Midterm Feedback Survey

2009/10MATH 101-209 TR 9:30-11:00


Your expected program: Phys. Chem. EngPhys. Eng. Math. Bio. Other

Your year:1 2 Other

Your 1st term Calculus mark: >90, >80, >70, >60, >50, >40 (circle the highest possible number)


Check the appropriate box / Comments/ suggestions for improvement
Lecture pace /  Too slow
 Just right
 Too fast
Lecture clarity /  Very clear
 Ok with textbook preview
 Sometimes confusing
 Can barely follow due to:
Lecture organization and structure /  Structure is clear and easy to follow
 Shows an attempt to be organized
 Notes disorganized, lack structure
 No notes/illegible
Examples in lecture /  None
 Some, but few useful
 Just right, quite helpful
 Too many; please spend more time on:
Thoroughness of notes /  Supplements and clarifies the textbook
 Supplements textbook well
 Same as textbook/no extra help
Professor /  Friendly, approachable, helpful
 Friendly but not a good lecturer because:
 Unwilling to accommodate students
 Avoids questions, unfriendly attitude
 I have not talked to the professor outside of lecture
Homework assignments /  Most problems are very difficult
 Good proportion of challenging questions
 Most problems are easily solved
Overall, the instructor is an effective teacher /  Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree



Do you know the goals of this course? If yes, briefly describe them.

During the last lecture, what was something that you were confused about?

Do you feel comfortable asking questions in class? Why or why not?

Is the instructor aware of whether you’re following the lecture? Does he/she make an effort to keep you engaged?

Compared to other instructors you have this year, the instructor for this course is:

 excellent  above average  average  below average  poor


Do you feel you have enough background to follow the lectures?

Are there any specific concepts you would like reviewed before going further into the course?

Is there sufficient explanation and/or justification for using the math?


Are the exam questions more difficult or demanding than the homework assignments?

How relevant (in terms of lecture content) is the homework in this course?

How much time do you spend on your homework assignments (average #hours per assignment)?

 less than 1  1 to 3  3 to 6  6 to 12  more than 12

How much time do you spend studying for your in-class quiz (average #hours per quiz)?

 less than 1  1 to 3  3 to 6  6 to 12  more than 12


Do you know what are the real-life applications of what you are studying in this course?

Do you know in which future courses you will use the material learned in this course?


If you were teaching the course what changes would YOU make?

Do the computer demonstrations help you visualize the basic concepts in this course?

What method of lecture presentation do you prefer?

 blackboard  overhead  computer