Obligations of the Employer:The employer hereby agrees that employed apprentices will be assigned work under such conditions as will result in normal advancement in the program. Apprentices will be required to make satisfactory progress in both On the Job Training (OJT) and related educational studies. The employer also agrees that the apprentice will not be employed in a manner that may be considered to be in conflict with the standards of this program.
Related Educational Studies:Apprentices are required to attend a minimum of 144 hours of related educational instruction per year and shall be required to pass an examination in each subject area before being granted a certificate of apprenticeship completion.
Hours of Work:The hours of work for apprentices and the conditions therewith shall be the same as those for journeymen.The apprentice shall not be required to work such hours as would interfere with attendance of related educational studies as scheduled. Each apprentice will receive the required OJT experience in the trade in which they are indentured.
Wages of Apprentices:Apprentices shall be paid a progressively increasing schedule of wages consistent with skill performance and knowledge levels achieved. Apprentice wages shall be based on a percentage of the employer submitted journey worker wage rate. Each participating contractor shall be responsible for the submission of their journey worker wage rate for each craft employed by the company which apprenticeship training is requested (see attached). It will be the responsibility of the employer to submit an annual wage rate announcement prior to the end of August each year.
Solicitation Agreement: As an employer I agree that I will not solicit other company’s apprentices at any ABA apprenticeship class, function or activity nor will I sanction any apprentice or other employee to do so.
I hereby agree to comply with the above provisions of the ABA – AGC Apprenticeship Standards and to abide by the rules, policies and decisions of the Apprenticeship Committee established under these standards. I understand the requirements and provisions of the standards, with all attendant rights and benefits thereof. This agreement will remain in force until canceled by either party, or revoked for good cause by the registration agency, the Arizona Department of Commerce, Apprenticeship Services.
Furthermore, I agree to consider for employment any apprentices that are selected and referred to us by the ABA – AGC Apprenticeship Training Division.
Print Name: ______Phone:______
Company Billing Address:______
City: ______State:______Zip: ______
Apprenticeship Contact Name:______Email: ______
Employment Contact Name: ______Email: ______
Each company participating in the ABA AGC Education Apprenticeship Program is required to submit their journeyworker wage rate to ABA-AGC on an annual basis or whenever this journeyworker wage rate changes. All indentured apprentices must be paid according to their company’s journeyworker wage rate using the percentage scale as outlined on this form. If an apprentice is being used on prevailing wage projects, you must use the journeyworker wage rate set for that project in conjunction with the percentage scale as outlined on this form.
Months Training / Hours of OJT / Period ofApprenticeship / Percentage of Pay
HVAC / Sheet Metal / Plumbing
0-6 months / 0-1000 / 1st / 50% / 50% / 50%
6-12 months / 1001-2,000 / 2nd / 55% / 55% / 55%
12-18 months / 2001-3,000 / 3rd / 60% / 60% / 60%
18-24 months / 3001-4,000 / 4th / 70% / 70% / 70%
24-30 months / 4001-5,000 / 5th / 75% / 75% / 75%
30-36 months / 5001-6,000 / 6th / 80% / 80% / 80%
36-42 months / 6001-7,000 / 7th / 85% / 85% / 85%
42-48 months / 7001-8000 / 8th / 90% / 90% / 90%
-Upon receipt of certificate of program completion 100% of journey worker wage scale
-All Percentages are of the Journey worker wage reported below
1:1 / 100%
Current Journey worker Wage:______
Electrical Equipment Diesel HVAC Plumbing Sheet Metal
Company Name:______
Official Name:______
Official Signature:______
Official Title:______
Date of Signing:______