(Adopted 8/27/05 by the Chapter Board of Directors)
A.Definitions and Parameters
A Practicum Student is any person who works within the NASW-Missouri Chapter office or in concurrence with the executive director and staff of said office, who is also enrolled in an academic institution and desires course credit for their experience.
A practicum student will work within the NASW-Missouri Chapter office for the amount of time agreed upon and under the conditions within the learning agreement of the school or department in which the student is enrolled.
B.Conditions of Practicum
1. Individual students need not be members of NASW to engage in a practicum or internship with NASW Missouri Chapter. However, if the student is in a MSW or BSW practicum they must be (at minimum) a student member of NASW.
2All students, although not required to be NASW members, are required to read and adhere to the Code of Ethics of NASW as well as all agency policies. A signed form stating that the student has read and agrees to uphold the Code of Ethics and association policies while doing a practicum with NASW Missouri Chapter is also required.
3. All personnel, including practicum students, are required to undergo a criminal and child abuse/neglect background check. A cost of five dollars is required for the background check, which the practicum student must pay him/herself. These background checks must be completed and on file prior to the first day of the practicum. If the background check returns with anything other than a clean report, then the Executive Director will review the report with the student and discuss the limitations or alternatives for a practicum with NASW-Missouri Chapter.
4. In the case of chapter conferences, workshops, symposiums, or other events in which the student would like to participate, they are allowed to accompany the chapter staff or members, but will be required to incur their own expenses for such items as meals, registration fees, lodging and other travel accommodations.
C.Maintenance of a Professional Environment
1.The student will be expected to maintain, confidentiality with all agency operations and information gained through his/her tenure in the agency. All clientele and agency information is considered privileged and is therefore confidential.
2. The student will be expected to conduct him/herself in a manner consistent with professional behavior both inside and outside the office, while on practicum time. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Dressing in a manner appropriate for the agency
- Working in a collegial manner with one’s fellow employees
- Efficient use of time spent at the agency
- Meeting the needs of clients and coworkers
- Participate openly and actively in the assessment of her/his performance
- Addressing a conflict through the appropriate agency structure (direct supervisor, Executive Director, school liaison, etc.)
- Working at the NASW Missouri Chapter office in Jefferson City during normal business hours from 8:30am-5:00 pm, unless otherwise approved by the executive director.
- Any and all of the above list may be amended by the field instructor at the beginning of the practicum of each individual practicum student.
3. It is required that the student maintain a professional relationship with his/her coworkers and supervisors even in an environment outside of the office and with concurrence to the points made within the Code of Ethics regarding professional conduct.
4. If a student or field instructor feels that a coworker, supervisor, or student is in violation of the code of ethics then a meeting should be arranged with the coworker, supervisor, or student and the appropriate field placement faculty member so that the situation may find a remedy in a timely and professional manner. (Reference the grievance policy section of this policy)
D. Alcohol and Drug Policy
1. NASW complies with all federal, state, and local laws that regulate or prohibit the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs. All NASW practicum students are prohibited from possessing, using, manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing of non- prescribed controlled substances in the workplace. If a Chapter receives a federal contract or grant, it is also required to meet the conditions of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.
2. Guidelines for Implementation
- All practicum students are expected and required to report to work whether on site at the NASW office or off site and remain at work in appropriate mental and physical condition. Students who report to work exhibiting signs of alcohol or drug usage are presumed to be unfit for duty and will be disciplined appropriately and/or referred for counseling.
- If a practicum student violates the drug and alcohol policy, the student will be disciplined under the progressive discipline policy.
- The use, sale, or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol by NASW practicum student while at the practicum may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination and may also result in the filing of a criminal report.
- Students are required to report within five (5) days any criminal drug statute conviction occurring in the workplace to his or her immediate supervisor (Executive Director).
3. All practicum students are expected to cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities in the investigation and prosecution of illegal use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of controlled substances in the workplace.
4. Alcohol will not be served at NASW offices whether during or after business hours.
E. Sexual Harassment Policy
- NASW will not tolerate sexual harassment of its employees nor its practicum students. Any action taken to respond to allegations of sexual harassment must first be reviewed through the appropriate agency structures (direct supervisor, Executive Director, school liaison, etc.).
2. The following behaviors are grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination of the practicum:
- Unwelcome sexual advances
- Insulting or degrading sexual remarks or conduct directed against another employee or student
c. Requests for sexual acts or favors
d.Threats, demands, or suggestions that an employee’s or student’s work is contingent upon toleration of or acquiescence to sexual advances
e. Retaliation against an employee or student for complaining about such behavior
f. Any other unwelcome statements or actions of a sexual nature that are sufficiently severe or pervasive so as to unreasonably interfere with an employee’s or student’s work performance or that create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
F. Limitations of Membership Benefits
1. Should the student be or choose to become a member of NASW they shall have all the rights and privileges of a paying member in good standing, with few exceptions which include, but are not limited to:
a. Being ineligible for nomination of a position on the chapter board of directors for a period of six months following the completion of his/her practicum.
b. Once the six months following the practicum has expired full membership rights and privileges will be reinstated with the exception of belonging on the executive committee, which will not be reinstated until a year has expired since the completion of the practicum with NASW Missouri Chapter.
2. Any projects, papers, brochures, or assignments completed by the student during the practicum at NASW –Missouri Chapter are the property of association and are not for resale or to be utilized for personal gain beyond academic credit. If the student would like to use these documents for a professional portfolio or on their resume, they must submit their request in writing to the Chapter Executive Director for approval.
G. Grievance Policy
1. Any practicum student who has a complaint concerning hours, conditions of the practicum, the application or interpretation of the terms of practicum, disciplinary action, termination, harassment or discrimination has the right to file a grievance.
2. No student will be discriminated against, harassed, intimidated, or suffer any reprisal as a result of filing a grievance or participating in the investigation of a grievance.
3. Practicum students shall attempt to resolve all concerns informally with their supervisor within 72 hours of the occurrence. The supervisor will maintain a written record of all informal concerns throughout the supervisory period. Should the student, supervisor, or executive director wish for a third party to intervene the school liaison will act as a mediator for any and all resolutions of the student’s concern. NASW-Missouri Chapter will report any major violations, concerns or infractions of the student policy or school practicum policy, to the school liaison should it be deemed necessary. If a solution cannot be reached, the student may present a formal grievance in writing to the Executive Director within seven (7) calendar days of the occurrence. The Executive Director will have five (5) business days to consider and respond to the grievance. If an extension of the time limit becomes necessary, all involved parties will be notified. The formal written grievance will become a part of the practicum student’s file and the school liaison will receive a copy for their records, as well as, the resolution implemented by the NASW-Missouri Chapter.