Title: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Financial Reporting
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Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Financial Reporting
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Reporting Requirements
Financial Status Reports (singular abbreviation F.S.R., plural F.S.ares) provide a cumulative report of the federal and non-federal funds, including English Literacy and Civics (E.L. slash Civics) grants, for a given program year.
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Submissions Dates
Financial Status Reports are due on or before December 31 of each year.
Extension Requests
The Department of Education may extend the due date for submission of Financial Status reports (34 Code of Federal Regulations 80.41 (a) (7) or thirty-four Code of Federal Regulations eighty point forty-one a seven) upon receiving a justified request from the grantee. Requests should be submitted to the Division of Adult Education and Literacy.
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Required Reports
- Initial (or first year) report for the first 15 (fifteen) months (or one year and three months) of the grant.
-Total Grant, including English Literacy and Civics grants
-English Literacy and Civics grants
- Final report for all expenditures covering the full 27-month period allowed for obligation of federal adult education funds.
-Total Grant, including English Literacy and Civics grants
-English Literacy and Civics grants
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Federal Expenditures Requirements
- State Administration (NO more than 5% (five percent) or $65,000 (sixty-five thousand dollars), whichever is greater)
State Leadership (Capped at 12.5% (twelve and a half percent or one-eighth) of Grant)
Local Program Costs (not less than 82.5% (eighty-two and a half percent) for Section 231 (two hundred and thirty one) and Section 225 (two hundred and twenty-five) activities)
- No more than 10% (ten percent or one-tenth) of the 82.5% (eighty-two and a half percent) may be expended for Section 225 (two hundred and twenty-five) activities (Services to Institutionalized Adults)
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A Change in Reporting Program Income
- Using special language in the Fiscal Year 2004 grant award, OVAE has allowed states to add program income to the adult education grant and “used for purposes and under the conditions of the grant agreement.” Under the provisions of this language, fees and tuition charged adult students must be responsible and not impose a barrier on the participation of disadvantaged persons. Funds collected from fees and tuition may not be counted toward meeting cost sharing or maintenance of effort requirements.
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Technical Assistance Reports
- Annualsummary report based on analysis of “initial” and final Financial Status Reports
-maintenance of effort and matching
-state administration, state leadership, programs of instruction, and institutionalized
-unobligated balance and carryover