Meeting Board of Directors

Cheniere Drew Water System


June 13, 2017

Attendance: Terry Ware Maxine Fletcher Carey Butler Clyde Albritton

Les White Ed Lepp Madge Smith

Others present: Johnny Nichols Wayne Allen Terry Lewis

A motion to open the meeting at 6:55 P.M. at M-N Utilities in West Monroe, LA was made by Les, seconded by Carey with all in favor.

A motion to approve the minutes from the May 9, 2017 meeting was made by Maxine, seconded by Carey with all in favor.

Johnny showed pictures from Aaron Phillips, 146 Bonnie Brook Drive in reference to his request for additional dirt work and dress up. Johnny advised the Board that this would require approximately 16 - 18 yards of dirt and jute protection. A motion to complete this request was made by Les, seconded by Carey with all in favor.

Items of Unfinished Business

1. Development Project Updates

a. Cheeks Road Development: The lines are in. BacT has been done. Power has not been run so the lines will have to be flushed again with another BacT.

b. Southern Pines Unit 1 & 2: Waiting on DHH.

c. Southern Lakes (Pine Hills Drive) Unit 2: Hard surfaced road has not been completed.

d. Calhoun Crossing MHP: TAC Construction is making the connection. Tie in fee of $11,020.00 has not been paid.

e. Stillwater Creek Duplexes: BacT passed. Meters are set and units will be ready to rent within the month.

f. Mims Subdivision (Brownlee Road): CDWS has existing 6" line in place. Parish advised customer that they must have 3 fire hydrants.

g. Calhoun Grocery Store: Design has been downsized, therefore there will be no requirement for a sprinkler system. Customer will pay deposit for 2" domestic high volume service and 1 fire hydrant.

2. System Upgrades:

a. EagleLake Aeration Project: Terry Lewis has returned requested information and revised specifications to DHH and is waiting to hear from them.

b. Trace West Road: Waiting on DHH permit.

c. Slocum Road: Terry Lewis advised the Board of a quote of $33,296.62 from Ates Construction to make the emergency 6" bore and tie in at the creek crossing at Matt Hammond Road. A motion to accept this quote and proceed with the work was made by Ed, seconded by Les with all in favor. A motion to engage Terry Lewis to proceed with the engineering and design to upgrade the existing 2" and 3" line from Hodge Watson to the north end of J.T. Griggs Road to a 6 " line was made by Ed, seconded by Maxine with all in favor.

Item of New Business

1. Terry Ware advised the Board that the annual insurance for CDWS was renewed 5/23/2017 in the amount $14,619.52.

2. Johnny advised the Board that the Disinfection By Product results for the Cheniere Drew North system were well beneath the limit.

3. Johnny advised the Board that CDWS has received a vicinity map from Brad with S.E. Huey Company for 12 new lots on New Chapel Hill Road.

CDWS has a 6" stub out in place. Brad will provide the water distribution design to Johnny.

4. Jerry Lazenby, Engineer for West Ouachita Sewer #5, notified Johnny that the sewer payments collected by CDWS for the approximately 38 customers of Country Heritage Subdivision that is now paid to the Police Jury will now be paid to West Ouachita Sewer #5. He further advised that the rate will be increased from $30.00 per month to $45.00 per month and reflected in the July bill. Johnny advised Mr. Lazenby that WOS #5 must notify these customers by letter of the change.

5. A motion to go into Executive Session was made by Terry Ware, seconded by Maxine with all in favor. A motion for Carey, Wayne Allen and Terry Ware to meet with Johnny and Karen Nichols to discuss the

M-N contract renewal was made by Ed, seconded by Les with all in favor. A motion to close the Executive Session was made by Carey, seconded by Les with all in favor.

6. The M-N Report and Financial Statement were reviewed. A motion to pay the bills was made by Maxine, seconded by Ed with all in favor.

7. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ed, seconded by Maxine with all in favor.

Madge Smith Attachments: M-N Report & Financial Statement

Secretary of the Board