Nasa Student Launch Initiative

Nasa Student Launch Initiative






April 18, 2014

Table of Contents

I). Summary of FRR report 3

II). Changes made since CDR8

III). Vehicle Criteria9

IV). Payload Criteria27

V). Project Plan35

VI). Conclusion39

I). Summary of FRR report

  • Team Summary

-Team Name and Mailing Address

University of North Dakota Frozen Fury

Witmer Hall, 101 Cornell Street Stop 7129

Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202-7129


  • Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202

-Name of mentor, NAR/TAR number and certification level

  • Dr. Timothy Young, NAR # 76791, Certification Level 2

-Launch Vehicle Summary

  • Length: 112.7528 in
  • Diameter: 6.00 in
  • Span diameter: 19.00 in
  • Loaded Mass: 360.5232 Oz
  • Unloaded Mass: 230.9408 Oz
  • Motor choice: Aerotech L1150R

-Recovery System

  • Dual deployment Drogue at 3 seconds after apogee and main at 1000 ft.
  • Drogue: 60 in. (3 seconds after apogee)
  • Main: 120 in. (altitude deployment at 1000 ft.)

-Rail Size

  • The launch rail is constructed of steel tubing, and the rail for use by the rocket with a bead system is 12 feet to the base platform. The length of the rail can be adjusted by moving a knuckle up and down on the rail so that the platform moves either up or down decreasing or increasing the length of the rail to adjust for conditions or for safety reasons. We plan to use 10 feet of the 12 foot rail, so we will have the knuckle two feet from the base, making the total distance traveled by the rocketed 10 feet total.

Launch Operations Procedures Checklist

Setting up Launch Rail

Launch Rail Equipment:


Extension cord (200 ft)

6 foot tube

2 launch rails (2 Allen bolts already attached)

1 Allen bolt

½ inch bolt (through angle iron and launch rail)

2 hex nuts (both on 2 inch bolt)




3 legs

6 wing nuts

Support angle iron

Bracket for support angle

2 / 2 inch bolts

2 hex nuts


Rocket stop:


Glat back

2 / 2 ½ inch bolts

2 hex nuts

Blast plate


Ballast for stability


Launch Rail Assembly

1.One of the removable legs is attached to the stand using two (2) wing nuts.

2.The 6 foot tube is attached to the bottom launch rail using 2 inch bolts and hex nuts.

3.The top launch rail and the bottom launch rail are slid together. The Allen bolt is used on the top hole, and the 2 inch bolt with one hex nut in the bottom hole.

4.The blast plate is placed on top of the base.

5.The tube is screwed into the base, making sure that the support rail is aligned with the leg.

6.The support beam is attached to the launch rail and secured with a hex nut.

7.The remaining two legs are attached to the base with wing nuts.

8.The support rail is secured to the leg of the stand with the brace.

9.The stand is leveled.

Recovery Preparation



 Main parachute

 Large Nomex sheet

 3 quick links

 Main shock cord

 Drogue parachute

 Small deployment bag

 3 quick links

 Drogue shock cord


Altimeter Bay:


 2 Altimeters (one for redundancy)

 2 9V batteries

 4 washers

 4 wing nuts

 Zip ties for battery

 4 black powder ejection charges (3 – 3g, 1 – 4g main)

 Painters tape for friction fitting (as needed)

 Sheer pins

 Electrical tape


Folding Parachutes

1.When the parachute is folded in a half circle, at least 3 team members begin to lay

out the chute

2.One person holds the lines to prevent them from becoming tangled

3.The other two individuals hold the parachute along the folded edges

4.The chute is folded in half three (3) times

5.Starting from the top, it is folded into thirds by folding the tip of the chute to the

middle, then folding down again

6.The chute is placed into the bag.

7.The chute’s rip cords are connected to the large quick link in the middle loop of the main shock cord

8.On the top of the chute, but still in the bag, the parachute rip cords and some of the

shock cord are carefully placed, to ensure they do not become tangled

Altimeter Bay

1.The altimeters are calibrated, making sure that all parachute deployment numbers are


2.Two (2) new 9-V batteries are placed on the altimeter board and secured.

3.Charges are placed in the charge cups, threading the electric matches through the

holes. The charge for the main is placed on the bottom altimeter bay cup. The charge for the drogue is placed at the top of the altimeter bay cup.

4.The wires are connected to the altimeters, making sure the positive and negative wires are in the appropriate places.

5.The batteries are attached.

6.The altimeter board is in place with wing nuts.

7.The area is cleared of unnecessary personnel and the continuity is checked by using

the switch on the exterior of the rocket. If there is good continuity, two (2) beeps will be heard after the initial set of beeps. If the continuity is not good there will be

double beeps after the initial set of beeps.

8.The switches are turned off until the rocket is placed on the rail.

Parachute Assembly in the Rocket

1.The appropriate side of the main shock is attached to the bottom of the altimeter bay using a quick link

2.The Nomex sheet is attached to the bottom of the altimeter bay also.

3.The other end of the main shock cord is attached to the fin can.

4.The appropriate side of the drogue shock cord is attached to the top of the altimeter

bay using a quick link.

5.The drogue bag is also attached to the top of the altimeter bay.

6.The appropriate side of the drogue shock cord is attached to the payload bay.

7.The rocket is pushed together, slowly.

  • Motor Preparation



Motor casing

Motor grain

Motor retainer


Motor Assembly

1.The motor is placed into the metal casing, making sure the motor is placed fully in its casing and the motor closure is tightened

2.The casing is inserted into the motor mount tube

3.The rocket is secured with the motor retainer

4.The red safety cap is left on until the rocket is placed on the launch pad

After rocket is assembled

1.The rocket is placed on the rail.

2.The rocket stop is put on the rail at the appropriate height.

3.Check to see if the altimeter is turned on and has the right number of beeps to

correspond to the altimeter working properly, as stated above.

When complete the stand will look similar to the picture below.

  • Igniter Installation






Igniter Installation

1.Ask for confirmation from the range safety officer to begin.

2.The red safety cap is removed and wedge cut out of it.

3.The cap on the nozzle is replaced, threading the igniter through the wedge.

4.The igniter is slid up the motor.

5.Tape the igniter to bottom of rocket. Ensure the igniter is secure.

6.The launch clips are attached to the ends of the igniter, looping the excess copper wire

around the clip to make sure they don’t fall off.

7.The switch system is hooked up to the 12V battery.

8.The continuity of the igniter is tested at the launch rail.

9.The range safety officer is notified that preparation of the igniter is complete.

  • Launch Procedures


1.To check continuity, the main power button is turned on, the switch corresponding to

where the extension cord is hooked up is flipped, the key is turned to arm, the test button is pressed, and we listen for the tone indicating continuity.

2.Everyone checks for aircraft in the vicinity. After the “all clear,”begin countdown

from 10 seconds.

3.At zero, the launch button is held down for 5 seconds.

  • Troubleshooting


1.Unplug the battery/power source

2.Only Team Lead, Safety Officer or Advisor may approach the launch rail.

3.As walking towards the rail, check the extension cord.

4.At the rail, check the wiring of the igniter on the gator clips. If needed, rewrap the

wires around the positive and negative clips.

5.If needed, add tape to clips to ensure the wires are secure.

6.Check the igniter, make sure it is inserted completely in the motor, and there is tape to

secure it in place.

7.Attempt to launch rocket. If it still fails, replace igniter with a new one.

  • Post flight Inspection


1.To assist in finding the rocket after it lands, use Rocket Hunter.

2.Check to make sure no fires were started by the rocket and launch site, or at the landing site.

3.Examine the area for harmful debris.

4.Ensure that the ejection charges are spent before handling.

5.Check to make sure the motor casing is still in the rocket.

  • Payload Summary

-Payload Title

  • Hazard Detection Payload (3.1)
  • Payload Faring/Deployment System (
  • Liquid Sloshing Analysis Payload (

-Summarize experiment

  • The Hazard Detection Payload will consist of a camera and the necessary electronics to scan the ground during decent and relay any landing hazards in real time to a ground station. This payload will require static ground tests to determine the abilities the camera and software in identifying potential landing hazards.
  • The Hazard Detection Payload will be deployed by a faring system; the payload fairing system will consist of an altered payload bay that will be split into four sections. The faring system will deploy the Hazard Detection Payload shortly after apogee, when the payload bay parachute deploys. The deployment of the camera will be done through the separation of the four subsections of the cylinder encasing the payload. This mechanical system will require static ground tests to determine the force required to separate the payload cylinder. Problems with this system could arise if the drogue chute does not exert enough force on the system, or another potential problem could occur if the cylinder subsections do not separate enough to allow the hinges, that attach them to the body tube, to lock.
  • The Liquid Sloshing Analysis payload will be designed to collect and analyze fluid flow patterns in microgravity. The purpose of this project is to research liquid sloshing in microgravity to support liquid propulsion system upgrades and development. Collection of this data will be done through the observation of two tanks mounted in base of our rocket. The liquid in one cylindrical tank will be allowed to move freely and the other cylindrical tank will be controlled by a baffle system. The data for this payload will be collected by four cameras and stored via the onboard electronics. The four (4) cameras will be positioned inside the rocket airframe, and each oriented to focus on one of the two tanks. This project requires that we have at several dynamic ground tests to measure the liquid sloshing patterns, to determine liquid patterns in standard gravity. The data we collect in-flight can then be compared to this base data. One of the major challenges for this payload will be developing the appropriate software to analyze the video taken by the cameras in this payload bay.

II). Changes made since CDR

  • Changes made to vehicle criteria


a). Rocket Length112.75 in112.7528 in

b). Unloaded Mass688.8462 Oz360.5232 Oz

c). CP82.7776 in82.7776 in

d). CG68.1631 in71.3963 in

e). Safety Margin2.441.90

f). Altitude Prediction7030.94 ft7159.65454 ft.

g). MotorL2200GL1150R

The reason for the changes made to the rocket such as the length and mass are due to drastic changes to the design of our rocket, many fallacies were brought to our attention during the CDR review and presentation that we had attempted to correct for since the PDR. Due to these fallacies, an almost complete overhaul of our rocket and its systems became necessary. As for the change in mass, this was due to the decrease in the mass of the payloads, as well as a change to the material used for the airframe due to lack of funding that we were able to get for the 2013-2014 competition these changes were made in an attempt to cut down on the price of our rocket. The change in mass and its distribution caused changes in the CG and CP of the rocket. This led to changes in size of the rocket, as well as changes to individual components of the rockets payloads.

  • Changes made to payload criteria

Our payloads will be very similar to our designs in the CDR however we had to make many changes to size, position, and functions of the payloads. For the faring system we changed the original system, which was designed to split the nose cone in half. However, we have revised this system, in order to prevent the potential problems that could occur with the splitting of the nose cone, we will instead be separating the payload encasing cylinder. We have also altered the liquid payload, instead of using two half cylinders as tanks we will have two smaller full cylinders as tanks. We have also decided to place the tanks in the base section of the rocket instead of the payload bay.

  • Changes made to project plan

III). Vehicle Criteria

  • Design and Verification of Launch Vehicle
  • Flight Reliability and Confidence

-Mission Statement

  • The primary objective of the 2013-2014 University of North Dakota Frozen Fury rocket team is to design and construct a safe, stable rocket that will conduct research in liquid sloshing to assist in the understanding of liquid sloshing in microgravity. As well as develop a useful hazard detection system.

-Rocket Launch Success Criteria

  • A successful rocket launch will consist of reaching an altitude at apogee within ± 3.00% of 7159.654 feet above ground level. This altitude is based on the altitude predicted by simulations.

-Payload Success Criteria

  • A successful payload system will consist of the Hazard Detection Payload, Payload Faring/Deployment System, and Liquid Sloshing Analysis Payload. The systems should operate successfully during and after the launch and be capable of determining the location of hazardous objects within the field of view of the rocket. The Liquid Sloshing Analysis Payload should provide detailed information of the flow patterns of liquids in microgravity. The Faring system should successfully deploy the hazard detection camera.
  • System Level Design Review

-Airframe Material

  • The 2013-2014 Rocket design is projected to have an airframe composed of a Kraft Phenolic. Simulations have been conducted using RockSim for a 6 inch diameter and 112.75 inch length rocket. The simulations projected a peak altitude of 7030.94 ft. (approximate dry weight 360.52 Oz.) using an AerotechL1150R size motor.

-Fin Material

  • Fins will be constructed out of the same material as the fins in our scale model (i.e. ¼ inch oak plywood). The innate strength of the material will ensure that the fins will not break upon landing, which is something that the Frozen Fury Team has experienced in the past. The oak plywood fins in the subscale preformed very well being a strong enough material to take the impact of the frozen ground in North Dakota, since these fins were able to handle impact with the frozen solid ground at our launch site we believe they should be able to handle the impact with the solid ground in the salt flats.

-Bulk-Head/Centering-Ring Material

  • Internal bulkheads/centering-rings will be constructed out of 0.5 in. solid pine purchased from a Grand Forks, ND local hardware retailer. The rationale behind choosing pine plywood is that it has a very clean smooth face and very few knots. The use of higher grade wood ensures the bulkheads and fins will have uniform wood grain and will be structurally strong in order withstand the stress of flight. Bulkheads are cut from the plywood using a ban saw, and then sanded to fit securely in the 6.0 in. diameter rocket airframe tube. The bulkheads are affixed inside the airframe with West Systems epoxy on both the superior and inferior edges for added strength. The plywood bulkheads make certain the rocket structure is rigid throughout its entire length. The use of the soft pine plywood also allows for the easy manipulation of the bulkheads for our faring system.

-Motor type

  • The current simulated motor type used for the 2013-2014 Frozen Fury Rocket is an AerotechL1150R. This motor has a moderate impulse and projects the design’s max altitude at approximately 7159.654 ft. It was also verified that the AeroTechL1150R motor was not of the Skid mark/metal filing variety so there would be no additional fire hazard with its use.


  • The quality of work is very important to maintain a successful program. The team has plans to stay neat in the construction process and all tools and components will put away at the end of the day. This is propelling the team toward success by keeping our workspace clean day-to-day, which helps expedite work.
  • Subsystems

-The subsystems that are required to accomplish our mission include: 60 in. drogue parachute which will deploy 3 seconds after apogee, and the 120 in. main parachute that will deploy at an altitude of 1000 ft. Both of these will be attached by ½ in. nylon shock cords which will be epoxied to the inside fuselage and attached via forged I-bolts to the altimeter bay both the drogue and main chutes will deploy based on the altimeter readings. We had chosen to separate the two sections to allow for the most stable decent possible for our Hazard Detection Camera payload. However, in light of the advice given during the CDR review the drogue chute will be deployed first at 3 seconds after apogee and the main will deploy at an altitude of 1000 ft.

  • Final Drawing

I NASA SLI new design for scale jpg