Video Production

Video Activity/Assignment #3

For your second video assignment, you will work in groups of 2 to create a music video. You will use IMovie or Final Cut Express for post-production editing.


Ø  The video must be between 2 ½ - 5 min. in length after post production

Ø  The video must include the following camera movements Pan, Tilt, Zoom, and Reverse zoom

Ø  The video must include the following camera shots Mid, Two shot, Wide shot, Cut in, Cutaway, and a Close up.

Ø  The video must include one audio track unless approved by instructor

Ø  The video must include at least 4 transitions at some point throughout the project

Ø  The video must include 2 still images at some point throughout the project

Ø  The video must include 2 special effects at some point throughout the project

Ø  The video must include a low angle and high angle shot at some point throughout the project

Ø  Each group must hand in one copy of their storyboards which should include color drawings, clip numbers, length of shots, camera shots, angles, and movements, audio, effects, transitions, and scripts if there is speaking in the video. Storyboards must match the final edited video.

** Note: If you use any vulgar language, music with vulgar language, obscene gestures or actions, or inappropriate clothing in your video, you and your group will receive an automatic zero for the project and be subject to school discipline.**

Assignment #3 Grading Rubric

Storyboards 40 points

includes all required components and match the final product______40

includes all required components but do not match final product______35

missing 1 required component and do not match final product______30

missing 2 required components and do not match final product______20

missing more than 2 components and do not match the final product______0

Time 10 points

video meets time requirement______10

video is within 1 or 2 seconds______6

video is within 3 or 4 seconds______4

does not meet time requirement______0

Camera Movement 15 points

video includes all four required movements______15

video includes three required movements______10

video includes two required movement______5

does not include adequate camera movements______0

Camera Shots 15 points

video includes all six required shots______15

video includes five required shots______0

video includes four required shot______5

does not include adequate camera shots______0

High Angle and Low Angle 5 points

video includes high and low angle______5

video is missing angled shot______0

Still Image 5 points

video includes two still images______5

video is missing a still image______0

Special Effects 5 points

video includes two special effects______5

video is missing a special effect______0

Transition 5 points

video includes at least four transitions______5

video includes only three transition______2

video does not include adequate transitions______0
