Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B (course of 3 injections, and blood test)
Occupational Health
For occupational health reasons, costs to be borne by employer.
If a patient is self-employed, but needs Hep B for occupational health, then we are currently barred from giving Hep B on the NHS or charging the patient directly, so we will make arrangements, with another local practice, for Hep B vaccinations to be given privately.
Hepatitis B is available on the NHS for the following reasons only:
1) Infants born of mothers who are Hep B positive.
2) Infants who have started their vaccination programme abroad, and
need it to be completed.
3) Patients with renal failure receiving, or due to receive, dialysis.
4) Foster parents of Hepatitis B positive children.
5) IV drug abusers. / Cost
Hepatitis B Booster / £25
Yellow Fever Vaccination, including certificate / £60
Duplicate vaccination certificate / £10
Private prescription for overseas travel, eg. anti-malarial drugs, rabies, Japanese encephalitis; acetazolamide: chicken pox.
Cost for issuing prescription
Nurse time for each injection
Don’t forget, purchase of drug is charged on top of this / £20
Blood Tests (excluding laboratory fees) / £20



Note: The following charges relate to services which do not fall under the NHS, and payment must be made at Reception, either by cheque or cash, prior to treatment.

Forms/Reports/Certificates/Letters of Authorisation
Private sick note
Insurance form/holiday cancellation (depending on details requested) )
Straightforward certificate of fact (eg, school/university/fitness to ) travel) - “To whom it may concern” letter
Signing pre-employment forms (depending on details) / Cost
Medical Examinations
All Medical Examinations per half hour appointment
Non-refundable £50 deposit paid at the time of booking.
Private Consultations
Eg. Overseas visitors who are not entitled to NHS treatment / Cost
£40/10 mins
Access to Medical Records
Copy of patient paper and computer records – set fee
Printout of computerised patient notes – set fee
Letters to employers/solicitors – minimum charge
Half A4 sheet report
Full A4 sheet report
Subsequent A4 sheet, or part of / £50
Power of Attorney
Consultation and report – minimum charge
If home visit also required – minimum charge
(Rate charged at £250/hour) / £120
Welsh Water forms / Free