PROFESSION : Professor of range nutrition and development
NAME OF FIRM: Faculty of Forestry and Range Sciences, SudanUniversity of Science and Technology, Soba, Khartoum, Sudan.
Mobile phone: 0912927800
KEY Experience:
Now professor of range nutrition and development at the College of Forestry and Range Sciences, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan.Integrated Crop/Livestock/Range Development Expert. Also range and pasture advisor to the IFAD financed Greater Kordofan Natural Resource Management Programme, Kordofan, Sudan. Have over 30 years of experience in the fields of integrated crop/livestock/range production systems; ruminant nutrition; pasture production; nutrition of range animals; range ecology and range and other natural resources development; pastoral systems; farming systems research and development; and management of integrated rural development projects. Director General, for 7 years, of a multi-component, donor funded, integrated rural development project in South Darfur (Western Savannah Development Project), with a mandate to raise the standards of living of a growing population through adoption of agricultural development strategies that are sustainable and environmentally benign. Chief Editor of the Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research (1998-2001) and is still a member of the Editorial Board. I was a member of the Editorial Board of Sudan Journal of Animal Production for 3 years. I worked as a consultant for a number of national, regional, NGOs and international organizations such as FAO, IFAD, World Bank, UNDP, IFPRI, ADB, AARDO, AOAD, PLAN Sudan, Saudi Livestock Trading and Transport Company, Gezira Scheme, Kuku Cooperative Dairy Project, and Kenana Sugar Company Feed Mill. Country experience included Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Zanzibar and Sultanate of Oman. Within Sudan conducted work in Darfur, Kordofan, Blue Nile, Sennar, Gezira, White Nile, Kasala (Gash), Butana (Gedarif, Kasala, Nile, Gezira and KhartoumStates).
- PhD Ruminant Nutrition, University of Aberdeen, UK, 1977-1981.
- M.Sc. Animal Production, University of Khartoum. Sudan, 1969-1972.
- B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Sudan, 1964-1969
Have excellent speaking, reading and writing knowledge of Arabic and English.
Nutrition Society (UK); Agricultural Society (Sudan); Animal Production Society (Sudan); Pastoral Development Network (ODI; UK), Agricultural Council (Sudan); former member of Editorial Board of Sudan Journal of Animal Production; former Chief Editor, Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research; member of the Steering Committee of the Farmers’ Field Schools of the Gezira and Rahad Schemes.
Now : Professor of range nutrition and development, College of
Forestry and Range Sciences, SudanUniversity of Science and
Technology, Soba, Khartoum, Sudan.
2004-2006:Professor of ruminant nutrition and range development,Agricultural Research Corporation, Sudan.
2001-2004: Director of Documentation and Information, Agricultural Research
Corporation, Sudan.
1987-1994: Director of Training and Publication, Agricultural Research Corporation, Sudan.
1987-94Director General, Western Savannah Development Project (WSP) which is an integrated rural development project in SouthDarfurState, Western Sudan. It was financed by IDA, IFAD, ODA, and Government of Sudan at US $ 46 million. The project has components of agricultural extension, adaptive research, livestock, range management and development, forestry, land use planning, settlement, intermediate/appropriate technology, training and human resources development, institution development, monitoring and evaluation, water provision and track improvement. An overall undertaking was to implement all these activities without jeopardizing the resource base or the environment. I was managing all technical and financial aspects.
1981–1987:Director, Kadugli Research Station, Western Sudan Agricultural
Research Project (WSARP), financed by USAID, IDA and Government of Sudan. Beside responsibilities of director I also held the positions of senior animal nutritionist; head Range/livestock Section and transhumant production system coordinator. Mandate was to develop a farming systems research and development program for the rainfed sector of Western Sudan; conduct research on ruminant livestock production under range conditions; coordinate research activities for the transhumant production system on a project-wide basis (Kordofan & Darfur). In addition, I have undertaken research on factors impacting on production under both sedentary and transhumant production systems; estimation of forage intake, botanical and diet composition of free range grazing ruminants; utilization of crop residues for feeding during the dry season; the role of forage legumes in improving the nutritive value of poor quality forages and dry season grazing; seasonal weight changes of cattle and sheep on natural rangelands; the impact of protein/phosphorus supplementation on the productivity of cattle and sheep; the effect of watering interval on the performance of desert sheep; the effect of supplementary feeding of desert sheep on the range before mating and before lambing on lambing percentage and lamb growth.
1972–1977:Animal Nutritionist, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), Gezira Research Station, Wad Medani, Sudan. During this period, I conducted research on utilization of crop residues, production of irrigated forage legumes and determination of nutritive value for sheep and cattle.I was also responsible for the management of the station’s cattle herd and sheep flock.
2002Participated in the ASARECA (Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Cenral Africa) workshop on Proposal Writing, Nairobi, Kenya, 4-8 November, 2002.
2001Participated in the ASARECA Impact Orientation/Assessment consultation meeting. Entebbe, Uganda, 23-24 August, 2001.
1999Participated in the Greenhouse Gases Mitigation Analysis Workshop & Training Program, organized by The Climate Change Project, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, HCENR, September 19-23,1999. A paper was presented.
1999Participated in the opening Training Workshop on Biodiversity, organized by the Strategy and National Workplan on Biodiversity Project, HCENR and IUCN, Khartoum15-18 February, 1999. A paper was presented.
1997Participated in the Consultation on Setting Livestock Research Priorities in West Asia and North Africa, 12-16 November, 1997, at ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. A paper was presented.
1995Attended ICARDA/CTA/ARC Resource Management Planning Workshop, Cairo, Egypt, 11 - 14 July,1995.
1995Attended ISNAR/CTA Workshop on Production of Annual Reports, Arusha, Tanzania, April 24-29, 1995.
1994Attended the International Workshop on Review and Assessment of Rural Development Programs in Africa, Arusha, Tanzania, 17-21 January, 1994. A paper was presented.
1990Attended a four-week training course for Senior managers at Mananga Agricultural Management Center, Swaziland, August 1990.
1990Participated in a Workshop on Implementation of Agricultural Development Projects, Khartoum, Sudan on 19-22 February,1990. A paper was presented
1989Participated in IFAD Project Implementation Workshop for the Near East and North Africa Region, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 1989.
1985Participated in the WSARP/ARC Second Farming Systems Research Workshop in collaboration with CIMMYT, Wad Medani, Sudan, January 1985; Theme: On-farm Research with a Farming Systems perspective.
1985Participated in the ICARDA/IDRC Workshop on Research Methodology for livestock On-farm Trials, March 1985, Aleppo, Syria. A paper was presented.
1985Participated in the International Conference on Animal Production in Arid Zones held in Damascus, Syria in September, 1985. A paper was presented.
1984Participated in a meeting on " Systems of Ruminant livestock Production in Arab Countries" held at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, November , 1984
1983Participated in WSARP/ARC sponsored workshop on Basic Concepts of Farming Systems Research, KhartoumSudan, April, 1983.
1983Attended a course in Animal Nutrition and Forage Evaluation Techniques organized by ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September - October, 1983.
1983July - August, visited some American Agricultural Research Stations and Laboratories at New Mexico State University, Texas A & M and Washington State University, Washington, and Idaho.
Now teaching lectures on animal production, ruminant nutrition and nutrition of range animals, College of Forestry and Range Sciences, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology.
I also taught courses at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan in Ruminant Nutrition and Range Management.
I also taught a Postgraduate Diploma course on Livestock and the Environment at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, AhliaUniversity, Omdurman, Sudan.
Before finally joining the College of Forestry and Range Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology in 2006, I had part time input during the period 2002-2006. My involvement covered assisting in developing a curriculum for M.Sc. degree in range science; working as member of a committee entrusted with preparing a proposal for the establishment of a range and pasture institute within the Faculty of Forestry and Range, Sudan University of Science and Technology; supervising PhD and MSc students and also acting as external examiner.
I was a member of a committee established by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (2005) to evaluate the curricula of animal production currently taught at the Sudanese universities and to propose necessary amendments.
Consulting work:
Performed consulting work in livestock production, range development, rural development, integrated crop/ livestock/ range production systems, pastoral production systems and diet formulation for feed factories and livestock producers with a number of national, regional, international and NGO's. These included:
2007Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO), appointed as a livestock consultant during February 2007 to review Small Scale Animal Production and Entrepreneurship Development in the Sultanate of Oman. The objective was to conduct a study on the opportunities including economic viability and draw the policy framework for the promotion of small scale animal husbandry in the rural areas in Oman.
2006IFAD, Range and Pastures Advisor, Western Sudan Resources Management Programme (WSRMP), Greater Kordofan, Sudan. This is a 4-month a year assignment of a long term nature that started in November 2006. Responsibilities include, among other things, planning and coordination of the programme activities under the Natural Resource Management Component and involve liaison with the Range and Pastures Administrations and National Forestry Corporation at the State and Locality levels. Responsibilities also include analysis of matters of land use planning and proposal of suitable areas for rangeland development and distribution of water points in consultation with communities.
2006 The World Bank, appointed as a livestock consultant during October-November 2006 to contribute to the preparation of aproject proposal on Support to Livestock Production and Marketing in Traditional Rainfed Farming Areas. The project covers the states of Blue Nile, Sennar, White Nile and North Kordofan.
2006 The World Bank, appointed as a consultant during May-June 2006 to formulate a vision and priority program for post conflict development in Darfur, Sudan as part of the Darfur Joint Assessment Mission (D-JAM) entrusted with defining the needs of Darfur for post conflict period. The vision emphasized agriculture and included both crops and livestock
2006 GRM International Pty Ltd an Australian Consulting Group with an office for the Middle East, Northern & Eastern Africa located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (April 2006): recruited as team member (Animal Nutritionist/Rangeland Expert) to implement a feasibility study of red meat production, processing and marketing in Sudan
2006 Western Kordofan Development Corporation: Leader of a team entrusted with the investigation of the livestock production potential in Greater Kordofan, Sudan and proposal of possible livestock development and investment projects (March, 2006).
2005IFAD (Dec 2005-Feb2006): recruited as a team leader to conduct a community capability assessment for the Butana area, Sudan. The aim was to provide information of community capabilities with respect to management of natural resources that can be used in targeting during project formulation. The Butana is a traditional pastoral area bordering five states namely Kassala, El Gadaref, Gezira, Khartoum and River Nile. Livelihoods depend essentially on traditional agriculture (water harvesting) and pastoralism. Both systems are under severe pressure due to inappropriate polices and climate change.
2005Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): recruited as a member of a team to prepare an initial project (South Darfur and North Bahr El Ghazal Integrated Farming and Pastoralism Recovery Programme) as part of Sudan Multi Donor Trust Fund Initiative.
2004FAO, leader of a team of consultants recruited to prepare an Integrated
Traditional Farming and Pastoralism Project Profile for South Darfur and North Bahr El Ghazal States, Sudan, as part of NEPAD-CAADP NMTIP.
2004IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC), Community Capability Survey Manager, Rural Communities Capability Assessment Survey in Kordofan Region, Sudan, Part of Empowering the Rural Poor under Volatile Policy Environments Research Project.
2004Azaheer Agricultural & Animal Production & Investment Co. Ltd. Technical and Economic Feasibility of Commercial Sheep Production under Rangelands in Western Sudan.
2003 Memberofa team (livestock consultant) entrusted with a feasibility Study of the Agricultural Development in Zanzibar. The study was funded by BADEA. Responsibilities were to evaluate the current status of livestock, define constraints and recommend best methods to alleviate the constraints and develop the resources for optimal utilization and to prepare a strategic plan for the development of the livestock sub-sector and identify projects for implementation.
2003Consultant for UNDP to serve as ecologist and livestock expert in the Formulation of Jebel Marra Development Program, Darfur, Sudan.
2001 Consultant for Kenana Sugar Company, Sudan (Ruminant Nutritionist) to advise on feed formulation for a new feed processing plant.
2001Member of a team (Livestock Systems Expert) commissioned by the Gezira Scheme, Sudan to assess the compatibility of present agricultural production systems with land capability, climate and availability of irrigation water and propose necessary changes. The study was financed by F AO.
2001 Member of a team of consultants (Livestock Systems Expert) fielded by PLAN International (Sudan) to conduct a feasibility study to rehabilitate four selected projects from the White Nile Agricultural Schemes.
2000Member of a team of consultants (Livestock Systems Expert) fielded by IFAD to conduct a technical and economic feasibility study for projects selected for rehabilitation within the White Nile Agricultural Services Project.
1999 Leader of a team of consultants commissioned by PLAN International (Sudan) to review the Flood-irrigated agriculture in the Gash Delta, Kassala State, Sudan and identify technologies leading to maximum benefits to PLAN- supported families and the local community at large.
1997 Range /Livestock Systems Expert in a mission fielded by UNOPS to assess needs and formulate an Area Resettlement and Rehabilitation project for EI Lagawa, Western Kordofan State,Sudan (SUD/97/025/01/31 ).
1996 A member of a consulting team with the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) in the capacity of a Range/Livestock Systems Expert to evaluate the natural resources of AL Baja rangeland area, White Nile State, Sudan and propose alternative management practices that protect, develop and sustain the productivity of these rangelands.
1996 FAO consultant (Range/Livestock Systems) with the On-Farm Research Project in Traditional Rainfed Areas in Sudan (Kordofan & Darfur).
1995 Range/Livestock consultant with UNOPS supervision mission to the Southern Roseires Agricultural Development Project, Blue Nile State, Sudan. Responsibilities included reviewing and assessing smallholder livestock production practices in the area and assessing needs for extension services.
1995 Consultant for the Saudi livestock Transport and Trading Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
1993 Consultant with IFAD mission to formulate the North Kordofan Rural Development Project in Kordofan State, Sudan. (Range/livestock Systems Expert).
1987 Consultant for FAO in YemenArabRepublic. Member of a team with responsibilities to review the livestock sector, outline a development strategy and propose technical assistance projects.
Presented papers dealing with problems of agriculture and livestock development especially in developing countries in many journals and conferences.
El-Hag, F.M.A, Ahmed, M-K A, Salih, A.M, Mohamed Khair, M.A, Fadlalla, B., Ibnoaf, A.A. and Ahmed, M.M.M. 2007. Supplementary feeding to improve Desert sheep productivity under dryland farming. Tropical Sci., 2007, 47 (1), 26-32.
El-Hag, FMA, Ahmed, MMM, Fadlalla, B., Elamin, EM, El Wakeel, AS and Mekki, MA . 2003. Seasonal performance of Zebu cattle under two production systems in South Kordofan, Sudan. Trop. Sci.,2003, 42, 13-21.
El-Hag, F.M., Fadlalla, B., and Mukhtar, H. K. 2001. Some production characteristics of Sudan Desert Sheep under range conditions in North Kordofan, Sudan. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 33,(2001) 229-239.
Fadlalla, B. 1999. The role of livestock in greenhouse gases emissions and mitigation options. A paper presented at The Greenhouse Mitigation Analysis Workshop & Training Program. Organized by the Climate Change Project, HCENR, Khartoum, September,19-23,1999.
Fadlalla,B. 1999. Livestock Biodiversity in Sudan and Potential Threats. A paper presented at the Opening Training Workshop on Biodiversity. Organized by The Strategy and National Plan of Action on Biodiversity Project, HCENR and IUCN, Khartoum,15-18 February,1999.
Fadlalla, B. and Ahmed , F.A. 1999. Sudan Country Paper: Livestock production systems in Sudan- research needs and priorities. In Thomson E.F., von Kaufmann R., Li Pun H., Treacher T. and van Houren H. 1999. Global Agenda for Livestock Research . Proceedings of a Consultation on Setting Livestock Research Priorities in West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Region, International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas, Aleppo, Syria, 12 - 16 Nov., 1997. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya. pp.77-83.
El-Hag, F.M., Fadlalla, B. and Elmadih, M.A. 1998. Effect of strategic supplementary feeding on ewe productivity under range conditions in North Kordofan, Sudan. Small Ruminant Research, 30 , 67-71.
El-Hag, F.M., El Wakeel, A.S. and Fadlalla, B. 1997. The response of lactating cows to bone meal supplementation in South Kordofan, Sudan. JONARES, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 15-18.
Fadlalla, B. and Jubara, M.H 1994. Review and assessment of rural development projects in Sudan. A case study of Western Savannah Development Project. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Review and Assessment of Rural Development Programs in Africa, Arusha, Tanzania, 17 - 21 January , 1994.
Fadlalla, B. 1990. Western Savannah Development Project: A case study on project preparation, finance and implementation. Paper presented at the Workshop on Implementation of Agricultural Development Projects, Khartoum, Sudan, 19-22 February,1990, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Animal Wealth. pp.133-146 (in Arabic).
Ibrahim M. Hashim & Fadlalla B. 1989. Observation on cattle liveweight changes and fecal indices in Sudan. Journal of Range Management 42 (2), March, 1989. pp. 163-165.