Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy
- Philosophy
- Aims
- Organisation
- Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
- Assessment, Recording and Reporting
- Resource Provision and Management
- Access
- Staff Training
- Provision for Pupils with Special Needs
- Equal Opportunities
- Health and Safety
- ICT in the Home and in the Community
- The Role of the ICT Development Team
- Policy Review
- Philosophy/Rationale
At St.Michael’s it is believed that ICT provides opportunities to enhance and enrich children’s learning across the curriculum. ICT can give pupils opportunities to develop skills for life.
- Aims
The following are the aims for developing the use of ICT in St. Michael’s.
- To use ICT as an integral part of the process and the management of teaching and learning.
- To provide access to electronic sources and interactive learning resources
- To enrich and enhance children’s learning and add to its enjoyment
- To develop children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in using a range of ICT tools.
- Organisation
ICT will be integrated into the curriculum as an Educational Theme by including it, where appropriate, in year groups monthly planners.
- Children will be organised in groups and individually in the classroom.
- The LCD projector will be used for group and whole class teaching when possible.
- Children will be organised in groups for their work on the Internet.
- This work will involve links with other schools in the locality and in Europe. (See acceptable Use of the Internet Policy)
- Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
At whole school level, the development of the use of ICT will be planned by the Board of Governors and the whole school teaching staff.
The whole staff will be responsible for overseeing the progression and continuity of ICT provision within the school.
There will be updates of progression delivered to the Board of Governors. This knowledge will be disseminated and discussed in staff meetings and governors reports.
At class level, the individual teacher will be responsible for integration of ICT within their lessons.
- Assessment, Recording and Reporting
Pupils’ use of ICT will be assessed informally by the teacher.
Use of ICT will be recorded within other subjects e.g. placing word-processed stories in class’s story file.
- Resource Provision and Management
ICT resources will be appointed from a central fund.
Planning and provision of hardware, peripherals and software will be the responsibility of the whole teaching staff.
Shared resources such as roamers, will be the responsibility of the teaching staff.
In the future we hope to purchase more equipment e.g. digital cameras etc.
- Access
Pupils will have access to ICT via their classroom computer.
The teacher, SENCO, and classroom assistants will use the technology with the pupils.
The use of the Internet will be supervised by on of the above. (See Internet Policy)
- Staff Training
Staff development needs will be identified using an ICT audit.
CASS will be consulted before undertaking staff training.
Staff will undertake New Opportunities Fund training to develop their curricular use of ICT.
Training will be undertaken on exceptional closure days and directed time.
It is hoped that staff will take some responsibility for their own training of ICT.
- Provision for pupils with Special Needs
Individual cases will be assessed separately by the SENCO and class teacher and appropriate help provided wheN possible.
10. Equal Opportunities
It is hoped that all children, both male and female will have equal access to the use of ICT across the curriculum. Grouping boys and girls separately when using computers may help avoid boys having excess keyboard use time in a mixed group.
It is hoped to extend the access of children to the packages available and to the Internet in Key Stage 1 and 2. Classroom 2000 has greatly assisted this and hopefully with enhancement of provision this access will be greater.
- Health and Safety
Children will be instructed as to the correct posture in front of the computer. In addition to the health and safety checks made of electrical equipment in the school, ICT equipment will be regularly checked by staff, with potential dangers to be brought to the attention of not only the children and other staff but the service provider as well.
- ICT in the Home and in the Community
The continued expansion and evolvement of ICT in the home and in the community is recognised.
Children who have access to ICT outside of school will be encouraged to use it to enhance projects and homeworks.
Through the implementation of this policy, it is hoped that the ICT experience in St. Michael’s will enhance and complement the positive ICT experiences children have outside the school.
- The Role of the ICT Development Team
It is hoped that the role of the ICT Development team, consisting of the whole staff will be as follows:
- To ensure that ICT is managed and organised to meet the school’s aims and objectives.
- To liase with all staff in order to set priorities and targets to improve ICT provision
- To support, guide and motivate colleagues
- To contribute to the monitoring and evaluating process including the ICT audit
- Policy Review
- It is hoped that this policy will be reviewed in 3 years time to take account of ICT developments and any changes in the curriculum.
- The policy will be reviewed and evaluated by the Board of Governors and whole teaching staff.
St.Michael’s Primary School
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Schemes of Work
- Rationale
- Primary 1 scheme
- Primary 2 scheme
- Primary 3 scheme
- Primary 4 scheme
- Primary 5 scheme
- Primary 6 scheme
- Primary 7 scheme
- Rationale
The following ICT scheme has been developed from the hardware, software and staff development audit in order to create a continuity and progression in the use of ICT in this school.
The focus is primarily on the pupils of the four strands of the cross curricular theme which should be incorporated within the schemes of work of the subjects. As such, half termly planners will also contain ICT imbedded within the subjects to enhance the pupils’ learning experiences.
This year we have decided to review and update the strand of Data handling with the help and guidance of CASS
Although the other strands will be incorporated, the greater emphasis will be on Data Handling for the academic year 2006-2007 and a rolling programme will ensure that our competencies in the other strands will be enhanced.
- Primary 1
Introduce the pupils to the keyboard and the use of the mouse.
Information Handling
The pupils should enter numbers into a simple graphing package called Graph It guided by the teacher or the classroom assistant.
The children should move through a CD ROM talking book, making choices where appropriate, with assistance from the teacher or classroom assistant. The pupils should control movement of objects on a screen using the mouse to click on-screen buttons.
Measurement and Control
The children should get the opportunity to play with electronic toys in their structured play and talk about what they do.
Pupil Skills
- Enter simple text into a word processor.
- Type a number on the keyboard to put it into a simple graphing package
- Change something on screen using the mouse.
- Make an electronic toy move.
- Primary 2
The children should use an on-screen word bank (e.g. Clicker 3) to create their own short sentences. The children’s work should be saved by the teacher and printed out for display.
Information Handling
The pupils should enter numbers into a database (e.g. Graph It) and create a pictogram or graph with help from the teacher or classroom assistant.
The pupils should make decisions using a talking book more independently of the teacher.
The children should use a mouse to match objects with similar colours and /or shapes.
The pupils should make decisions using their mathematical knowledge and skills (e.g. Tizzy’s Toybox)
Measurement and Control
The children should get the opportunity to make a Roamer go backwards and forwards using a roadmaker type of floor.
Select the correct channel for an educational programme.
Pupil Skills
- Enter text and pictures into a word processor using an on screen word bank that also contains pictures.
- Type a series of numbers on the keyboard to put into a simple graphing package
- Move something on-screen using a mouse
- Make an electronic toy move forwards and backwards
- Primary 3
The children should use an on-screen word bank (e.g. Clicker 4) to create several short sentences. The children’s work could be saved with assistance from the teacher or classroom assistant and the pupil could print it out for display.
Information Handling
The pupils should use a data collection sheet, enter details from it into a simple database (e.g. Graph It) and create a meaningful pictogram or graph from it to represent the information.
The pupils should make decisions using a talking book or simple adventure programme independently from the teacher.
The pupils should move through a simple adventure programme by clicking on left, right and forwards buttons on the screen (e.g. Tizzy’s Toybox)
Measurement and Control
The children should get the opportunity to make a Roamer go forwards, left and right to specific locations.
Opportunity should be given for estimations.
Adjust the volume on a TV so the class can hear it comfortably.
Play, stop, rewind and fast-forward a video.
Pupil Skills
- Enter text into a word processor using an on-screen word bank, which also contains pictures
- Use a data collection sheet to enter information into a simple database
- Make a graph from the data entered into a simple database
- Move something on screen using a mouse
- Make an electronic toy move forwards, right and left
- Use the remote control for a TV or video
- Primary 4
The pupils should use an on-screen word bank (e.g. Clicker 4) to help them create and edit (by insertion and deletion) several sentences.
The pupils should insert a relevant picture into their work. The pupil’s work could be saved with some assistance from the class teacher and the pupil could print it out for display. The pupils should use the speech facility of the word processor.
Information Handling
The pupils should use a data collection sheet, enter details from it into a simple database with a pre-prepared answer sheet (e.g. Junior Pinpoint) and create a meaningful graph from it to represent the information. The pupils should sort the database using one of the fields.
The pupils should be introduced to the Internet as a source of information and taken round a site for children that relates to class work. The pupils should be aware of what a link is within a site. This should be a teacher directed activity. (See school’s Internet Policy)
The pupils should plan their route in a simple adventure programme by clicking on left, right, backwards and forwards buttons on the screen
(e.g. Let’s Go with Katy Modules 1-3)
Measurement and Control
The children should get the opportunity to make a Roamer go backwards and forwards, left and right to specific locations on the floor. The teacher needs to programme the Roamer to turn 90 degrees when the child rotates it to the value of 1. Opportunity should be given for estimations.
Pupil Skills
- Enter text and pictures into a word processor using an on-screen word bank and the keyboard (which can contain pictures)
- Delete a word or letter
- Insert a word or letter
- Change the colour of the text
- Use return key
- Use speech facility on word processor
- Enter information into a simple database
- Make a graph from data entered into a simple database
- Sort a database using one field
- Move something on screen by clicking on-screen buttons using a mouse
- Move around a site on the Internet by clicking on links
- Make an electronic toy move forwards and backwards, left and right
- Primary 5
The pupils should use an on-screen word bank of more difficult words that relate to the task (e.g. WriteOn Level 2) to help them create and edit (by insertion and deletion) a piece of work.
The pupils should change the size and font of the text appropriately to audience and purpose.
The pupils should insert a relevant picture into their work and resize it (e.g. for a magazine article) The pupil’s work could be saved independently and opened later.
The pupils could print it out for display.
The pupils should use the speech facility of the word processor.
The pupils should use the spell check to check their spelling.
The pupils should be aware of what a link is within a site. This should be a teacher directed activity. (See school Internet Policy)
Information Handling
The pupils should use a data collection sheet, enter details from it into a simple database (e.g. Junior Pinpoint) containing at least 3 fields and create a meaningful graph from it to represent the information. The pupils should sort the database using one of the fields.
The pupils could search for a certain record with assistance from the teacher.
The pupils should use a simple CD ROM encyclopaedia to find general information on a topic that they are studying.
The pupils should be introduced to the address bar as a way to go somewhere that will give us information. The pupils should use the back and forward buttons to move about the Internet. This should be a teacher directed activity. (See school’s Internet Policy)
The pupils should plan their route in an adventure programme, by clicking on 4 compass point buttons on the screen (e.g. Let’s Go with Katy Modules 4-6).
Use a Maths programme (e.g. 10/10 Essentials Series: Junior) to reinforce number work.
Measurement and Control
Introduce children to the LOGO (e.g.Superlogo) commands for backwards, forwards, clearscreen, centre turtle, left in order to create a square and a rectangle. The children could use stored procedures that the teacher has created e.g. rectangle, circle, etc.
Pupil Skills
- Cut words and sentences out of work
- Paste words and sentences into work
- Change the style (Font) of the text
- Use speech facility on word processor
- Use a spell check
- Insert a picture into a package and resize it.
- Save work
- Open old work
- Enter information into a database with three fields
- Know what a record is
- Know what a field is
- Make a graph from data entered into a database with some help
- Sort a database using one field with some help
- Search for a record in a database with some help
- Move around an adventure game with purpose
- Draw a simple map
- In LOGO: use a simple command to make simple shapes
- Run a CD ROM
- Find information on a CD ROM
- Using the Internet: type an address bar into the address bar of the Internet to go to that web site
- Primary 6
The pupils should use an on-screen word bank (special needs) or the spelling book of more difficult words that relate to the task (e.g. WriteOn Level 3 or 4) to help them to create and edit (by insertion and deletion) a piece of work.
The pupils should use the left or centre justification appropriately for their work e.g centre titles.
The pupils should insert a relevant picture into their work and resize it (e.g. for a magazine article). The pupil’s work could be saved independently and opened later.
The pupils could print it out for display.
The pupils should use the speech facility of the word processor to check their spelling and grammar.
The pupils should use the spell check independently of the teacher to check their spelling.
The pupils should be able to copy clipart from CD ROMS (e.g. Sherston Clipart CD collection or Anglia Vikings) for use in a word processor.
The pupils should be introduced to Word to create simple posters.
Information Handling
The pupils should use a data collection sheet containing at least 5 fields, enter details from it into a database (e.g. Junior Pinpoint) and create a meaningful graph from it to represent the information with minimal assistance from the teacher.
The pupils should use a simple CD ROM encyclopaedia to find information on a topic that they are researching (e.g. World Book)
The pupils should be introduced to the favourites as a way to save addresses of good sites that have been visited. The pupils should be aware of what a link is within a set. The pupils should use the back and forward buttons to move about the Internet. This should be a teacher directed activity. (See school’s Internet Policy)
The pupils should plan their route in an adventure programme, by clicking on 4 compass point buttons on the screen (e.g. Let’s Go with Katy Modules 4-6).
Use a Maths programme to reinforce number work.
Measurement and Control
Introduce children to the LOGO (e.g.Superlogo) commands for backwards, forwards, clearscreen, centre turtle, left in order to create a polygon. The children should use degrees to calculate the angles.
Pupil Skills
- Cut words, sentences and paragraphs out of work
- Paste words and sentences into work
- Change the size and style (Font) of the text
- Use a spell check
- Use an on-screen spelling book
- Insert a picture into a word processor package and resize it.
- Save work
- Open old work
- Enter information into a database with 5 fields
- Make a graph from data entered into a database without help
- Sort a database using one field
- Search for a record in a database
- Move around an adventure game to solve or discover something
- Use a programme to help with maths
- In LOGO: use a simple command to make shapes
- Install a CD ROM
- Find information on a CD ROM
- Copy clipart from a CD ROM
- Go to a site on the Internet using its address
- Use the back and forward buttons in Internet Explorer
- Use the favourites in Internet Explorer
- Primary 7