English 12A

Unit 3 Introduction (pp. 462-478)

Names and Terms to Know


I. DIRECTIONS: Write a brief sentence explaining each of the following names and terms. You

will find all of the information you need in the Unit Introduction in your textbook.

1. Cavaliers and Roundheads :______

2. Glorious Revolution:______

3. Agricultural Revolution: ______

4. Elector of Hanover: ______

5. Yorktown:______

6. Bastille: ______

II. DIRECTIONS: Use the hints below to help you answer each question.

1. How did the monarchy’s power change from Charles I to George I? [Hints: What happened to the Stuart kings and why? How did George I come to power? What was his attitude toward ruling?]






2. What were the economic and social effects of the Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions? [Hints: What was Industrial Revolution? What was the Agricultural Revolution?]






3. How did the America and French Revolutions help turn the old order “upside-down”? [Hints: What happened in each of these revolutions? What power shift did they signal?]






Essential Question 1: What is the relationship between place and literature?

A. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions about the first Essential Question in the Introduction

about the relationship between place and literature. All the information you need is in the Unit

3 Introduction in your textbook.

1. London as Literary Capital

a. What developments kept London at the center of English culture?______


b. What disasters in London became the focus of literary works, and who were the authors

of these works?______


2. Roads Leading to Novels

a. The building of roads into the countryside created opportunities for______


b. How did the French author Stendhal define the novel?______


3. Coffeehouses and Literature

a. What were coffeehouses, and who met in them?______


b. What were The Tatlerand The Spectator?______

c. What is Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary?______

4. Influence of the Countryside

a. As a result of works like Thomas Gray’s Elegy in a Country Churchyard, the dominant

mood of English poetry rural areas became______

b. Writers looked to the countryside for______

c. The______replacedthe______as the preferred setting and subject for English writers.

B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions based on the Essential Question Vocabulary words.

1. What are the main advantages of being in a large city? ______


2. Why might people prefer country living to life in the city and the suburbs? ______


3. What elements of modern life have increased people’s mobility?______


Essential Question 2: How does literature shape or reflect society?

A. DIRECTIONS: On the lines provided, answer the questions about the second Essential

Question in the Introduction about the writer and society. All the information you need is in the

Unit 3 Introduction in your textbook.

1. Milton’s Grace and Newton’s Gravity

a. Why did the English eventually create a separation between church and state?______


b. What is the theme of Milton’s Paradise Lost?______


c. What view of the world did Isaac Newton present in his Mathematical Principles of

Natural Philosophy?______ ______

d. On what areas of study was increasing emphasis placed?______


2. Literature and Rationalism

a. What is satire, and why did it flourish at this time?______ ______

b. Two examples of satiric writing include ______and______

c. What was the original purpose of the essays written by Addison and others?______ ______

d. Describe the book known as the first English novel.______ ______


e. What did John Wesley do?______

B. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentence stems based on the Essential Question Vocabulary


1. Deism connected science and religion by______


2. Eighteenth-century thinkers favored the rational approach to all things, an approach based


3. The values of the 1700s differ from ours today in that______

Essential Question 3: What is the relationship of the writer to tradition?

A. DIRECTIONS: On the lines provided, answer the questions about the third Essential Question

in the Introduction about the relationship between the writer and tradition. All the information

you need is in the Unit 3 Introduction in your textbook.

1. Renaissance and Reformation Traditions

a. Why can John Donne be regarded as a child of both the Renaissance and Reformation?____


b. What is the carpe diem theme, and which writers developed it?______


c. What story did Milton’s Paradise Lost tell?______


2. Milton and the Poet’s New Role

a. In what sense did Milton take on the role of the prophet?______


b. What later poets followed in Milton’s footsteps?______


3. New Literary Forms

a. What was the heroic couplet, and who perfected it?______


b. Both the essay and the novel require an audience of______

c. What are the modern descendants of the periodical essay?______


d. What new genre would become the dominant literary form, and what are its



B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions using as many of the Essential Question Vocabulary words as you can: authentic, conventional, interpretation, monarchy philosophy, piety, propriety, reform, struggle, transformation

1. Why might a popular king strengthen the monarchy in general?______


2. What kind of subject matter would you expect to see portrayed in an epic movie?______


3. Under what circumstances might an ordinary person be called a prophet?______



Grade 12, Unit 3