Napa County Law Library Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Call to Order
Francisca Tisher called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.
Roll Call
The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Francisca Tisher, Joanna Mittman,Vicki Wood, James V. Jones, and Selena Medlen. Also present at the meeting were Michael Blend andConnie Brennan.
Public Comment
Connie read a letter from the Napa Valley College Legal Research & Writing I class, thanking the Law Library Trustees for use of the Law Library. The original letter is attached to these minutes.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the November meeting weredistributed to the Board for approval. It was moved (J.Mittman) and seconded (J. Jones) to approve the minutes of the November meeting. There being no discussion, the minutes were approved as distributed.
Financial Matters
Nothing to report.
Web page
Although there was nothing to report, a discussion ensued as to why the Web Page item is on the agenda each month. It was then moved (J. Mittman) and seconded (J. Jones), that the Web Page agenda item be placed on the agenda each quarter, rather than each month. There being no further discussion, the motion was carried.
Pending matters:
Photocopy Machine Coin/Bill Machine. Commissioner Williams was going to write a letter to our sales representative regarding the problem with the new $5 bills, and report at this meeting. Unfortunately, he was unable to attend the meeting. The matter was tabled to the January 2009 meeting.
On Being 18 Pamphlets. Jim Jones reported that he would be meeting with the principals of Napa High School and Vintage High School to discuss the presentation of the pamphlets and program.
New matters
Nolo PressBooks. Michael Blend reported that since the Nolo Books were placed back on the shelves, not one has gone missing.
Evaluation and Recommendation Concerning WestLaw Results Plus. Joanna Mittman, Vicki Wood, and Michael Blend reviewed the new Results Plus program. They reported that while there were some interesting features, and there was a possibility that our WestLaw print costs might be reduced, they did not feel it was something the Law Library needed at this time. Michael Blend felt that most Law Library patrons would not use it, and recommended against it. Joanna Mittman will contact Michael Redalia and let him know we are not interested.
CEB OnLaw. Vicki Wood reported that that she received another letter from our CEB representative, stating that additional law libraries had signed up for CEB OnLaw, and it was now available to us at an additional discount. After some discussion, it was mentioned that this item is up for review sometime in early 2009. No further action will be taken at this time.
Update to Collection Card. Judge Tisher wanted to confirm that mention would be made at the Napa County Legal Secretaries Holiday Luncheon about the update to the collection card. Connie confirmed that that she would make an announcement at the luncheon that the update would be available in the attorney folders after the luncheon.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie R. Brennan