2014 Public Relations Society of America

New Orleans Chapter Awards

Professional Competition Guidelines

1. The awards program is open to all public relations professionals in Louisiana, not just members of PRSA.

2. Materials should have been completed during the 2013-14 calendar year or be mature enough to have produced results in 2014.

3. All early deadline entries should be received by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, August 20with a fee of $42 for members and $52 for non-members. The final deadline is 4 p.m. on Thursday, September 4with a fee of $57 per entry for members and $67 for non-members.

4. Entries can be submitted electronically via email to .

5. All entry fees must accompany entries. Check or credit card accepted (credit card form attached).

6. Judging will be performed by a PRSA chapter from outside of Louisiana. Prior to forwarding the entries to the judges, the Awards Committee will review each entry for the appropriateness of category and may make changes where appropriate. Decisions of the committee are final.

7. Awards of Excellence and Awards of Merit certificates will be awarded in any category at the judges’ discretion.

8. Requests for additional information and specific questions about the competition can be directed to Sarah Tiambeng, PRSA New Orleans, Awards Chair, .

9. Information regarding membership can be directed to Meg Courtney via email at .



  • All entrants must submit one email per entry to with the following:

-100‐word summary of your entry.

-One JPEG image (event, tactic, product or project team)

-One JPEG company logo

-Name Email Subject Line as: CompanyName_EntryTitle

-Entry documents should be titled as: CompanyName_EntryCategory_EntryTitle

-Entry fee must accompany submission.

  • Submit two copies of your entry form with each entry.
  • Entries should comply with specific guidelines for campaigns and single piece events.
  • Please type or print clearly.

Campaign Category:

  • Submit two copies of your entry form with each entry and a written description of the project limited to two-pages, single spaced size 10 font.
  • A public relations campaign can be entered in only one campaign category.
  • Individual components can be entered in appropriate single entry categories.

Print Category:

  • Submit two copies of the entry form and one‐page summary of your entry.
  • The written description should be limited to one-page, single spaced size 10 font.

Audio Visual Category:

  • Submit two copies of entry form and a one‐page summary of your entry.
  • The written description should be limited to one-page, single spaced size 10 font.
  • The summary should explain the public relations project supported by the entry.

Social Media Category:

  • Submit two copies of entry form and a one‐page summary of your entry.
  • The written description should be limited to one-page, single spaced size 10 font.
  • The summary should explain the public relations project or campaign supported by the entry.
  • Internet material should be screen‐captured and submitted in entry materials.


Campaign Category Information:

Public Relations campaigns will be judged on the basis of research, planning/budget, execution/implementation and evaluation (qualitative, quantitative or both).

C‐1 External Relations‐ Corporation/ Government

C‐2 External Relations‐ Non‐profit/ Association

Categories C‐1 and C‐2 are for programs designed to improve relationships or correct misunderstanding with selected audiences or those that target a specific group. Also included are programs aimed at community betterment through informational activities, developing greater goodwill or creating a clearer public identity.

C‐3 Internal Relations

Programs designed to improve relationships or correct misunderstanding with groups that are included within an organization or corporation, such as employees, donors, alumni, members, etc.

C‐4 Investor Relations

Programs designed to inform shareholders, potential investors, financial analysts and the investment community.

C‐5 Public Affairs

Programs designed to promote public or government support or opposition to an issue before a legislative body or a government agency. Programs that involve employees or other key audiences in political or government activities can also be included in this category.

C‐6 Crisis Communication‐ Corporate/Government

C‐7 Crisis Communication‐ Nonprofit/Association

Categories C‐6 and C‐7 are for programs developed to help organizations deal with an unplanned event, requiring immediate response. The programs should be designed to communicate effectively with various audiences, including the media, during a crisis or emergency situation.

C‐8 Brief Special Events/Observances‐ Corporate/Government

C‐9 Brief Special Events/Observances‐ Nonprofit/ Association

Categories C‐8 and C‐9 are for programs or events scheduled for one to seven consecutive days. Events may be openings, observances, commemorations, celebrations or other special activities.

C‐10 Extended Special Events/Observances‐ Corporate/Government

C‐11 Extended Special Events/Observances‐ Nonprofit/ Association

Categories C‐10 and C‐11 are for programs or events that take place for eight days or more, such as a yearlong anniversary, or events such as commemorations, observances, celebrations, etc.

C‐12 The Great Idea

Creative and effective public relations programs produced on a budget of $2,000 or less.

C‐13 Integrated Marketing

Programs, which successfully unite various areas or disciplines (pr, advertising, marketing)

C‐14 Social Media Campaign

A public relations campaign with more than 70% of campaign work performed through social media strategies and tactics.


Print Category Information:

The summary should explain the public relations project supported by the entry, along with the planning/content, creativity/quality, technical excellence and results/evaluation (qualitative, quantitative or both).

P‐1Story Pitch and placement

P‐2Annual Reports

P‐3 Books and booklets

P‐4 Brochures and Flyers

P‐5 Direct Mail Pieces

P‐6 Media Kit

P‐7 Branding Image Design (logos, business cards, corporate identify manuals, kit folders)

P‐8 Posters

P‐9 Public Service Ads (Ads donated by a publication as a commitment to community service)

P‐10 Goodwill Ads (Ads paid for by a company or organization that promotes itself as a good corporate citizen)

P‐11 Advocacy Ads (Ad paid for in part or in full by a sponsor that promotes or advocates an event, cause, program, point of view, or take position on a matter of community interest)

P‐12 News Releases

P‐13 Feature Stories

P‐14 Advertorials

P‐15 External Publications

P‐16 Newsletters

P‐17 Invitations

P‐18 Op‐ed/ Editorial

P‐19 Any single creative printed piece that does not fall into the above categories


Audio Visual Category Information:

• Public Relations campaigns will be judged on the basis of planning/content, creativity/quality, technical excellence and results/evaluation (qualitative, quantitative or both).

AV‐1 Slide/ PowerPoint Presentations

One or multi‐projector productions made for a public relations program or promotional campaign.

AV‐2 CD/DVD/Video/Film Productions

Productions that inform a public, build an image, sell an idea or product, trains employees, etc.

AV‐3 Public Service Announcement

Traditional PSA produced for a radio or television broadcast. Broadcast must be provided free, as part of a community service.

AV‐4 Advocacy Advertising

Commercial radio or television spot, paid for by a company or organization promoting or advocating an event, cause, program point of view or position of community interest.

AV‐5 Goodwill Advertising

Commercial radio or television spot, paid for the company or organization, promoting itself as a good corporate citizen. (spots that sell a product do not qualify).

AV‐6 Video/ DVD News Release

A news release of any length that has been distributed to media


Social Media Category Information:

• Public Relations campaigns will be judged on the basis of content, creativity/quality, technical excellence, and results/evaluation (qualitative, quantitative or both).

SM‐1 Website

SM‐2 Blog

SM‐3Social media channel: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, etc

SM‐4 Online Video

SM‐5 Podcast


SM‐7 Online newsroom

SM‐8 Social media news releases


SM‐10 Social media advertisements

SM-11Other‐ Any other single use of new media created to promote an organization’s goods services or image as part of an overall campaign.

2014 PRSA New Orleans Chapter Awards

Entry Form

Category Name Category Number

Entry Title Entrant’s Name

(as it will appear on award)

PRSA Member ID Company Name

(leave blank if not a member) (as it will appear on award)


(if applicable)

Company Street Address City/State Zip

(P.O. Boxes not accepted)

Entrant’s Phone Entrant’s Email address

Please provide contact information for those who should receive an announcement if the entry wins:

NameEmail address

NameEmail address

Name Email address

Name Email address

I am paying by:□ check□ credit card*

Total number of entries: Total payment enclosed: $

*If paying by credit card, please complete the attached form and submit it with your entry or you may contact Hannah Drutz, PRSA New Orleans Treasurer, at (504) 897-0462 or to provide your credit card information and process your payment. A receipt will be e-mailed to you. If paying by check, make it payable to PRSA New Orleans Chapter.

Award entries must be received by the deadline to be accepted for the following rates:

-Early Entry Fee until August 20 (4 p.m.): $42/entry for PRSA members, $52 non-members

-Final Deadline Fee until September 4(4 p.m.): $57/entry for PRSA members, $67 non-members

Email Required! Please send one email per entry to: containing one JPEG image (event, tactic, product or project team) and one JPEG company logo.

2014PRSA New Orleans Chapter Awards
Entry Credit Card Payment Form

Name on Card

Number of Entries

Total Payment $

Card Number Expiration Date

Card Type □ Visa □ MasterCard □ Other

Name of person completing this form

Company/Organization name

Phone Email

Thank you for your submission to the 2014 PRSA New Orleans Chapter awards.A receipt will be e-mailed to you once your credit card payment has been processed.

2014PRSA New Orleans Chapter Awards

Ticket Order Form

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Chicory

610 S. Peters Street

New Orleans, La. 70130

6:00 p.m.: Cocktails, silent auction, networking and entries on display

6:30 p.m.: Awards ceremony begins

$50 for Members, $60 for Non-members

Parking is available in paid lots nearby or on the surrounding streets


Name Organization PRSA Member? □ yes □ no

Name Organization PRSA Member? □ yes □ no

Name Organization PRSA Member? □ yes □ no

Name Organization PRSA Member? □ yes □ no

Name on Card

Number of Tickets ____ members____ non-members Total Payment $

Card Number Expiration Date

Method of Payment □ Visa □ MasterCard □ Other

Name of person completing this form

Company/Organization name
Email Phone

Please return the completed payment form with your award entry or you may contact Hannah Drutz, PRSA New Orleans Treasurer at (504) 897-0462 or .

Thank you for purchasing tickets to the 2014 PRSA New Orleans Chapter awards.A receipt will be e-mailed to you once your credit card payment has been processed.

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