Classified Staff Council Meeting Minutes

January 23, 2007

Attending: Colleen BilbyJeanne Bird, Vonda Knox, Lillian Rendon, Kirsten Moore Paul Scofield, Mary Sierra, Patricia Yarrow

I.Introductions / Announcements

a. The minutes from the December 19, 2007 meeting were unanimously approved.

b. All in attendance introduced themselves.


* The IT workshops will not be open to campus at large but other workshops will be offered during the same timeframe

* Environmental policy / Driven by SGA / staff & faculty participation welcome

* Rachel B. Noel event February 6th, 7th and 8th

* Center for Visual Arts exhibit has began

* Karen Raforth resigned / moving to CU Boulder

* Search for Assoc. VP and search for VP of Student Services is progressing

* DPA Director, Richard Chavez will address staff on the Auraria Campus

IIIStrategic Planning April 1st (deadline)

A.For purposes of strategic planning, how can the Classified Staff Council gain access to information regarding:

1)Current staffing pattern

a.number of classified staff in each area and their job classifications

b.vacant positions and whether there are plans to fill them

2) Same data, for five, ten and fifteen years ago (to chart trends)

3)Some idea of how many classified / which levels are close to retirement

a. early retires who may have purchased service time

4) Succession planning critical to the overall health of the campus

5) Reluctance of middle management to learn staff procedures disables offices

a. manager training / communication / supervisor responsibilities

6) Some higher education institutions have floating supervisors who oversee academic department classified support staff

a. shift from a Chair to a trained supervisor

B. Current Staff Issues:

1) Lack of office/campus procedure guidelines

a. desk procedures for all offices

b. time and training necessary to produce office manuals

c. clarification of campus policies / location and easy access

d. best practices / contest or incentive to encourage staff involvement

2) Salary Compensation

a. examples of inequity

b. data trends

c. recruitment compensation / salary compression

d. specific job requirements for new hires limit training window and reduce promotion opportunities

e. need to recruit in-house

C. New Tuition Reimbursement Policy /Old Tuition Waiver Policy

1) Financial hardship

2) Rigid class enrollment procedure

D. Eco-pass

1) State position

E. Exempting classified positions

1) number of positions

2) cycles / trends

3) PERA implications

IV.Professional Development

A. Conferences

*January 19, 2007 conference was a great success. Many staff attended. The workshops were valuable.

*Sallye McKee has a staff conference in mind and has already secured half of the funds she thinks we will need.

*Staff involvement is critical / topics / concerns /

V.March meeting w/ Dr. Jordan

*Location TBA

*Topics: E-mail staff for ideas and concerns / list of questions before the event

* CS invitation event / Council members will make a personal contact to staff in their areas / give out pertinent information / invitation to the meeting w/ Dr. Jordan