NARC scientific contributions

Al Baidani, M. S. and Al Wahedi, M. Yemen Trip for Houbara Conservation Project 06-21 April 2004. Unpublised officially.

Anderson, S. Seasonal Variation in Food Consumption by Captive Houbara Bustards. NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1997 Nov; NARC Internal Research Report No. 57.

Anon. Study Project on the Houbara Bustard Populations (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii) wintering in Baluchistan Province of Pakistan. Saudi Arabia: NWRC; 1986 Summer; NWRC Quarterly Report.

Bailey, T. Summary of Health Considerations for the HoubaraBustardRehabilitationCenter in Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan. UAE: ERWDA; 1998 Mar; ERWDA Internal Report No. 5.

Bailey, T.; Combreau, O., and Ahmed, M. A Report on the Rehabilitation and Research Centre of the Houbara Foundation International, at Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan. U.A.E: ERWDA; 1997 Apr; ERWDA Internal Report No. 2 (ERWDA and Houbara Foundation International Joint Report).

Bailey, T.; Combreau, O.; Lampen, F., and Silvanose, D. Health Considerations of Illegally Traded Houbara for Falcons and Falconry in the Middle East. Falco. 2000; 12-14.

Bailey, T.; Combreau, O.; Rasheed, H., and Nadeem, S. Rehabilitation of Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii) in Pakistan; Draft Abstract for the 5th European Association of Avian Veterinarians Conference in Pisa, Italy, 1999.

Bailey, T.; Combreau, O.; Toosy, A., and Ahmed, M. Collaboration between the Houbara Foundation International and the Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency. IUCN, Species Survival Commission, Veterinary Specialist Group. 1998 Spring; 15:12.

Bailey, T.; Howlett, J.; Mariano, M.; Madhusudhanan, and Combreau, O. Review of the Houbara Bustard Confiscation and Rehabilitation Program of the National Avian Research Center, 1998-2001. Houbara News. 1:2.

Bailey, T.; Launay, F., and Sullivan, T. Health Issues of the International Trade of Falcons and Bustards in the Middle East: The Need for Regional Monitoring and Regulation. II International Conference on the Saker Falcon and Houbara Bustard; 2000 Jul 1-2000 Jul 4; Mongolia.

Bailey, T.; Mensah-Brown, E. P.; Samour, J. H.; Naldo, J.; Lawrence, P., and Garner, A. Comparative Morphology of the Alimentary Tract and its Glandular Derivatives of Captive Bustards. Journal of Anatomy. 1997; 191:387-398.

Bailey, T.; Naldo, J.; Samour, J. H.; Sleigh, I. M., and Howlett, J. C. Bustard Pediatric Diseases: A Review of Clinical and Pathologic Findings. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery. 1997; 11(3):166-174.

Bailey, T.; Nicholls, P. K.; Samour, J. H.; Naldo, J.; Wernery, U., and Howlett, J. C. Postmortem Findings in Bustards in the United Arab Emirates. Avian Diseases. 1996; 40:296-305.

Bailey, T.; Nicholls, P. K.; Wernery, U.; Samour, J.; Cooper, J. E., and O'Leary, M. T. Avian Paramyxovirus Type 1 Infection in Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii): Clinical and Pathologic Findings. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1997; 28(3):325-330.

Bailey, T.; Samour, J. H., and Bailey, T. C. Hunted by Falcons, Protected by Falconry: Can the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii) Fly into the 21st Century?. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery. 1998; 12(3):190-201.

Bailey, T.; Samour, J. H.; Cooper, J. E., and Cromie, R. L. Veterinary Considerations of Captive Breeding and Restoration Programs for Houbara Bustards in the Middle East. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery. 1996; 10(4):268-277.

Bailey, T.; Silvanose, C.; Manvell, R.; Gough, R. E.; Kinne, J.; Combreau, O., and Launay, F. Medical Dilemmas Associated with Rehabilitating Confiscated Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii) after Avian Pox and Paramyxovirus Type 1 Infection. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 2002; 38(3):518-532.

Bailey, T.; Silvanose, C.; Naldo, J.; Combreau, O.; Launay, F.; Wernery, U.; Kinne, J.; Gough, R., and Manvell, R. Health Considerations of the Rehabilitation of Illegally Traded Houbara Bustards Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii in the Middle East. Oryx. 2000 Oct; 34(4):325-334.

Bailey, T.; Silvanose, C.; Wernery, U.; Samour, J. H., and Naldo, J. Antimicrobial Resistance and Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations of Bacteria Isolated from Bustards in the United Arab Emirates. Avian Diseases. 1998; 42:690-697.

Bailey, T.; Wernery, U.; Samour, J. H., and Naldo, J. L. Antibody Response of Kori Bustards (Ardeotis kori) and Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis undulata) to Live and Inactivated Newcastle Disease Vaccines. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1998; 29(4):441-450.

Bailey, T; Wernery, U.; Howlett, J.; Naldo, J., and Samour, J. H. Age-related Plasma Chemistry Changes in Houbara and Kori Bustards in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 1999; 35(1):31-37.

Boer, B. Plant Propagation - Volume 1 Propagation Trials with Houbara Habitat Shrubs and Soil Melioration Techniques. NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1996 Dec; NARC Internal Research Report No. 50.

Brand, A. Analysis of the NARC Houbara Captive Breeding Trial of Nutragene in the 2003 Breeding Season. UAE: NARC; 2003 Nov; NARC Report.

Combreau, O. An Investigation into the Accuracy of the Couple System Argos-Platform Terminal Transmitters (Microwave Telemetry inc.) Commonly Used to Track Houbara Bustard. UAE: ERWDA; 1998 Dec; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 20.

Combreau, O. and Launay, F. Distribution of Houbara Bustard During the Breeding Season in Kazakhstan. UAE: ERWDA.

Combreau, O. and Launay, F. Activity Rhythms of Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii) in Relation to Some Abiotic Factors. Journal of Arid Environments. 1996; 33:463-472.

Combreau, O. and Launay, F. Alarming Drop in the Asian Houbara Populations in the Last 4 Years. Houbara News. 2001 Oct; 1:2-3.

Combreau, O. and Launay, F. An Estimation of the Nesting Success in a Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii Population in Kazakhstan. Sandgrouse. 1999; 21(2):171-175.

Combreau, O. and Lawrence, M. The Houbara Bustard Population Ecology Programme at the National Avian ResearchCenter, Abu Dhabi. Falco. 2000; 14-15.

Combreau, O. and Rambaud, F. Houbara Habitat in Mahazat As Sayd Part II: Arthropods. Saudi Arabia: NWRC; 1994 Jun.

Combreau, O. and Smith, T. R. Summer Habitat Selection by Houbara Bustards Introduced in Central Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments. 1997; 36:149-160.

Combreau, O. Census of Houbara Bustard in Kazakhstan: Evaluation of Two Different Methods. Counting Houbara Bustard. 4-7.

Combreau, O. Estimating the Annual Mortality rate in Houbara Bustard via Satellite Tracking. Houbara News. 2001 Apr; 3:2.

Combreau, O. Houbara Breeding Success in China. Houbara News. 2001 Apr; 3:2.

Combreau, O., Qiao, J., Lawrence, M., Gao, X., Yao, J., Yang, W. & Launay, F. (2002) Breeding success in a Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis [undulata] macqueenii population on the eastern fringe of the Jungar Basin, People’s Republic of China. Ibis144 (on-line): E45-E56.

Combreau, O.; Al Baidani, M. S., and Launay, F. Preliminary Studies of the Houbara Population of the Jiddat al-Harasis (Oman). NARC/ERWDA Expedition. 7 to 15 April 1999. UAE: NARC/ERWDA; 1999 Dec; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 25.

Combreau, O.; Bailey, T., and Al Baidani, M. S. Mission Report: First Step Towards a Strategy for the Conservation of the Houbara Bustard in Tunisia. UAE: ERWDA; 2000 Apr; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 28.

Combreau, O.; Launay, F., and Al Bowardi, M. Outward Migration of Houbara Bustards from Two Breeding Areas in Kazakhstan. The Condor. 1999; 101:159-164.

Combreau, O.; Launay, F., and Lawrence, M. An Assessment of Annual Mortality Rates in Adult-Sized Migrant Houbara Bustard ( Chlamydotis [undulata] macqueenii). Animal Conservation. 2000; 4:1 to 9.

Combreau, O.; Launay, F., and Lawrence, M. An Assessment of Annual Mortality Rates in Adult-sized Migrant Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis [undulata] macqueenii). Animal Conservation . 2001; 4:133-141.

Combreau, O.; Launay, F., and Lawrence, M. Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives in Houbara Bustard Conservation in Asia. Ecology and Conservation of Steppe-Land Birds. 2005; pp. 307-325.

Combreau, O.; Launay, F.; Lawrence, M., and Pole, S. B. First Results of a Long-term Large-scale Census of Houbara Bustards in Saudi Arabia. UAE: NARC/ERWDA.

Combreau, O.; McCarty, C. J.; Brand, A.; Maozeka, F.; Howlett, J., and Toosy, A. Preliminary Analysis of the NARC Houbara Captive Breeding Performance for the 2003 Season. UAE: NARC/ERWDA; 2003 Jul; NARC Report.

Combreau, O.; Pole, S.; Lawrence, M., and Launay, F. Houbara Bustard Population Monitoring in Kazakhstan
(First Report on the Collaboration between ERWDA and the Kazakh Anti-Plague Research Production Association). UAE: ERWDA; 1999 Sep; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 24.

Combreau, O.; Qiao, J.; Lawrence, M.; Xing-Yi, G.; Yao, J.; Yang, W., and Launay, F. Breeding Success in a Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis [undualta] macqueenni Population on the Eastern Fringe of the Jungar Basin, People's Republic of China. Ibis. 2002; 144 (on-line):E45-E56.

Combreau O., Riou S., Judas J., Lawrence M. 2011. Population structure, migratory connectivity and inference on gene exchange mechanisms in the Asian Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis macqueenii: a summary of recent Findings. Biodiversity Conservation in the Arabian Peninsula. Zoology in the Middle East, Supplementum 3, 2011: 107-110.

Combreau O. 2008. Arabic Falconry and the IllegalHoubara Trade in Arabia. Falco 30: 16-17

Combreau O, Riou S, Judas J, Lawrence M, Launay F, 2011 Migratory Pathways and Connectivity in Asian Houbara Bustards: Evidence from 15 Years of Satellite Tracking. PLoS ONE 6(6): e20570. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020570

Cornes, S. Study of the Population Ecology of the Houbara Bustard, Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii, Using the Desert Ranger's Survey Data. UAE: ERWDA; 1997 Sep; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 11.

Cornes, S. Dietary Analysis of the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii). UAE: ERWDA; 1997 Sep; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 10.

D'Aloia, M. DNA-based Sex Identification of Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis (undulata) macqueenii : A Collaboration Between the National Avian Research Center, ERWDA and the NCWCD, Saudi Arabia. UAE: ERWDA; 1999 Jun; ERWDA External Report No. 5.

D'Aloia, M. A Study on the Population Genetics of the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata) through Genomic and Mitochondrial DNA Techniques. UAE: ERWDA; 2000 Mar; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 27.

D'Aloia, M. DNA-based Sex Determination of the Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii, and Other Avian Species Held at NARC, and it's use in Captive Breeding and Ecology. UAE: ERWDA; 1998 Aug; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 18.

D'Aloia, M. Phyogeography of Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii Populations in Central Asia and the Middle East. UAE: NARC, ERWDA; Summary of Results.

D'Aloia, M. Preliminary Experiments on the Population Genetics of the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii). NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1996 Aug; NARC Internal Research Report No. 46.

D'Aloia, M. The First Use of Single Strand Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) to Study Genetic Vatiation in the Houbara Bustard. UAE: ERWDA; 1997 Apr; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 03.

D'Aloia, M. and Griffiths, R. Molecular Sexing of the Houbara Bustard, Chlamydotis undulata, and Other Arid-Land Species. Zoology in the Middle East . 1999; 18:33-40.

D'Aloia, M. and Launay, F. A Mitochondrial DNA Study on the Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii and Chlamydotis undulata Undulata Suggest the Taxonomic Status Should be Reviewed. UAE: ERWDA; 2001 Feb; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 35.

D'Aloia, M. and Launay, F. Should the Taxonomic Status of the Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis Undulata macqueenii and Chlamydotis undulata undulata be Reviewed: Support from a Mitochondrial DNA Study. UAE: NARC/ERWDA; Taxonomic status of Houbara bustard subspecies (Submitted to B.C.I).

D'Aloia, M. Normal Blood Chemistry of the Kori Bustard. Avian Pathology. 1996; 25 (161-165).

D'Aloia, M. Studies on the Population Structure of the Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata in the Middle East with DNA Analysis Techniques. Zoology in the Middle East. 2001; 22:25-35.

D'Aloia, M.; Bailey, T. A.; Samour, J. H.; Naldo, J., and Howlett, J. C. Bacterial Flora of Captive Houbara (Chlamydotis undulata), Kori (Ardeotis kori) and Rufous-crested (Eupodotis ruficrista) Bustards. Avian Pathology. 1996; 25:459-468.

D'Aloia, M.; Samour, J. H.; Bailey, T. A.; Naldo, J., and Howlett, J. Normal Blood Chemistry of the Kori Bustard. Avian Pathology. 1996; 25 (161-165).

D'Aloia, M.; Samour, J. H.; Howlett, J. C.; Bailey, T. A., and Naldo, J. Normal Blood Chemistry of the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata). Avian Pathology. 1996; 25 (167-173).

D'Aloia, M.; Samour, J. H.; Howlett, J. C.; Bailey, T., and Naldo, J. Haemophathological Responses to Chronic Inflammation in the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii). Comparative Haematology International. 1994; 4:203-206.

D'Aloia, M.; Samour, J. H.; Howlett, J. C.; Bailey, T., and Naldo, J. Normal Blood Chemistry of the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydots undulata). Avian Pathology. 1996; 25:167-173.

Gatham, M. P. Description and Manipulation of the Abu Dhabi Rangeland Vegetation for the Houbara Bustard.

Goriup P. Review of the world status of the Houbara bustard Chlamydotis undulata : Prepared for the meeting of eastern Range States, Muscat, Oman, January 1996, on behalf of NARC,UNEP-CMS,IUCN. 1996 Jan.

Griggs, A. M. Preliminary Studies for the Houbara Feeding Ecology Program. Student Placement Report, 1993-1994. NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1994 Sep; NARC Internal Research Report No. 20.

Gubin B.M. BREEDING BIOLOGY OF HOUBARA BUSTARD IN THE TAUKUMDESERT (Central Asia, Kazakhstan ). 1995; Final Report.

Gubin, B. M. Breeding Biology of Houbara Bustard in the TaukumDesert (Central Asia, Kazakhstan). Almaty: NARC and Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Kazakhstan; 1995 Nov; Final Report.

Gubin, B. M. Houbara Bustard Population Monitoring in South-West Kazakhstan on BuzachiPeninsula (First annual report on collaboration between ERWDA and houbara specialist in Kazakhstan). U.A.E: ERWDA; 2002 Jul; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 30.

Gubin, B. M. Houbara Bustard Population Monitoring in South-West Kazakhstan on BuzachiPeninsulaSouth Mangyshlak. UAE: ERWDA; 2003 Aug; Second Annual Report on Collaboration Between ERWDA and Houbara Specialist in Kazakhstan.

Gubin, B. M. Some Completed Data on Houbara Bustard Issue in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2001 Jan; Second Consultancy Report (Part one).

Gubin, B. M. Some Completed Data on Houbara Bustard Issue in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty - Abu Dhabi; 2002 Apr; Third Consultancy Report.

Gubin, B. M. Some Completed Data on Houbara Bustard Issue in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2008 Mar; Third Consultancy Report.

Gubin, B. M. Some Completed Data on Houbara Bustard Question in the Republic of Kazakhstan . First Consultancy Report to ERWDA/NARC/1999. 1999 Aug; First Consultancy Report .

Guillaume, G. and Pascaline, L. Adaptation to Heat of Captive-bred Houbara Bustard Released in the UAE. Toulouse, France; Research Programme - Internship Report of Second Year.

Howlett J.C./Samour J.H./Bailey T.A./Naldo J./D'Aloia M.A. Haemoproteus in the Houbara (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii) and rufous-crested bustard (Eupodotis ruficrista) in the United Arab Emirates. Avian Pathology. 1996; 24 (49-55).

Jacquet, J. M. Seasonal Changes in Food Intake and Body Mass in Captive Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis undulata) and Effect of Ambient Temperature. Journal of Arid Environments. 1998; 38:359-370.

Jacquet, J-M. Environmental Control of Reprodution in the Houbara Bustard: Effect of Photoperiod, Temperature and Rain. UAE: ERWDA ; 1997 Jun; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 06.

Jacquet, J-M. Seminar: Restoration of Houbara Bustard Populations in Saudi Arabia (Taif, Riyadh 29 September 4-October 1993). Saudi Arabia: NWRC; Program & Abstracts.

Jacquet, J-M. Diurnal Behaviour Patterns in Captive Houbara Bustard: Effect of Temperature and Photoperiod. NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1996 Aug; NARC Internal Research Report No. 47.

Jacquet, J-M. Ecophysiology of Reproduction in the Houbara . UAE: NARC; Report on the First Six Months of the Study.

Jacquet, J-M. Ecophysiology of Reproduction in the Houbara Bustard. UAE: NARC; Research Proposal for 1995-1996.

Jacquet, J-M. Food Intake in the Houbara Bustard: Relation with Body Weight and Ambient Temperature. NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1995 Jul; NARC Internal Research Report No. 25.

Jacquet, J-M. Reproduction in Houbara Bustards Kept Under Natural Conditions at the Sweihan Research Station-1994/95 Season. NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1997 Feb; NARC Internal Research Report No. 53.

Jacquet, J-M. Reproduction in Houbara Bustards Kept Under Natural Conditions at Sweihan Research Station. 1995-1996 Season. UAE: ERWDA; 1997 Apr; ERWDA Internal Research Report No. 02.

Jacquet, J-M. Seasonal Changes in Food Intake and Body Mass in Captive Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis undulata): Relation with Migration, Sex, Moult and Ambient Temperature. UAE: NARC.

Jacquet, J-M. Use of Gonadotrophins to Stimulate Reproductive Development in the Houbara Bustard - 1995: Preliminary Trials. NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1996 Oct; NARC Internal Research Report No. 48.

Jacquet, J-M. Use of Gonadotrophins to Stimulate Reproductive Development in the Houbara Bustard-1995: Preliminary Trials. NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1996 Oct; NARC Internal Research Report No. 48.

Jacquet, J-M. and D'Aloia, M. Environmental Control of Reproduction in the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata): Importance of PhotoperiodPhotoperiod and Breeding in the Houbara.

Jacquet, J-M. and Launay, F. Diurnal Behavioral Patterns in the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata) in Captivity: Effect of Temperature and Daylength. UAE: NARC.

Jacquet, J-M. and Launay, F. Diurnal Behavioural Patterns in the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata) in Captivity: Effects of Temperature and Daylength. Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Reprinted). 1997; 55:137-151.

Jianfang, Q.; Jun, Y., and Combreau, O. Monitoring the Incubation Behaviour of the Houbara Chlamydotis undulata with a Temperature Logger Dummy Egg. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society (Reprinted). 2002 Aug; 99(2):165-172.

Judas J., Ding C.Q., Lu J., Noir S., Sadoul N., Yang W. September 2005. Mission report:Estimating abundance and population trends with special references to the propagation and reintroduction of the Asian Houbara (Chlamydotis macqueenii) in the XinjiangProvince – PeopleRepublic of China. NARC- ERWDA internal report. 54 pp.

Judas, J.; Combreau, O.; Lawrence, M.; Al Baidani, M. S.; Launay, F., and Xing-Yi, G. Migration and Range Use of Asian Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis macqueenii Breeding in the Gobi Desert, China, Released by Satellite Tracking. IBIS. 2006; 148:343-351.

Judas J, Al WahadiM., PaillatP., SalehM., 2006. Field expedition to Yemen. August - September 2006. Mission report. NARC Internal report. Pp. 21

JudasJ., Al Wahadi M., Paillat P. 2008. Arabian Bustard in Tihamah – Yemen. Survey report 06 November – 06 December 2007 and Project Proposal. NARC Internal report. 30 pp.

Judas J., Al Wahadi A, bin Omran J., & Paillat P.. 2007. Yemen report Houbara survey February – March 2007. NARC Internal report. 13pp.

Judas J. & P. Rautureau, 2009. GPS-GSM-UHF tracking devices from Microsensory, S.L.Report on the development and test of prototypes for Houbara Bustard. NARC internal report. 17 March 2010. 9 pp.

Judas J. & P. Rautureau, 2010. Telemetry project with Microsensory, S.L. NARC internal report. 3 August 2010. 9 pp.

Judas J., Lawrence M. and Combreau O. 2008. Countdown for the Houbara in Yemen!. Falco 36: 13-14.

Judas J., Lawrence M. and Combreau O. 2008. High mortality of Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii in Iran. Falco 36: 14-15


Launay, F. and Bailey, T., Editors. Counting Houbara Bustard. UAE: IUCN/SSC/Birdlife Working Group on the Houbara Bustard.

Launay, F. and Loughland, R. A. Migration of Houbara Bustard Using Satellite-tracking: Implications for conservation. UAE: NARC.

Launay, F. and Loughland, R. A. Report on the Houbara Expedition to Central Asia and Kazakhstan (9 April to 13 June 1994). Part ll. NARC Internal Research Report ed.. UAE: NARC; 1994 Sep; NARC Internal Research Report No. 19.

Launay, F. and Loughland, R. A. Breeding System of Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii: Preliminary Observations. Sandgrouse. 1996; 14-17.

Launay, F. and Paillat, P. A Behavioural Repertoire of the Adult Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii). Review of Ecology. 1990; 45:65-88.