The Bernie and Estelle Goldstein

Awards for Excellence in Scholarship

2009: Hall Cushman and Michaela Grobbel

2010: Kathy Charmaz and Anne Goldman

2011: Nathan Rank and Heather Smith

2012: Ben Ford and Armand Gilinsky

DEADLINE: Tuesday, December 3, 2013, 4:30 p.m.

In recognition of the critical links between active engagement in scholarship and excellence in teaching, the Goldstein Awards serve to recognize faculty who exemplify the teacher-scholar model in their professional development at Sonoma State. These awards will provide faculty with funds to support their continued engagement in scholarship.

Two $1500 awards will be conferred annually. The funds may be used for any purpose that directly supports the scholarly work of the faculty member. Appropriate expenses might include:

· Traveling to present scholarship at conferences, to collect primary data, to do archival research, etc.;

· Funding undergraduate or graduate assistants;

· Purchasing equipment and specialized supplies not normally available;

· Other fully justified expenses may be considered at the discretion of the ORSP director.

Award notification will be made in January 2014 and presented at the Faculty Research Exposition on April 2, 2014. Funds must be expended by August 31, 2015.

A final report on how the funds were spent and how they contributed to the faculty member’s scholarly work must be submitted to the Faculty Subcommittee on Sponsored Programs within 6 months of the end of the award period. Awardees will present the results of their scholarly activities and discuss their impacts on their teaching and/or other University work at forums such as professional development workshops or the annual Faculty Exposition.

Award Procedures and Criteria

Applications will be submitted to and evaluated by the Faculty Subcommittee on Sponsored Programs; awards will be administered by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

Nominating Process

Awards will be determined from nominations submitted to the committee. Nominations may come from anyone in the university community.

Nomination packets must include (12 pt, single space):

1) Nomination Letter that speaks to the ways in which the candidate exemplifies the teacher-scholar model;

2) Letter of Support – optional but limited to one letter;

3) Current CV;

4) Statement of Intent (maximum of two pages) from the nominee specifying the future direction of their research and planned expenditure of this award funding; and

5) basic Fresca profile ( in the system.

Fresca is the California State University system's web-based database of the research expertise, scholarship, and creative activities of faculty and affinity groups across the 23 campuses of the CSU. The profile must include the following information: Name, Title, Affiliation, Contact information, Short Statement of academic/research background and interests (one paragraph), and Scholarly Works (at least three references). Special note: Scholarly works are entered under the link for "Publications" but can encompass many types of scholarship including performances, exhibits, presentations at conferences and meetings, musical scores, etc. in addition to books and journal articles. If you need assistance creating/completing your profile, contact ORSP (Carol Hall, 664-2448).


Tenure-track and tenured faculty at SSU may be nominated for this award. We encourage prior nominees to apply with a new application.


Application packets will be evaluated for evidence of:

· Excellence in scholarship that exemplifies the teacher/scholar model (e.g., publications, exhibits, presentations, workshops, grants, etc. where the faculty member’s scholarly work is communicated with other scholars and recognized);

· Material impact of the scholarly work:

a) on teaching (e.g., engagement of undergraduate or graduate students in scholarly projects, development of curriculum that reflects new knowledge in their fields or new learning methods); and

b) on the University community (Strategic initiatives e.g., Diversity, Sustainability, Civic Engagement); and/or

c) on the wider community (e.g., research that benefits society through the application of new knowledge or enhanced cultural awareness).

Incomplete proposals or those arriving at the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) after the deadline will be returned to the applicant without review.

An original and 6 copies must be received in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (located at Schulz 1105) no later than Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 4:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your school representative (listed below) or ORSP.

Arts & Humanities – Robert Train x42014

Business Administration – Tom Atkin x43333

Education – Jessica Parker x43176

Science & Technology – Matty Mookerjee x42002

Social Sciences – Adrian Praetzellis x42381

University Library – Karen Brodsky x44240