Nanning-Guangzhou Railway Project

Environmental Management Plan

China Railway Second Survey and Design Institute

April 2009


1.General Introduction

1.1Project background

1.2Project Description

1.3Applicable Standards

1.4Key Environmental Sensitive Areas

2.Mitigation Measures

3.Environmental Management Responsibilities

3.1Management Organization and Responsibilities

3.2Environmental Supervision

3.3Management of Contractors

4.Environmental Training Program

4.1Training Targets and Contents

4.2Training Methods and Costs

5.Legal Effects of EMP

6.Framework for New Temporary Works

6.1General Principles

6.2Access Road Design Recommendations

7.Estimate of Environmental Protection Investment

7.1Principle and Basis

7.2Investment Category

7.3Estimate of Environmental Protection Investment

Annex 1Noise Mitigation Measures

Annex 2Vibration Mitigation Measures

Annex 3Mitigation Measures for Key Tunnels and Bridges

Annex 4Mitigation Measures for Environmental Sensitive Areas

Annex 5Mitigation Measures for Water Source Protection Areas

Annex 6Wastewater Treatment System for Railway Stations

Annex 7Locations of the old trees

Annex 8List of borrow and disposal sites

Annex 9Summary of Soil Erosion COntrol PLan

Annex 10List of appLicable Standards

1.General Introduction

1.1Project background

The proposed Nanning-Guangzhou Railway Project (Nan-Guang Line) is a new466.734km double track railway line starting from Nanningin Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and ending at Guangzhou in Guangdong province in south China. The construction period is expected to be 4.5years, commencing in late 2008 and the line is proposed to be commissioned by end of2012.

According to both Chinese EA laws/regulations and the World Bank Operation Policies 4.01 Environmental Assessment, the proposed project is a Category A project due to its scale of potential environmental and social impact and the sensitivity of the project areas, and full environmental impact assessment report is required.

The EMP specifies project activities, potential impacts, mitigation measures, implementation entities, monitoring entities, budget allocation, monitoring indicators, as well as environmental management and supervision institutional setup and capacity building training program.

This EMP will be part of contractual documents for contractors and supervision engineers. The mitigation measures developed in EMP will be incorporated into preliminary design and detail design, and will be fully implemented by contractors under contractual obligations.

Under Chinese EIA law, an EIA is based on the Feasibility Study (FS) and, after being approved, should not be changed unless there are fundamental changes in the project scope. Because of the rapid design progress, the RAP of NanGuang Railway has been prepared based on the Preliminary Design (PD), which is more detailed than the FS. Compared to the FS, the NanGuang PD reduced the total land acquisition by 4.59% and demolition by 12.10%. In the PD, there are 20 stations, two more than in the FS. Minor adjustments to route alignment have also reduced the total length from 466 km in the FS to the latest estimate of 462 km. The potential impact is assessed and concluded that this will cause little change to the overall impact of the project assuming mitigation measures are implemented effectively during construction.

1.2Project Description

Salient technical parameters of the railway line are:

  • Length: 466.734km
  • Right of way: Nanning-Guangzhou Railway is a backbone railway from Guangxi and Yunnan to the coastal region of South China, passing through GuangxiProvince and GuangdongProvince and connecting West Litang Station of Liunan passenger special line to be built in its west. It is connected to New Zhaoqing Station of Guiguang Line along Xijiang River Basin and via Guiping County and Pingnan County in Guigang City, Tengxian County and Cangwu County in Wuzhou City, Yunan County, Yun’an County and Yuncheng District of Yufun City of Guangdong Province and Duanzhou County and Dinghu County of Zhaoqing City and then connected to Qicha Station together with and parallel to Guiguang Railway to be built via Sanshui and Foshan. After leaving Qicha Station, it is connected to Sanyanqiao Station along the existing double line of Guangmao passage. Its total length of main line is 466.734km.
  • Distance in center line of two tracks: 4.6m
  • Minimum curve radius:3500m; for accelerating/decelerating section, it shall be determined in combination with design running speed.
  • Maximum grade: 12‰ for West Litang Station-Guigang Station; 6‰ for Guigang Station-New Sanshui; 13‰ for New Sanshui-Sanyanqiao;
  • Effective length of departure track:650m for West Litang Station-Guigang Station; 850m for Guigang Station-Sanyanqiao Station
  • Train type: Electric traction
  • Train operation control: Automatic
  • Traffic management control: Centralized Traffic Control
  • Structure gauge: shall meet the requirements of transportation for double-deck container train

Detailed project contents and scales are shown in Table 1-1. The project alignment is shown in Figure 1-1.

Table 1-1Project Contents and Scale

I.Project composition and main technical parameters
1 / Land occupation (hm2) / Total land occupation / 2907.06 / Stations / Marshalling station / 0
In which / Permanent occupation / 1923.57 / Main passenger stations / 0
Temporary occupation / 983.49 / Intermediate stations / 15
Cultivated farmland / 1006.79 / Overtaking stations / 3
2 / Land occupation of ancillaryfacilities (hm2) / Large temporary works and construction camp / 107.74 / Tunnels / L<500m / 17.761/km/71(Nr.)
Borrow pits / 274.38 / 500m<L<3km / 26.225 km /27(Nr.
Disposal sites / 417.92 / 3km<L<10km / 36.632km/7(Nr.)
Access road / 83.66 / L>10km / 12.255km/1(Nr.)
Total / 883.74 / Total / 93.68km/106(Nr.)
3 / Bridge / Total / 199/152158.81m
4 / Temporary works / Access road / 249km / Long rail storage base / 2
Material plant (point) / 13 / Beam pre-casting yard / 13
Focus on filling mixing station / 11 / Large-scale rail laying base / 2
II. Earth/stone works (unit: 106 m3)
S/N / Type of works / Cross section / Construction
Excavated / Backfill / Reused from subgrade excavation / Reused from tunnel excavation / Reused from excavation of stations and yards / Borrow amount / Spoil disposal
1 / Subgrade / 20.44 / 27.16 / 3.87 / 4.37 / / / 18.92 / 16.00
2 / Tunnel / 8.98 / 13.95 / 6.74 / 1.21 / 0.57 / 5.44 / 2.25
3 / Bridge & culvert / 12.96 / / / / / / / / / / / 7.38
4 / Stations and yards / 1.14. / / / / / / / / / / / 1.14.
Total / 43.52 / 41.12 / 10.60 / 5.58 / 0.57 / 24.36 / 26.77

1.3Applicable Standards

The applicable environmental standards referred in the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan are summarized as follows. A reference to the applicable standards is provided in EMP Annex 10.

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

In accordance with the Reply of the Environmental Protection Administration of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Concerning the Standards Applicable for Environmental Impact Assessment of Nanning-Guangzhou Railway, this environmental impact assessment for the section within the territory of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region adopted the following standards:

1.Aquatic environment

Water quality of the rivers crossed by the railway shall conform to Category III or above specified by Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water GB3838-2002; suspended solids below the limit of 30 mg/l; discharged wastewater up to Level I specified by Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard GB8978-1996. Level III applies when wastewater from the stations and section is discharged to an urban sewerage networks with two-stage biochemical wastewater treatment plant available during operation period. The corresponding level specified by Standards for Irrigation Water QualityGB 5084-2005 applies when wastewater is to be discharged to agricultural irrigation channels.

2.Atmospheric environment

Ambient air along the line shall meet Class II or above specified by Ambient Air Quality Standard GB3095-1996. Exhaust air emitted during construction period shall fit Class II or above specified by Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutant GB16297-1996.

3.Acoustic environment

Noise Limits for Construction Site GB12523-90 applies in construction period.

For operation period, the limit (70dBA for day and night) of Emission Standard and Measurement Methods of Railway Noise on the Boundary alongside Railway Line GB12525-90 applies within 30m from the centerlines of outer rails on both sides of railway. Corresponding environmental function zoning standard applies to the cities and towns 30m and more away from the line. For the rural areas between 30m and 80mfrom the centerlines of outer rails on both sides of the railway, their acoustic environment shall meet Category IV or above specified byStandard of Environmental Noise of Urban Area GB3096-93, and that of the noise-sensitive buildings such as school classrooms and hospital wards therein shall be less than 60dBA in daytime and 50dBA at night. Category I specified byStandard of Environmental Noise of Urban Area GB3096-93 applies for residential buildings, schools and hospitals beyond 80m.

4.Vibration environment

The provision of the Standard of Vibration in Urban Area Environment GB10070-88 for “both sides of railway”, i.e. 80dB for day and night, applies.

5.Electromagnetic Environment

The related provisions of Regulations for Electromagnetic Radiation Protection GB 8702-88 for public exposure limit, the Limits of Radio Interference from AC High Voltage Overhead Power Transmission Lines GB15707-1995 and the Technical Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation Produced by 500kv Ultrahigh Voltage Transmission and Transfer Power Engineering HJ/T24-1998 apply. For impact on TV signal receiving along the line, signal-noise ratio shall be not less than 35dB.


The China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd. (CREEC), in February 2008, submitted to the Environmental Protection Administration of Guangdong Province Letter of Request for Confirming the Proposed Environmental Standard for Nanning-Guangdong railway, HYH (2008) No. 77 for comments. However, no reply is made so far. Standards proposed by CREEC are as follows:

I.Environmental Quality Standards

1.Acoustic environment

Where environmental function zoning is available, corresponding regional function zoning standard applies. Where not available, Category IV specified by Standard of Environmental Noise of Urban Area GB3096-93 applies to the areas between 30m and 60mfrom the centerlines of outer rails on both sides of railway; and Category II to the areas beyond 60m. For noise-sensitive objects such as school and hospital, noise shall be less than 60dBA in daytime and 50dBA at night.

2.Aquatic environment

The related provisions and requirements of the Functional Zoning of Surface Water Environment of Guangdong Province (trial) apply.

3.Atmospheric environment

Class II specified by Ambient Air Quality Standard GB3095-1996 applies.

4.Vibration environment

The provision of the Standard of Vibration in Urban Area Environment GB10070-88 for “both sides of railway”, i.e. 80dB for day and night, applies.

II.Discharge and Emission Standards


Noise Limits for Construction Site GB12523-90 applies to construction period.

For operation period, the limit (70dBA for day and night) of Emission Standard and Measurement Methods of Railway Noise on the Boundary alongside Railway Line GB12525-90 applies within 30m from the centerlines of outer rails on both sides of railway.


For operation period, when wastewater from the stations and section belongs to Category III specified by Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water GB3838-2002, Class I stipulated by the Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants – a local standard of Guangdong province applies; When Category IV or V, Class II does; When it is discharged to an urban sewerage networks with two-stage biochemical wastewater treatment plant available, Class III does; When discharged to agricultural irrigation ditches, Standards for Irrigation Water Quality GB5084-2005 apply.

3.Electromagnetic radiation

For electromagnetic environment, the Limits of Radio Interference from AC High Voltage Overhead Power Transmission Lines GB15705-1995 and the Technical Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation Produced by 500kv Ultrahigh Voltage Transmission and Transfer Power Engineering HJ/T24-1998 apply. For impact on wireless TV receiving along the line, signal-noise ration shall be not less than 35dB.

1.4Key Environmental Sensitive Areas

There are a number of key environmental sensitive areas identified during environmental impact assessment preparation, which would be directly impacted by the project construction and operation. These sites are summarized in Table 1-2.


Table 1-2Key Environmental and Social Sensitive Sites

Environmental Sensitive Elements / Objects of Protection / Level / Address / Position Relative To The Alignment / Engineering Type
Ecological environment / Ancient tomb complex in Guigang / Provincial / Guigang city / The line cuts through the protection area of the ancient tomb complex. / Subgrade
TongleMountain Nature Reserve / Provincial / Yunan county, Yunfu city / The line cuts through the approved expanded area of the nature reserve. / Tunnel
DaliMountainForest Park / County / Yunan county, Yunfu city / The line cuts through the forest park. / Tunnel
YapojiMountainForest Park / County / Yunfu city / The line cuts through the forest park. / Tunnel
Scenic Spot of StarLake / National / Zhaoqing city / The line cuts through the external protection zone of the Ding lake. / Tunnel
Jilongding Nature Reserve / Municipal / Zhaoqing city / The Beiling Mountain Tunnel on the line runs through the nature serve. / Tunnel
Soil, vegetation, water and soil conservation facilities, wild plants, biodiversity / / / Guangdong, Guangxi / Along the whole line. / Subgrade, station & yard, bridge, tunnel
Protection area of forest and basic farmland along the line / / / Guangdong, Guangxi / Along the whole line. / Subgrade, station & yard, bridge, tunnel
Acoustic environment / Totally 279 sensitive points, of which, 245 residential areas, 32 schools, and 2 hospitals. / Guangdong, Guangxi / Residential buildings, schools, hospitals, etc within 200m on both sides of railway. / Train operating
Vibration environment / Totally 192 sensitive points, of which, 185 residential areas, 6 schools, and 1 hospital. / Guangdong, Guangxi / Residential buildings within 60m on both sides of railway / Train operating
Electromagnetic radiation / Totally 205 residential areas, / Guangdong, Guangxi / Wireless TV users within 80m on both sides of railway / Electric locomotive operating
Aquatic environment / Protection area of WestRiver drinking water source of Sanrong Water Works / Category II, quasi-protection area of water source / Zhaoqing city / A super major bridge on the line crosses WestRiver4.03km upstream the water intake. / Bridge
Longside surface water / Category III or IV / Guangdong, Guangxi / Along the whole line. / Bridge
Atmospheric environment / Lineside area / Class II / Guangdong, Guangxi / Along the whole line. / Dust and vehicle exhaust during construction
Other social sensitive sites / Resettlement of building properties, including one community Catholic Church in Guangdong, five surname-based family temples and normal tombs of local communities / No formal protection level / Along whole corridor / Along the whole line.


2.Mitigation Measures

Based on environmental impact assessment, a series of mitigation measures have been developed in this EMP, and summarized in the following Table 2-1, Table 2-2 and Table 2-3.

Besides mitigation measures included in this EMP, the project design and construction are also subject to a wide range of domestic laws, regulation, technical guidelines and code of practice in China, which by default are legal requirement for project design and construction management. Some of the main documents include:

-Design Code for Environmental Protection in Railway Projects (TB10501-98)

-Environment and Hygiene Standards for Construction Site (JGJ146-2004),

-Code of Railway Construction Safety (TB10401.1-2003)

-Code of Railway Tunnel Construction Safety (TBJ404-87)

-Code of Railway Bridge/Culvert Construction Safety (TBJ403-87)

-Code of Safety for Temporary Works Construction (TBJ411-87)

-Technical Standards of Water Conservation and Soil Erosion Control for Railway Projects (TB10503-2005)

-Guidelines of Railway Construction Supervision (TB10402-2003)

-Management Regulations for Construction Sites

-Safety Rules for Construction Projects, Environmental Acceptance Rules for Railway Project Completion Inspection

-Environmental Protection Regulations for Railway

-Environmental Supervision Regulations for Railway

-Implementation Guidelines for Environmental Protection Plan for Railway;

-Three-Simultaneousness Rules for Railway Construction Projects

Specific mitigation measures are included in the follow annex attached to this EMP:

Annex 1Noise Mitigation Measures

Annex 2Vibration Mitigation Measures

Annex 3Mitigation Measures for Key Tunnels and Bridges

Annex 4Mitigation Measures for Environmental Sensitive Areas

Annex 5Mitigation Measures for Water Source Protection Areas

Annex 6Wastewater Treatment System for Railway Stations

Annex 7Locations of the old trees

Annex 8List of borrow and disposal sites

Annex 9Summary of Soil Erosion Control Plan

Annex 10List of Applicable Standards


Table 2-1Implementation Plan for Environmental Protection Measures in Design Stage

Activities / Potential
Impacts/ Issues / Mitigation measures / Implementation Schedule / Budget
(RMB 104 Yuan) / Implementation Responsibility / Supervision Responsibility / Monitoring Indicators / Monitoring Frequency
Alignment selection / Railway may affect environmental sensitive areas / Alternatives alignments were carefully studied to avoid and minimize impact on environmental sensitive areas such as nature reserves, scenic areas, forest parks, cultural properties, water source protection areas etc.
Consultation with and approval from relevant local government authorities / During design and EA preparation / - / Design unit,
EA unit / Project Office, MOR, World Bank / Sensitive areas avoided to extent possible, / Regular meeting among design and EA units
Land acquisition and resettlement / Alignment selection to minimize land acquisition and resettlement
Resettlement Action Plan / During design and EA/RAP preparation / - / Design unit,
EA unit
RAP consultant / Project Office, MOR, World Bank
Land resources bureaus / RAP developed in line with Bank policy / Regular meeting among design, EA and RAP units
Design of soil erosion control plan / Soil erosion due to access roads, borrow pits/ disposal sites / 38borrow pits and 106 disposal sites identified
Special Soil Erosion Control Plan developed with intensive reclamation planas per China Water and Soil Conservation Law, and is an legally binding document, as part of comprehensive environmental management system. The Plan includes technical details and specifications of erosion control measures for construction sites, borrow pits, spoil disposal areas, access roads, temporary works, embankment, slope, tunnel portals etc. It also specifies the monitoring plan, incorporation into bidding document/contacts, implementation supervision, budget estimates and final acceptance inspection mechanism.
(A summary of this Plan is in Annex 9) / During design and EA preparation / 39934.88 / Design unit,
EA unit / Project Office, MOR, World Bank,
water conservancy authorities / Soil Erosion Control Plan approved by water conservancy authorities, and incorporated into design, bidding documents / Regular meeting among design and EA units,
Design of noise mitigation measures / Public subject to standard –exceeding noise impact during operation / 40sound absorption noise barriers with full length of 17050m, covering44585m2;
99sound insulation walls with full length of 37740m, covering95140m2;
sound insulation windows at126 places, covering 35430m2;
Building function change at 106 residents’ houses
27 Bridge and near track low barrier barriers with full length of 8000 m.
(See Annex 1) / During design and EA preparation / 17516.5 / Design unit,
EA unit / Project Office, MOR, World Bank / Standard of Environmental Noise of Urban Area (GB3097-93), Noise Limit and Measuring Method in Boundary alongside railway line (GB12525-90) / Regular meeting among design and EA units,
Design of vibration mitigation measures / Public subject to vibration impact during operation / 17660m of anti-vibration pads have been laid along the whole line.
(See Annex 2) / During design and EA preparation / 2674.27 / Design unit,
EA unit / Project Office, MOR, World Bank / Standard of Vibration in Urban Area Environment (GB10070-88) / Regular meeting among design and EA units,
Design of road intersections/ pedestrian crossing / Road network by blocked, communities are separated, drainage/ irrigation system blocked / Interchanges are designed for all road crossing (i.e. 18 pedestrian bridge, 7 underpasses, 267 flyovers, 1,157 culverts)
1157 culverts are designed to restore drainage/irrigation systems / During design and EA preparation / Design unit,
EA unit / Project Office, MOR, World Bank / Included in preliminary and detailed design / Regular meeting among design and EA units,
Design of stations / Discharge of wastewater into water bodies,
Solid waste disposal / Treatment facilities (SBR, constructed wetland, septic tanks, TWZ etc.) are designed for stations / During design and EA preparation / 115 / Design unit,
EA unit / Project Office, MOR, World Bank / Included in preliminary and detailed design / Regular meeting among design and EA units,
Further investigation and excavation of Guiguang Ancient Tombs area / To avoid potential impact on underground cultural relics (if any) during construction / The NanGuang Project Office will hire licensed archeological institute (Guangxi Province Cultural Relics Institute) to conduct further investigation/excavation of Guigang TombsGroup Area prior to construction by / Prior to construction / Will be estimated by Guangxi Province Cultural Relics Institute. / Guangxi Province Cultural Relics Institute will be contracted by Project Office to conduct the investigation / Cultural Relics Bureau;
Project Office
GuangxiProvince / Investigation and protection in line with Cultural Property Law of China / Once investigation completed
Resettlement and relocation of other social sensitive buildings (a Church, 5 family temples and graves etc) / Potential social impacts related to relocation / Consultation has been conducted with all these affected communities
Compensation and relocation program were discussed and agreed with all these communities, and included in RAP. / Per RAP / Per RAP / Per RAP / Per RAP / RAP, and relevant government resettlement policies / Per RAP

Table 2-2Implementation Plan for Environmental Protection Measures in Construction Period