Mortar Board
National College Senior Honor Society
Scholars... Chosen for Leadership...United to Serve
Membership Application Packet
“The mission and purpose of Mortar Board, Inc., a national honor society that recognizes college seniors for their distinguished achievements in scholarship, leadership, and service, is to provide opportunities for continued leadership development, to promote service to colleges and universities, and to encourage lifelong contributions to the global community.”
Our values and what we believe:
§ Value of the individual: Each member brings to Mortar Board unique qualifications and backgrounds. The Society is strengthened by diversity of membership, by chapter’s respect and support for each member’s worth and dignity, and by member relationships that are positive and just.
§ Excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service: Excellence is expressed by Mortar Board members’ dedication to use intelligence, skills, compassion, and integrity to exemplify the highest ethical standards.
§ Accountability: Individually and collectively, Mortar Board members are expected to act with honesty, integrity, and openness, and take responsibility for actions and their outcomes. Honor and integrity are fundamental to Mortar Board.
§ Honor with commitment: In being selected for membership, Mortar Board members commit to continue to serve and to actively participate in the Society. Mortar Board celebrates its history and traditions, and calls upon each member and each chapter to be responsible stewards of the Mortar Board legacy.
Celebrating over 90 years of scholarship, leadership and service!
Candidates for Mortar Board membership must have the following requirements:
· Completion of at least 75 credit hours as of January 1, 2015
· Cumulative GPA of 3.0
· Exemplary scholarship, leadership, and service records
· Commitment to involvement in Mortar Board activities throughout the 2015-2016 academic year.
We thank you for your interest in Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society, and will be happy to address any questions you might have about the selection process.
Please direct any inquiries to Alexandra Sager, Mortar Board Director of Selections:
Full Name: ______
Mortar Board
National College Senior Honor Society
Scholars... Chosen for Leadership... United to Serve
Mortar Board Information Sheet
*Please Type or Print in blue or black ink, return completed application to:
Leadership Studies Building, Room 103 or email to
Phone: ______
K-State E-mail Address: ______
Current Address: ______
Hometown city: ______State:______
K-State GPA: ______Transfer Hours: ____ GPA: ______
Major(s): ______Minor(s): ______
Total Credit Hours Completed at K-State: ______Intended Graduation Date: ______
Transfer College: ______
How did you hear about Mortar Board? Select all that apply
Facebook_____ Twitter_____ College or Departmental Listserv_____
A friend outside Mortar Board_____ A friend in Mortar Board_____
Membership criteria requires LEADERSHIP, SCHOLARSHIP, AND SERVICE
Please respond to the following questions typed with appropriate headers.
Leadership is more than simply obtaining a position. Summarize ONE leadership contribution to Kansas State University or the Manhattan community. What valuable lessons have you learned from this experience? (150 word limit)
Some types of scholarship may last a short while, but learning is a lifelong journey. How do you plan to apply what you have learned throughout your collegiate experiences post-graduation? (150 word limit)
How have your accomplishments related to community service helped shape you into the person you are today? Please address what service personally means to you. (150 word limit)
Section IV. RESUME
Please attach a one-page resume to your application. Do not include your name or contact information
Form is attached to Application Packet. Certification Form must be signed and dated to be considered.
I certify that all of the above information listed is true to the best of my knowledge and realize that Mortar Board advisors may verify official GPA information and completed credit hours using the Kansas State Student Information System.
Name (Printed): ______
Signature: ______Date:______
Upon Selection this information will be used to invite family members/guests to the Formal Initiation Banquet. Please fill information out entirely.
Parent(s) Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State______Zip Code:______
Phone Number: ______
Name: ______
You only need to fill out this form if you applied to
BOTH Mortar Board and Blue Key. You only need to fill out this form once.
Recognizing the difficulties in serving two very active senior honor societies at Kansas State, Blue Key and Mortar Board have developed the following agreement:
If you are applying to both Mortar Board and Blue Key, in the instance that both organizations choose you for their membership, in which organization would you prefer to be a member?
_____ Mortar Board ______Blue Key
During the selections process, no member of either Mortar Board or Blue Key will know who has applied to both organizations, nor will any member know what preferences were indicated. The form will be destroyed after individual student preferences are honored. If you have any questions, please contact:
Alexandra Sager Abby Works
Mortar Board Director of Selections Blue Key Director of Membership
785.317.9991 620.363.0755
Please return this form to:
Leadership Studies Building, Room 103 by
Friday February 20, 2015, at 12:00 pm (noon)
Be sure to put only your preference form in a sealed envelope with
your name on the outside.