1600 Campus Road

Los Angeles, CA 90041

(323) 259-2905



University of California, Santa Barbara, Ph.D., Economics, 2006
Fields: Resource and Environmental Economics, Econometrics
Princeton University, A.B., Slavic Languages and Literature, 1992

Professional Experience:

Occidental College Department of Economics
Associate Professor, 2012 – present
White House Council of Economic Advisors
Senior Economist, August 2012 – July 2013
Occidental College Department of Economics
Assistant Professor, 2005 – 2012
Claremont McKenna College Department of Economics
Visiting Assistant Professor, 2003 – 2005


Published and Forthcoming Papers

Anti-SLAPP legislation and Citizen Enforcement: Measuring the “Chill” of Strategic Lawsuits, with Catherine S. Norman, November 2011, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Topics).

The Effect of Income on Recycling Behavior in the Presence of a Bottle Law: New Empirical Results, May 2011, American Economic Review.

Externalities from Recycling Laws: Evidence from Crime Rates, Spring 2010, American Law and Economics Review.

The Economics of Recycling for Profit: Cash Recycling as an Efficiency Enhancing Anti-Poverty Program, August 2009, Land Economics.

Working Papers and Works in Progress

A Historical Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Case Study of the Decision to Dam the Hetch Hetchy.

The Effect of Public and Private Enforcement on Environmental Outcomes, work in progress, with Christian Langpap, Catherine S. Norman and Jay Shimshack.

The Impact of Transportation Policies on Student Driving.

Environmental Policy is Messy: Using the California Coastal Act and Carbon Beach as a Classroom.

The Role of Research in Upper Division Economics Classes: A Group Research Project (2011 Southern Economic Association Meeting).


Courses Taught: Principles of Economics, Principles of Microeconomics, Environmental Economics, California Environment Semester (Freshman Semester with Gretchen North-Biology, and Margaret Rusmore-Geology), It’s hard to be an Environmental Economist (First-Year Writing Seminar), Economic Markets: When They Work and How They fail (First-Year Colloquium with Mary Lopez)

Research Supervised: Olga Ramirez & Alexander LaRose, Undergraduate Research Summer Fellowship Program, Occidental College, 2011, Shelby King, Independent Study, Occidental College, 2011, Jeffrey Ross, Values and Vocations Grant, Office of Spiritual Life, Occidental College, 2011

Christine Jones & Eliza Dornbush Undergraduate Research Summer Fellowship Program, Occidental College, 2010, Nicholas Summers, Department of Economics, Honors Thesis, Occidental College, 2010, Karuna Batcha & Sherlynn Meacham, Undergraduate Research Summer Fellowship Program, Occidental College, 2009, Christopher Norman & Wynne McAuley, Undergraduate Research Summer Fellowship Program, Occidental College, 2008.

Professional Activities and grants

Invited Seminars and Presentations

2011: American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Western Economic Association International Conference, Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting. 2009: American Law and Economics Association Meeting, NBER Summer Environmental and Energy Economics Workshop. 2008: AERE Workshop on Health and the Environment, UC Boulder Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop. 2007: NBER Summer Public Policy and the Environment Workshop. 2006: Western Economic Association International Conference, Third World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 9th Occasional California Workshops on Environmental and Resource Economics, Washington State University, Department of Economic Sciences. 2005: Claremont McKenna College, Department of Economics, Albion College, Department of Economics, Hood College, Department of Economics, Occidental College, Department of Economics, California State University, Fresno, Department of Economics

Workshop Participation

Mellon Digital Scholarship Summer Institute, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA, August 2010.

Teaching Innovations Program in Economics, Santa Fe Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, June 2009.

Applied Microeconomics Workshop, Institute for Research on Poverty, Madison, WI, August 2008.

Keck Studio Media Workshop for Collaborative and Interactive Pedagogy, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA, August 2006.

Mentoring Workshop, Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, San Francisco, CA, July 2005.


Faculty Enrichment Grant, Occidental College, 2009-2011, John and Dora Haynes Foundation, Faculty Research Grant, 2008, Robinson Scholar Grant, Occidental College, 2006-2013.

Reviewer: American Economic Review, American Law and Economics Review, Economic Inquiry, Environment and Development Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Land Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, and the MIT Press.

Professional Affiliations: Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, American Economic Association