Course Description: Teen living is an entry-level course and is designed to provide the student with an introduction to our many areas in the Family and Consumer Science Department. Course areas include Personal Development; Relationships and Family Living; Child Development, Child Safety and Caring for Children; Fitness, Nutrition, and Food Preparation; Budgeting and Money Management; Caring for Clothing and Apparel Construction; Interior Design; and .Job Readiness and Careers.
For this course EVERYDAY you will need:
- Notebook paper
- Pen and pencil
- Optional - Colored pencils, markers, glue sticks, etc.
- Prior notice will be given for other supplies such as fabric.
- The type of notebook needed will have to be determined next week.
Tests 25%
Projects 25%
Quizzes/Current Events20%
Interactive Notebook (includes classwork) 20%
Bell Ringer 10%
Unit: Objectives: Course Weight:
OBJ. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Personal, Family and Community Living 19%
(Personal Development, Family Relationships, Personal Relationships, Leadership and Community Interaction)
OBJ. 5 and 6 Children and Parenting Skills 10%
(Developmental Stages of Children, Responsible Caregiving)
OBJ. 7 and 8 Fitness, Nutrition, and Foods 14%
(Daily Diet Needs, Food Selection, Preparation, and Service)
OBJ. 9 and 10 Consumer Management 12%
(Goal Achievement and Financial Stability)
OBJ. 11 and 12 Fashion and Clothing 9%
(Personal Wardrobe and Construction Procedures)
OBJ. 13 and 14 Living Environment 10%
(Manage Living Space, and Aesthetically Enhance Living Environments)
Teacher & Student/Parent Contract
Students Expectations
Beginning/during class:
- When the bells rings and during the class period, sit in assigned seat unless participating in special group work and start your bell ringers.
- Be prepared for class with all necessary tools; academic supplies, to include a pencil/pen.
- During class discussions, only one person speaks at a time and please raise your hands and wait to be acknowledged.
- Food items are not allowed in the class unless arranged by teacher.
- Do not leave the classroom without teacher permission.
- Hats, sunglasses, and all electronic media are not allowed at any time. Violation will result in the item(s) being confiscated and conduct reported.
- Pushing, shoving, fighting, running, or playing is not allowed.
- Respect yourself, each other, and the equipment
End of class:
- Straighten up and clean your work area after each class (this also means DO NOT MARK ON THE TABLE).
- All class work must be turned in at the end of each class or the following day (if more time is needed, permission must be given)
- Sit quietly in your seat until the bell rings and only leave when teacher has told you to do so.
Attendance Policy - If any student misses more than 5 days a quarter/10 days a semester from my class, that student may fail this course. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP WORK AVAILABLE FOR MISSED PARTICIPATION GRADES FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES!!
Discipline Policy – In Career and Technical Education, we strive to empower the student to make good decisions. When an issue arises that needs discipline we seek to discuss and work with the student first. If the issue continues with no improvement we will contact the parent to work out a solution. If the student fails to improve they will be issued a D-1 and the matter will be taken to the student’s administrator.
I, ______(student signature) have read the above information and will abide by Ms. Hunte expectations this year. I have reviewed and willingly agree to the attendance and discipline policies stated above.
I, ______(parent signature) understand the above information and will support Ms. Hunte as she strives to teach my child the required curriculum. I have read the attached material and I am familiar with the expectations of my child in this class. I understand and agree to the attendance and discipline policies above.
I, Ms.Gwishiri will strive to teach the above mentioned student the curriculum to my best ability. If I recognize a problem with the ability or behavior of the above mentioned student I will contact the parent to discuss the issue. I will also be available via contact information I provide to the parents should there be any questions, comments, or concerns.