Name of district: Dysart Unified School District #89


Address: 15802 N Parkview Place

City: Surprise

State: AZ

Zip code: 85374

Type of intern candidates your district is willing to accept (check all thatapply):

- Doctoral

- Ed.S.

- Masters

Name of district contact for school psychology internship: Leigh Scudder Ed.S. NCSP


Phone: 623-876-7978

In which parts of the internship fair will your district participate (check all that apply):

- 9:00-10:00 AM Meet-n-Greet

- 10:00-12:00 PM Interviews

- 1:00-3:00 PM Interviews

Is the internship funded: Yes

If so, what is the typical salary: $32,000

How many interns do you anticipate hiring this year: 1-2

How are interns in your district placed: Placed with an experienced school psychologist

Please briefly describe what experiences an intern in your district wouldreceive: Interns get a broad base of experiences including Rti, initial evals, re-evals, FBA’s/BIP’s, consultation, crisis intervention, team threat assessments, and curriculum/program support with a variety of disabilities

Please describe how supervision is provided to interns in your district:

Interns are placed with an experienced school psychologist so supervision is built in almost daily, if not 2-3 times a week. Once intern is more independent in the 2nd semester, supervision is supplied at least 1-2 times a week.

Will the supervisor(s) provide 2 hours of direct supervision for every 40 hours worked: Yes

How many hours do interns typically accumulate throughout the year: 2000

What other information should intern candidates know about your district or internship experience that is not listed here?

Dysart makes sure that interns get well rounded program and experience from preschool to high school. Additionally, interns will have experience with all ranges of educational disabilities and programming.

*Candidates need to be enrolled in a NASP Approved Graduate Program in School Psychology in order to be considered for a school psychology internship in DUSD#89.

Are there at least two licensed doctoral psychologists on staff in the event that a doctoral candidate wishes to receive supervision consistent with a future pursuit of licensure: No

Do you require students to apply to the district ahead of time: Yes If so please provide directions for students on where to apply (physical address/email address/website) and what portfolio materials to submit:

By 3/2/16, all internship fair applicants need to have applied to DUSD online

( in order to have a interview set up.

*Additionally, candidates need to be enrolled in a NASP Approved Graduate Program in School Psychology in order to be considered for a school psychology internship in DUSD#89.