SECTION 1: Organization Information
Name of Organization: Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Mailing Address:200 Niantic Avenue, Providence, RI 02907
Name of Project Contact Person(s): Cindy Elder, Director of Communications
Contact Information:
Phone: 401-230-1674Fax:
Type of Organization
Description of Organization and Mission:
Food Bank Seeks Spanish Translator
The Rhode Island Community Food Bank provides food to 68,000 people every month through its statewide network of food pantries. One in three served is a child under the age of 18. The Food Bank is an innovative leader in solving the problem of hunger. In partnership with member agencies, as well as government and community leaders, we work to ensure that no one in Rhode Island goes hungry. We envision a day when everyone in Rhode Island has access to nutritious food through an efficient and sustainable acquisition and distribution network
How did you hear about the CPC?
Through an email from Stephany Hesslar.
SECTION 2: Project Description
Title of the Project: Spanish Translation for the Food Bank
Project Location (Address, City, State, and Zip): Initial meeting: Rhode Island Community Food Bank, 200 Niantic Avenue, Providence, RI 02907. Ongoing work can be conducted remotely via email.
General Project Description (you may attach a longer narrative if necessary):
The Rhode Island Community Food Bank is seeking a volunteer or intern to assist with translation of web and print materials into Spanish. The position requires a high level of literacy in both English and Spanish. Many clients as well as supporters of the Food Bank speak Spanish as their primary language. The work could be accomplished remotely following an initial meeting at the Food Bank, located at 200 Niantic Ave., Providence. For more information, contact Cindy Elder, Director of Communications, RI Community Food Bank, at or 401-230-1674.
Potential Scope of Work/Tasks for RWU CPC[1](you may attach a longer narrative if necessary):
- Translate materials to be placed on Food Bank’s website
- Translate press releases for distribution to the media
- Translate client and donor stories
- Translate other materials as required
What will be the final product output for this project? (survey, website, design plans, drawings, etc.)
- Website page, press releases, public service announcements for radio and television, fact sheets, educational materials.
Proposed Project Schedule (when the tasks/project needs to be completed):
This will involve a combination of deadline-driven work and open-ended projects that can be designed flexibly around a student’s schedule.
Please provide the names and contact information for any staff members or volunteers who will be playing a primary role in the proposed CPC project.
Cindy Elder, Director of Communications, Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Tel: 401-230-1674
What resources/previous work would the CPC be building upon that you already have completed? (Please select all items that are applicable)
XStrategic Plan
XMarketing & Communication Plans
XAdditional organizational documents
Preliminary photos of the site/project
Previous research
Survey results
Architectural or building plans
What active support would your organization be able to contribute should your project be selected?
XStaff time
Other (please list)
SECTION 3: Project Outcomes
Please describe how this project will benefit your organization and the advancement of your mission:
We are keenly aware that language barriers prevent many people from seeking food assistance because they either do not understand the services available or do not feel they are eligible for them. In addition, we believe the Hispanic community in Rhode Island would more actively support the work of the Food Bank if they better understood the scope and nature of our organization.
Although we do have materials translated for clients who come to food pantries, we know there are many who never come because they don’t have enough information. By providing the Spanish language media with translated materials, we can disseminate our message more broadly and increase awareness both of how people can receive help and contribute to our work. In addition, as more people seek information online, we want to ensure that Spanish-speaking individuals can find the information they need on our website.
Please describe how this project might benefit the overall community, including specific groups that could benefit from this project (i.e. target populations, neighborhoods, specific town/city/region).
In many cities and towns in Rhode Island, there continues to be large populations of people who speak only Spanish. In particular, many senior citizens have little or no English skills, and many of these may be caring for young children. These highly vulnerable populations are at risk for hunger and would benefit from increased awareness of food assistance programs.
In addition, the Hispanic business community is growing and thriving in Rhode Island. By providing these businesses with translated materials that properly explain our work, our mission and the challenge of distributing 10 million pounds of food per year to families in need, they will be more inclined to support the Food Bank with food and fund drives and charitable donations.
Please explain why you have chosen to seek assistance from the RWU CPC with your project request, instead of undertaking the project using fee-for-services from a paid professional:
We are extremely conservative in how we spend our valuable charitable dollars. Our administrative costs are held at 11% of our total budget. We always seek volunteer assistance where possible to keep our administrative costs low so that we can use our scarce resources to purchase food for the hungry.
Please describe how this project will benefit RWU students.
RWU students would be invited to see first-hand the impact of their work by visiting food pantries and organizations which are putting the translated materials into immediate use. They would connect their own talents with the ability to have a positive impact on the local community, while exercising language skills in a real-world work environment where quality counts.
SECTION 4: Financial Information
What is your organization’s annual operating budget? Please include a copy of your most recent budget with the application.
We do not have a budget for this project. However, printing costs for translated materials will be absorbed by our current Development budget.
What are your major sources of funding?
The Food Bank is funded primarily by gifts from individuals, corporate donations and foundation grants. Government funding accounts for just 7% of our operating budget.
How much funding from your annual operating budget is set aside for this project (if any)?
There is no funding set aside for this project, but we do not anticipate any costs beyond printing (see above).
SECTION 5: Private Sector Involvement
Have you or your organization discussed the project with practicing professionals (e.g. architect, engineer, planner, consultants, etc.)? (please circle one): Yes / No
If no, please explain why: We have asked local colleges and universities to post volunteer requests for Spanish translators. Currently, we have one student from Rhode Island College who will be donating a few dozen hours this semester.
SECTION 6: Supporting Documents
Please include the following items when submitting your application:
Budget for the current fiscal year
List of current Board members
Copies of supporting resources identified in section 2 as needed to support your application
[1] CPC project services are performed by students in support of their educational experience. Applicants shall understand that any deliverables generated through an accepted project are intended to provide conceptual information only to assist design and planning and as such are not intended, nor should they be used for, construction or other project implementation. Professional and/or other services may be needed to ultimately implement a sponsor’s desired goals.