.
Participant ID: 154 / New South Wales / Customers connected to the gas distribution system of Central Ranges Pipeline Pty Ltd (ACN 108 218 355)
AGL Energy Sales & Marketing Limited (076 092 067)
designated in its capacity as a default RoLR.
Participant ID: 45 / New South Wales / Customers connected to the gas distribution system of Jemena Gas Networks (NSW) Ltd (ACN 003 004 322).
AGL Sales Pty Limited (090 538 337) designated in its capacity as a default RoLR.
Participant ID: 4 / Queensland, New South Wales (Tweed Heads) / Customers connected to the gas distribution system of Allgas Energy Pty Limited (ACN 009 656 446).