Parent Permission Slip Clark Lane Middle School

Field Trip Form C Waterford, CT

Student Name:

Destination: American Museum of Natural History, New York City

Trip Date: June 5, 2015 Departure Time: 7:00 AM Return Time: 7:00 PM

Teacher Contact: Mrs. Hybel, Mrs. Morosky, Mrs. Eident, or Mr. McNeil

Type of Transportation: U.S. Coachways Bus

Cost to Student: $46.00 cash or check (Please make checks payable to CLMS and include student’s first and last name and Turquoise Team.)

Please return permission slip and money to homeroom teachers by Thursday, April 30.

I give my permission for my child to attend this trip. I give Clark Lane Middle School personnel my permission to obtain medical attention for my child. Special allergies or medical considerations regarding my child are:


Print Parent Name:

Parent Signature:

Emergency Contact: home # ______cell # ______

Chaperone Information:

We will need parent chaperones. If you are interested in helping out, please complete the information below. If necessary we will have a lottery drawing to determine chaperones. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, chaperones will be asked to pay the $12.00 admission fee to the museum. Bus transportation will be covered. Thank you for your understanding.

I would like to chaperone. Please include my name in the lottery.

Name ______

email ______

Let’s Go to New York!

On Friday, June 5, the Turquoise Team will visit the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. We are very excited about this opportunity to see the many exhibits that connect to our seventh grade curriculum. Students can go to the moon and back in the Rose Center for Earth and Space; admire the beauty of rocks in the Halls of Minerals and Gems; explore the fascinating world around us in the Hall of Biodiversity; and travel to Africa, Asia, and Latin America as we visit the Culture Halls. And this is just a fraction of the many great exhibits!

Please read the following important information concerning this trip and save this sheet for future reference:

·  The cost of this trip for students is $46.00. We encourage students to begin doing chores now to earn money.

·  Due date for permission slips and money (cash or check payable to CLMS) is

Thursday, April 30. Please return slips and money to homeroom teachers.

·  We will leave CLMS at 7:00 a.m. Students MUST be at school between 6:30 a.m. and 6:45 a.m. The bus can’t wait for you if you are late!!

·  We will return to CLMS at approximately 7:00 p.m. Please make arrangements for parent pick-up. Students may use cell phones to call home with an update on arrival time when we are 30 minutes away from Waterford.

·  Students should bring a bag lunch with a drink (no glass please). If the weather is nice we will eat in Central Park (located across from the museum).

·  Students should bring a bag snack/dinner for the bus ride home. Ice cream, pretzels, and hot dogs can be purchased outside of the museum if desired.

·  Important: NO peanuts or tree nuts are allowed on the bus. Thank you.

·  For more information about this exciting museum, visit their website at