House Overview

Goals: To introduce students to the house project and review assessment & expectations

Objectives: Students will…..

·  Interpret project requirements

·  Evaluate house specifications and design

·  Understand the grading criteria by reviewing the rubric

·  Determine applications for math skills


·  Make 30 copies of Specification and rubrics

·  Make 30 copies of the House Components Concept Map


·  Explain to students that the next step is to understand the requirements of the unit

·  Give each student the Specification Sheet

·  Review the sheet with the students, defining and explaining terms they may not understand

·  Review the unit goals and skills students will be expected to master

·  Give each student a copy of the rubric and review the expectations

·  Create a concept map of elements students would like to include in a dream home. THEY MUST INCLUDE ALL ELEMENTS ON THE SPECIFICATION SHEET

o  Option 1 - Give each student a copy of the House Components Concept Map

o  Option 2 – Allow students to complete their own concept map including elements they’d like to include in a home

·  Using the lists from “Whose House Is It?” and the Specification Sheet, students should complete the concept map of elements to include in a dream home

·  Create a concept map explaining how they will use the math listed for the unit.

o  Option 1 - Give each student a copy of the Math Skills Concept Map

o  Option 2 – Allow students to complete their own concept map describing how they will use the various math skills listed on the specification sheet


·  Completion of Concept Maps
House Overview - House Specifications

The list below includes all of the specifications that your house must include to meet the basic requirements for this project.

·  1200 square feet maximum

·  2 bedrooms

o  Each bedroom should contain 1 closet

·  1 Kitchen

·  1 Dining space

·  1 Bathroom

·  Only 1 floor

House Overview - Grading Rubric

5 / 4 / 3.5 / 2 / 1
Specifications / Includes all elements from the Specification Sheet / Missing 1 element from the Specification Sheet / Missing 2 elements from the Specification Sheet / Missing 3 elements from the Specification Sheet / Missing more than 3 elements from the Specification Sheet
Design / Extremely precise and well thought out. Creative. Extremely livable. / Well thought out. Extremely livable. / Somewhat well thought out. Mostly livable. Some room placement seems awkward. / Not very well thought out. Difficult to livable in. Room placement seems awkward. / Extremely awkward. The design lacks flow and function.
The Green Factor / Each part of the house includes the greenest materials available. / All but one part of the house includes the greenest materials available. / All but two parts of the house includes the greenest materials available. / Three parts of the house includes the greenest materials available. / More than three parts of the house includes the greenest materials available.
Completion / You finished your house! / You finished over half of your house. / You did not finish your house.

House Overview - Math Skills Grading Rubric

/ 5 / 4 / 3.5 / 2 / 1
Budget / Your budget numbers and computations were consistently correct / Your budget numbers and computations were usually correct, & you made a few corrections easily / Your budget numbers and computations were almost correct, & you made the few corrections / Your budget numbers and computations were not usually correct, & you made some of the corrections / Your budget numbers and computations were often not correct, & you did not make the corrections
Fraction, decimal, percent / You show a clear grasp of fraction, decimal, and percent. You applied these concepts correctly to each activity. / You show a good grasp of fraction, decimal, and percent. You easily corrected any mistakes. / You show a fair grasp of fraction, decimal, and percent. You easily corrected mistakes. / You show an inconsistent grasp of fraction, decimal, and percent. You corrected some mistakes. / You show an unacceptable grasp of fraction, decimal, and percent. You did not correct mistakes.
Area / Your area computations were consistently accurate; your house met all the specifications / Your area computations were usually accurate; by making small changes, your house met all the specifications / Your area computations were somewhat accurate; by making many changes, your house met all the specifications / Your area computations were usually not accurate; by making many changes, your house met most the specifications / Your area computations were not accurate; you did not make the changes so your house did not meet all the specifications
Scale / Your scale conversions were consistently accurate / Your scale conversions were usually accurate, & you made a few corrections easily / Your scale conversions were almost accurate, & you made a few corrections / Your scale conversions were usually not accurate, & you made many corrections / Your scale conversions were not accurate, & you did not make corrections

House Overview - Components Concept Map Teacher Key

Student answers will vary significantly, but may resemble the concept map below.

House Overview - Components Concept Map

Use the concept map below to outline the rooms you would have in your house. You made add boxes and pictures. Each picture should have an explanation that would peak the interest of a potential buyer.


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House Overview - Math Skills Concept Map

Using the concept map below, brainstorm at least one way in which you will use each math concept listed to complete your house.


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House Overview - Math Skills Concept Map Teacher Key

Answers will vary, but may include the following:


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