Elmore Village Council
Monday, October 1 2 , 201 5
P ledge
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes – September 2 8 , 201 5
Solicitor Aubry
Mayor Damschroder
Fiscal Officer
Authorization to Pay Bills
Chief Hayes
Superintendent Stoiber
Old/New Business
Audience Participation
Mayor Matt Damschroder called the regular meeting of the Elmore Village Council to order in the Village Council Room at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 28, 2015.
Council members: Rick Claar, Tom Deitemyer, Dave Hower, Tom Jackson and Andrea O’Reilly were present. Bob Eickel was excused.
Officers: Solicitor Aubry and Fiscal Officer Sheri Hayes were present.
Deitemyer gave a word of prayer.
The Minutes of the September 14 , 201 5 meeting were approved.
Solicitor Aubry
Ordinance 10-15—authorizing acceptance of the bid of Geddis Paving and Excavating, Inc. for the Jackson Street improvements project and Lincoln/State Street alternate number one bid, and to declare an emergency.
Motion Second Yeas Nays
Suspend O’Reilly Jackson 5 0
Emergency Deitemyer Hower 5 0
To Pass Hower Jackson 5 0
Marty suggested getting a notification out to Jackson Street residents on the street project. Marty noted that he was working with Sheri on the code revisions for the new tax ordinance.
Resolution 4-15—accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor. 3rd Reading
Motion Second Yeas Nays
To Pass Jackson Deitemyer 5 0
Mayor Damschroder
Correspondence Included: Matt announced that Commissioner Steve Arndt is the new State Representative for Ottawa and Erie counties. Pipeline Safety brochure. A letter was received asking the village to remove the bollards on the bike trail. This was sent to committees. Letter from the Harris-Elmore Firefighters’ Association asking for a contribution. There was no action taken. Amp meetings on September 28th and October 1st.
Fiscal Officer
Sheri asked for acceptance of her August tax and financial reports. Hower moved and Claar seconded to accept the reports. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. Sheri had a line item transfer of $300. Hower moved and Jackson seconded to approve the line item transfer. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. The line item transfer was to Com. Ctr. Contractual (1000-730-399-1002) from Com. Ctr. Capital (1000-730-590-1002).
Authorization to pay the bills
Deitemyer moved and Jackson seconded to pay the bills. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote.
Nothing to report.