Lesson Plan – Trajectory
Name: Michael Vogt Date: 5/26/10
Unit: / What unit of study guides this lesson plan?Subject: / Physics
Period: (if applicable)
Grade Level: / Grades 11-12
Lesson Plan Title: / Trajectory – Model Rocket Launch
Topic/Concept/Skill: / Trajectory, Acceleration, Force, external factors
General Goal: / Students will compare their hypothetical trajectory with an demonstrated model rocket launch.
Lesson Objectives:
(specific, observable
and measurable) / Based on prior knowledge of Newton’s First Law and given the specifications of the model rockets (mass, propulsion, angle of launch), students will:
1. Determine hypothetical initial acceleration and velocity of launch with 95% accuracy.
2. Determine hypothetical highest point of trajectory with 95% accuracy.
3. Determine hypothetical landing point of rocket with 95% accuracy.
4. Show hypothetical conversion of kinetic to potential energy with 80% accuracy.
5. Evaluate hypothetical results with actual results and account for differences including terms “wind resistance,” “friction,” or “inaccurate preliminary data.”
Sunshine State Standards: / Energy
Standard 1:
The student recognizes that energy may be changed in
form with varying efficiency. (SC.B.1.4)
7. knows that the total amount of usable energy always decreases, even
though the total amount of energy is conserved in any transfer.
Force and Motion
Standard 1:
The student understands that types of motion may be
described, measured, and predicted. (SC.C.1.4)
2. knows that any change in velocity is an acceleration.
Standard 2:
The student understands that the types of force that act on an object and the effect of that force can be described, measured, and predicted. (SC.C.2.4)
1. knows that acceleration due to gravitational force is proportional to mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects.
The Nature of Science
Standard 1:
The student uses the scientific processes and habits of
mind to solve problems. (SC.H.1.4)
1. knows that investigations are conducted to explore new phenomena, to check on previous results, to test how well a theory predicts, and to compare different theories.
Prerequisite skills: / Algebra, Geometry, Velocity, Acceleration, Gravity, Force,
Materials and equipment needed: (include technology needs if appropriate) / Estes Model Rockets, engines, launch pads (4); High-Speed Digital Camera, tripod; Metering Chart; Measuring wheel; Thrustcurve.org trajectory simulator, Windows based computers (4); stopwatches (4); Protractor; Safety video
Teacher Preparation: / Textbook, computer, PowerPoint, Projector, student groups, field reserved, white/chalk board, programs downloaded and test run, pre-recorded self-shot safety video specific to this lab.
Amount of time for the entire lesson (approximately): / Approximately 90 minutes.
Instructional Strategies Used: / direct instruction, concept attainment, whole group, small group, abstracting, action project, simulation, data analysis, debriefing.
Introduction – Anticipatory set, hook, attention grabber, etc. / Anticipatory set jumping off from unit review class, and attention grabbing rockets.
Lesson Procedures: (include activities) / Pre-Class: power on computers, prepare thrustcurve.org program. Write agenda on board and rocket specifications for class work.
Bell-Work: 5 minutes: Students will write in science journals on “a time when things didn’t work exactly as you planned them.”
Introduce Topic: 5-10 minutes: Students will recall the key concepts from the unit review in the previous class with teacher prompting. The class will then be broken into their lab groups.
Measurements: 10-20 minutes: Students will take key measurements of their rockets (mass or loaded rocket and force of engine, angle of launch). As a group, students will work out the hypothetical acceleration and velocity of launch (obj. 1), highest point of trajectory (obj. 2), and landing point of trajectory (obj. 3). When students are complete teacher will begin a discussion of the hypothetical results. Direct discussion toward conservation of energy. Students will determine conversion of kinetic to potential energy and back (obj. 4). Work to be handed in for review and class work points.
Simulation: 5-10 minutes: Teacher will direct students to access the thrustcurve.org programs and enter their raw data to check their work and see the expected flight path. Students will print out results, one copy each and one to be handed in.
Experiment: 40 minutes: Teacher will give instructions on what to do when the groups get to the field with the rockets and launch materials – Very Special Note concerning SAFETY. Safety protocols video will be reviewed and drilled to check for knowledge. These instructions will also be visible on the projector screen /chalk/white board. Class will divide into groups and take their launch pads, rockets, stopwatches, and engines to the launch site. Each member will have a task – Launcher, Timer, Retriever, Scribe. Each member has his/her own task as explained in the instructions. Teacher will review before launch, as well as Safety Protocol. Entire group will place and configure launch pad while teacher aligns the tripod, camera, and metering chart. When all is set and clear, the countdown will begin from 5. At 2 teacher will begin recording with camera, at 0 launcher will initiate launch and timer will begin stopwatch. Once rocket clears launch pad, teacher will end the recording. Timer will stop stopwatch when rocket lands. Retriever will use the measuring wheel to determine horizontal distance traveled, and recover the rocket. This will be repeated 4 times. Scribe will record the data. During this time the teacher will be both visible and attentive to the class, as well as monitoring the safety of students. When all groups have launched, students will make sure they have all their materials and class will return to the classroom.
Discussion: 15-20 minutes: Teacher will begin discussion about the results of the launches. Specific questions will be asked including “did the rockets travel the distance hypothesized?” and “How do you think people measured acceleration and speeds that fast before technology like we used?” Using projector, teacher will play the videos of launches from high-speed camera, and as a class the results will be analyzed. Teacher will prompt discussion on what variables may have caused differences between hypothesized results and experiment results.
Lab Review: 5 minutes: Students will use the thrustcurve.org simulator again, this time employing advanced options that will offer wind resistance, launch friction, and starting friction. Students will print out the results. When finished student may begin the lab report/project presentation until bell rings.
Extension/Enrichment Activities: / This lab will be extended into a presentation, and student wiki. Enrichment can include examining actual rocket/space shuttle launches.
(as needed) / The hands-on experiment will demonstrate the concepts worked on through the semester. The discussion will also deliver the material for audible learners. The simulation will cater to visual learners. Special attention can be paid to those who need review during the class work portion.
Assessment: (based on objectives) / · Objective Assessment:
o Objective 1 will be measured by the completion/correctness of the in-class hypothetical launch data, judged against the trajectory calculator.
o Objective 2 will be measured by the completion/correctness of the in-class hypothetical launch data, judged against the trajectory calculator.
o Objective 3 will be measured by the completion/correctness of the in-class hypothetical launch data, judged against the trajectory calculator.
o Objective 4 will be measured by the completion/correctness of the in-class hypothetical launch data, judged against the trajectory calculator.
o Objective 5 will be measured by lab report rubric upon timely completion.
· Feedback: Feedback will be immediate during experiment and class work. Lab report and program printout will be reviewed and discussed in the next class.
· Grades: Grades will include participation, correctness of program printout based on measurements, overall group grade for following instructions based on measurement accuracy, and lab report. This will also be covered on unit exam.
Reflection on the lesson: (Think about the questions listed to the right and reflect on your lesson.) / · How well did the students meet the objective(s)?
· Lesson Highlight?
· Lesson Lowlight?
· Improvement ideas?
· Criticism?
· Was this lesson effective for: All, Most, Some, Few Students?
o Special Needs?
o Enrichment?