Qualifying Requirement (QR) for Establishment of store cum office building & Transit house building at Agartala under NETC Consultancy works.
Qualification of bidder will be based on meeting the minimum pass/fail criteria specified in Part-A below regarding the Bidder’s technical experience and financial position as demonstrated by the Bidder’s responses in the corresponding Bid Schedules. The bidder shall also be required to furnish the information specified in Part-B in their Bid. Subcontractors’ technical experience and financial resources shall not be taken into account in determining the Bidder’s compliance with the qualifying criteria. The bid can be submitted by an individual firm or a Joint Venture of two or more firms. (Specific requirements for Joint Ventures are given under Para 1.3 below).
1.0 PART A
1.1 Technical Experience:
(i) The bidder shall have experience of successfully executing Civil works such as construction of residential/official buildings or any other civil work involving brick, cement work for Govt, Semi Govt. /Public Sector, & reputed Private Sector Organization during last 7 financial years reckoned from the last date of sale of bid document of value not less than that specified below:
a) Three completed works costing not less than `131.33 lacs each (40% of estimated cost of `328.31 lacs ).
b) Two completed works costing not less than ` 164.16 lacs each (50% of estimated cost of `328.31 lacs).
c) One completed work costing not less than ` 262.65 lacs (80% of estimated cost of `328.31 lacs).
(ii) In case the bidders intend to participate in the package proposing association with firm(s) meeting the requirements at (i)above, they shall submit an undertaking as per the format [Appendix A] from the associate firm (s) that the firm(s) shall provide the technical support services during the execution till the completion of work under the package.
1.2 Financial Position:
(a) Minimum Average Annual Turnover (MAAT) for best three years out of last five financial years of the bidder should be ` 393.98 lacs .
Annual total income as incorporated in Profit & Loss account except non-recurring income e.g. sale of fixed assets.
(b) Intending Bidders shall have liquid assets (LA) or/and evidence of access to or availability of credit facilities of not less than ` 65.66 lacs,
In case bidder is a holding company, MAAT & LA referred to in clause 1.2 (a) & (b) above shall be of that holding company only (i.e. excluding its subsidiary/group companies). In case bidder is a subsidiary of a holding company, MAAT & LA referred to in clause 1.2 (a) & (b) above shall be of that subsidiary company only (i.e., excluding its holding company).
1.3 Joint Venture Firms:
(a) In case a bid is submitted by a Joint Venture (JV) of two or more firms as partners, the Joint Venture must comply with the following minimum criteria:
(i) The lead partner shall meet not less than 50% of Technical Experience criteria given in Para 1.1 (i) above and not less than 40% of the minimum criteria given at Para 1.2 above.
(ii) Each of the other partner(s) shall meet not less than 25% of Technical Experience criteria given in Para 1.1 (i) above and Technical Experience criteria given in Para 1.1 (ii) above and not less than 25% of the minimum criteria given at Para 1.2 above.
(iii) The Joint Venture must satisfy collectively the criteria of Para 1.1 & 1.2 above for which purpose the relevant experience, average annual turnover and liquid assets/credit facilities shall be added together to arrive at the Joint Venture’s total capacity.
(b) In case the Joint Venture, the following conditions shall also apply:
(i) In case of successful bid, the specified Form of Agreement shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners [Form enclosed at Appendix -B ]
(ii) One of the partners shall be nominated as Lead Partner, and the Lead Partner shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the Joint Venture, and the entire execution of the Contract, shall be done with the Lead Partner and payment under the contract shall be received by the lead partner on behalf of the joint venture as per power conferred to him in the Power of Attorney. The authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a Power of Attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners as per Performa. [Form enclosed at Appendix - C].
(iii) All partners of the Joint Venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a statement to this effect shall be included in the authorization mentioned under clause b. (ii) above as well as in the Bid Form and in the Contract Form (in case of a successful bid).
(iv) Agreement entered into by the Joint Venture partners shall be submitted with the bid.
2.0 PART-B:
2.1 The Bidder shall also furnish following documents/details with its bid :
(i) Liquid asset (LA) shall be worked out from the latest balance sheet which should not be more than three months old as on date of bid opening. In case balance sheet is not available as above a certificate from the chartered accountant towards LA is to be submitted.
Alternatively, a certificate from banker [as per format enclosed at Appendix - D] indicating various fund based/non fund based limits sanctioned to the bidder and the extent of utilization as on date. Such certificate should have been issued not earlier than 30 (Thirty) days from the date of submission of bid. Further POWERGRID may seek clarification/fresh updated certificate after opening of bid, if the situation so warrants.
(ii) The complete annual reports together with Audited statement of accounts of the company for last five years of its own (separate) immediately preceding the date of submission of bid as per requirement.
(iii) PAN, TAN, TIN, Service Tax registration No. etc. are to be furnished with Bid documents.
[Note : I. In the event the bidder is not able to furnish the information of its own (i.e. separate), being a subsidiary company and its accounts are being consolidated with its Group/Holding/Parent Company, the bidder should submit the audited Balance Sheets, Income Statements, other information pertaining to it only (not of its Group/Holding/Parent company) duly certified by any one of the authority {(i) Statutory auditor of the bidder (ii) Company Secretary of the bidder or (iii) A certified Public Accountant} certifying that such information/documents are based on the audited accounts as the case may be.
Note: II. Similarly, if the bidder happens to be a Group/Holding/Parent Company, the bidder should submit the above documents/information of its own (i.e. exclusive of its subsidiaries) duly certified by any one of the authority mentioned in Note-I above certifying that these information/documents are based on the audited accounts, as the case may be.]
2.2 POWERGRID may assess the capacity and capability of the firm, to successfully execute the scope of work covered under the package within stipulated completion period. The assessment shall inter-alia include (i) document verification, (ii) firm’s work/manufacturing facilities visit (iii) manufacturing capacity, details of works executed, works in hand, anticipated in future in addition to the works involved in the present bid (iv) details of plant & machineries, manufacturing and testing facilities, manpower and financial resources (v) details of quality system in place (vi) past experience and performance (vii) customer feedback (viii) banker’s feedback, etc.
3.0 Litigation History:
The bidder shall provide detailed information on any litigation or arbitration arising out of contracts completed or under execution by it over the last five years. A consistent history of awards involving litigation against the Bidder or any partner of JV may result in rejection of Bid.
4.0 The bidders should possess required T& P and machineries. The bidder should own or have assured access to (through hire, lease, purchase agreement or other means) sufficient number of truck/dumper for transportation of construction materials, concrete mixer with hopper, sufficient quantity of shuttering, vibrators, welding machine, DG set of adequate capacity in full working condition to be deployed for the subject work so that work can be completed for the stipulated time.
5.0 The bidder should have suitable qualified and experienced personnel for successful completion of the work.
6.0 As evidence of meeting the above qualifying Requirement the intending Bidder should submit the following documents for scrutiny.
a) Attested Copies of work orders/Contract agreements along with a completion certificate stating the name of work, date of commencement of work, date of 100% completion of work and the value of the work on completion.
b) List of Tools and plants
c) Bank Certificate in prescribed proforma or letter of comfort from the banker that the bidder can meet the cash flow requirements for the package he intend to participate.
d) Profit and loss account and balance sheet for last preceding financial years by Chartered accountant or any other Govt. approved/authorized agency as per requirement.
e) Registered Partnership deed /affidavit as applicable etc
f) In case of company, Memorandum and articles of Association, copy of the certificate of incorporation/commencement of business.
7.0. Notwithstanding anything stated above POWERGRID reserves the right to assess the bidder’s capability to perform the contract should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the work.
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