Name: Nicki Seay
Committee: ['LegislativeResearch']
Date: 2-20-2013
Mary Boothe
The LRC met at 4:45 PM in the Student Government Association office. Cory Dodds was in attendance representing Resolution 5-13-S and Cain Alvey was present representing Bills 3-13-S and 4-13-S.
To all three of the bills and resolutions reviewed, only minor grammatical and formatting changes were made, and all changes were approved by the authors.
No representative from Resolution 4-13-S came to the meeting.

Name: Natalie Broderick
Committee: ['StudentAffairs']
Date: 2/19/13
Kevin Asbery
Alex Fahnders
Davide Fellini
Abby Blandford
Taylor Ruby
discussed possible committee members joining the SGA up til dawn team

Name: Mallory Chaney
Committee: ['CampusImprovements']
Date: 2/19/13
JA Sowell
Tyler Jenkins
Tori Conyers
Barrett Greenwell
We discussed moving the Campus Safety wak to a date in the Spring. We decided on April 2 and contacted the appropriate officials via email. Also we talked about the election process for Spring. Taylor had plans to meet with someone who does maintenance for HRL to discuss the implementation of ash trays in the valley where there are none.

Name: Hannah Garland
Committee: ['AcademicAffairs']
Date: 2/19/13
Katie Martin, Linda Cruz, Richard Crumbie, Paige Settles, Cole McDowell, Megan Skaggs
Discussed some of the information about the plus/ minus grading system, including doing more research before we decide anything further concerning the resolution. Also reviewed the rubrics for study abroad applications.

Name: Cain Alvey
Committee: ['OrganizationalAid']
Date: 2-20-2013
Sarah Newton
Davide Fellini
Ross Nowland
Mark Reeves
The committee reviewed the applications of certain organizations, while interviewing organizations. Organizations that have been approved will be found in the new business for the upcoming week.

Name: Mac Mullins
Committee: ['PublicRelations']
Date: 02/19/2013
Katherine Montgomery
Noland Miles
Laura Harper
Mallory Treece
Executive PR Director, Drew Mitchel presented his PR plan for the upcoming SGA elections. We discussed what role the PR Committee would play in regards to the plan. We decided to continue with participating in Up Til Dawn and decided that we should propose a bill to help fund the entry fees. I also introduced the commitee to legislation that was forwarded to me by Mr. Dodds regarding the Campus Housing and Infrastructure Act (CHIA.) The legislation was sent to him by a student. We decided that Cody Murphy, the student responsible for presenting the resolution to SGA would be in attendance at the next meeting to better explain CHIA and its impact on students.