
St. Peter’s Church, Chippenham

‘Journeying together to share our Christian faith and the love of God with all’

Minutes of Parochial Church Council Meeting on Monday7th March2016 at 7.30 pm.

Present: Rev Andrew Gubbins (chair), Jane Brown, Robin Wildblood, Caroline Masters, Sharon Hawker-Baddeley, Pat Frost, Judith Griffith, Ivan Hurcum,Daphne Brindle,Lynne Godfrey, Stuart Thompsonand Vivienne Fuller.

Apologies: Victoria Stretton, Lucille Williams,Emma Sutcliffe,Terry Bate,Chris Gough,

1.Welcome and Prayer.

2. Apologies.

3. Cornerstone Project.

Talked about Art Venue, Booking for University of the 3rd age meeting. Frank Roper Connection useful.

4.Minutes of theprevious meeting.

a)Minutes of 11thJanuary2015PCC, to be approved.

SHB proposed VF seconded. It was passed unanimously. Minutes approved and signed.

b) Minutes to note:LT 8th February 2016.

5.Matters Arising.

a) Matters Arising from PCC meeting11th January 2016.

See Action Status list.

Item 8c: Maundy Thursday and Passover: Volunteer help is to be requested at services.

Item 11: Church fees for Weddings and Funerals: ThePrevious discussion had created a comprehensive pricing list. VF proposed CM seconded. It was passed unanimously. New Fees for 2016 were approved.

Item 12d: First Aid person required: Sufficient first aiders are not available in church. To run a first aid training on the premise for 2 days would typical cost £75. The course could be better attended if it was run at Deanery level. Deanery isto investigate. Action VF.

b) Matters Arising from LT meeting 8th February 2016:None. .

6. Treasurer’s report(ST)

The current status of the bank account is 5 k after payments. March parish share will be paid soon.

Need to contact Michael to clarify status on PCC. Michael has technically not resigned.

Clarify a cheque was paid in the year to Trevor Ranger.

Rachel Byrne has asked not to do auditing after 2015 year ending accounts.

Flowers are to be arranged for Rachel as she has audited our accounts for several years.

Action IV/ ST/CG

New auditors will have to be found next year. Mathew Hall is to be contacted to find thename of a suitable Auditor.

Action AG/RW

St Peter Church’s 2015 end of year accounts were examined.VF proposed that the accounts be approved by the PCC. CM seconded. It was passed unanimously by the PCC.

7.Annual meeting: Reminder about the APCM reports deadline.

8. Ministry.

a)Authorizing those who assist with Holy Communion.

The list is to be updated with Richmond Cursiter removed. PF proposed VF seconded. It was passed unanimously. Andrew is to contact the Diocese for approval.

Action –AG

9. Chippenham Churches Together.

CCT were discussing the most effective way of working. The Fun-day on River Island Park in townis 16th July and the theme may be Noah’s Ark.Payment for the scrap store usage will come from CCT.

The Queens 90th Birthday celebration is on Sunday 12th June. She is the longest serving monarch. Friendship lunch may have a royal theme on 9th June.

The SummerFêtecould have a royal theme also if it was agreed with the school and it did not disrupt the plans already made. Action –CG to investigate

10. Mission and Evangelism.

a)Deanery meeting Feedback: Chippenham Deanery is trying to run an outreach in Pewsham, in the community centre. Finance for the project is being discussed. Talking Jesus is a report that had been in the news recently and was discussed at the Deanery Synod.

Discussion – first steps forward. We split into small groups and discussed how we could extend friendship evangelism within the church. Ideas considered were: surveying Young Persons; extending coffee mornings; offering activities for TD days at School; flower festival and well-being sessions for people with issues of mental health.

The Deanery is trying to fund a full-time youth worker from the existing part-time arrangements at St Pauls.

Faith Pictures is a faith-sharing course from the Church Army.

Action: Outreach options: AG

b)Holiday club: (JB) Primary age. Joint St Peter’s with Sheldon road Methodist church. At Sheldon Road and it is an expeditiontheme. Looking for helpers, some part time, and some full time during the week. Flyer for the week still to be obtained for volunteers.

11. Monitoring.

a)Health and Safety:There was aninspection from Vi’s supervisor today. Several points were raised with regard to Paint and Cleaning fluids on site, which will be addressed in the new redevelopment. A steel cupboard for flammable fluids may be needed.

Action –CM to investigate

The cheapest quote for PAT testing was by David Reeds at £157. ST CM proposed that we contract the work to David Reeds. VF seconded. It was passed unanimously.

Action –CM

The electrical safety test was quoted at £840 + VAT by Chippenham Electrical Key and Security. This quote was not the cheapest given but the company have done work in the church before and the quality was very good. VF proposed that we contract the work to Chippenham Electrical Key and Security. IH seconded. It was passed unanimously.

Action –CM

A fire alarm test is required in thechurch.

Action –CM/DB


The Light service has now run from St Peter’s for 18months. Whilst deanery wide and ecumenical in its recruitment its associations with volunteers from St Peter’s and its links with TMC, have prompted the leaders of Light to request oversight from St Peter’s PCC for its legal, safeguarding and financial accounting. Its finances are healthy, but at present conducted within restricted funds within the accounts of BoxParish Church. Box PCC now wish to pass on this responsibility.

Action –LT meeting

What is the best process to get DBS for helpers at the light service? CM to check Diocese for rightprocess.

Action – CM/AK

Job descriptions are being generated for positions within the church, which come under safeguarding.

Action – JB/CM

12. Action groups:

a) Worship: (AG)

Primary children will be taking a significant part in the Pentecostal service.

Action ES/AG

b)Children and youth: (JB/ES)

There isa team of leaders and helpers meeting this week.

For Crèche new adult recruits are needed.Action –LT meeting

c)Pastoral: (DB) Very busy period. The teamis handling it well. Quiet day suggested for the team by VF, DB to consider. Sally-Wheeler mentioned as a useful contact.

Action DB

13. Premise: (CM) Julia would be good to cut the grass this year as she did last year.

VF proposed that we contract the work to Julia. SHB seconded. It was passed unanimously.

Action CM


15. AOB

a) Steps: Steps by the fire exit at the back of the hall need repairing.A ramp would be better.VF proposed that premises investigate the costs of this. IH seconded. It was passed unanimously.

Action CM/VF/IH

b)Trial:Email approval of purchasing: A new trial email purchase system is proposed for PCC.This would approve purchases in between PCC meetings when 3 quotes have already been obtained.

The proposed purchase system rules were: 1 quote up to £250; 3 quotes for services between £250 and £1000;method used only by exception wheninvolving figures greater than £1000.

VF proposed ST seconded. It was passed unanimously.

Action ST/IH/AG

c) Lighting:Lighting to be added in church behind the big white dividers, near the altar. 2 strips of lights would be required. Look at a casting and fixed spot light on the cross. The cost was assumed to be about £150. This would be the first test of the new email purchase system.

Action CM/VF/IH

16. Closing Prayer.

17. Date of Next Meetings:

PCC Monday16th May 2016, Monday 11th July 2016.

LT Monday4thApril, Monday 20thJune 2016.

APCMSunday 17thApril 2016.

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