Top Ten Creationist Arguments that Atheists Love - A Refutation
Jerry McAdams
- Carbon dating isn’t accurate to date the age of the Earth.
- Claims of Atheists
- They do not answer the claim that carbon 14 (radioactive carbon) isn’t accurate. They just switch subjects to radiometric methods that allegedly measure the age of rocks.
- They claim that there are many radiometric dating methods that accurately measure the age of rocks, therefore the age of the earth.
- Answer
- Carbon 14 (carbon dating) is a method used to determine the age of a remains of something that was once alive such as animal bones or plant material. This method is supposedly limited to 50,000 years ago. The methods mentioned by the video are not related to Carbo 14 dating, but refer to methods for dating rocks by other methods. All dating methods are based on radioactive elements in the materials being tested and are based on many assumptions that do not pass scientific scrutiny.
- The video avoids dealing with the well-known problems with Carbon 14 dating by the bait and switch method. The methods they reference have as many issues as does Carbon 14.
- You Can’t Prove Evolution.
- Claims of Atheists
- They compare the position that evolution is more provable than creation by calling the Bible a set of “primitive anonymous documents.”
- They claim that all living things “evolve”.
- They claim that humans share 98% similarities to Chimpanzees.
- Answer
- To claim that the Bible is set of “primitive anonymous documents”, is to cast the same doubt on all biographies of people in ancient history such as Alexander the Great. The earliest biography of Alexander the great was written over 400 years after his death. Alexander the Great preceded Jesus by over 300 years. The New Testament writings are documented to be written within a maximum of 57 years after Christ’s death on the cross. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is well documented by contemporary extra-biblical historians such as Josephus; not a Christian.
- This is a classical “strawman argument.” Creationist do not make the claim that living things do not evolve, they make the claim that evolution does occur within a species (microevolution), but that there is no scientific evidence of bacteria to human evolution (macroevolution).
- The claim that humans and chimpanzees share 98% similarities in their DNA is an untrue statement. It has been proven by scientist (not creationists) that the actual similarities are more like 76% similarity based on awidely disseminated report by evolutionists in 2005.The video ignores up-to-date studies. Based on logic, it is not surprising that the DNA of humans and chimps would be similar; after all, we are built similar.
- If man evolved from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys?
- Claims of Atheists
- They compare the above question to the question “If America was colonized by Britain, why do we still have Britain.
- Answer
- Any informed creationist does not claim that evolutionists claim that we evolved from monkeys or chimps. We understand that evolutionists claim only that chimps and humans have a common ancestor. Informed creationist claims that there is a common design.
- The human eye is too complexed to evolve.
- Claims of Atheists
- The fact that the octopus and the horned owl have more complexed eyesproves that God cared more for these animals that He did for humans.
- Answer
- If you believe God created all animals and equipped them with what they need to survive, you would expect that he would equip these animals mentioned with what they need. The claim that is proves that God would provide humans with better eyesight than these animals is so ludicrous on its face, that it hardly deserves refutation. These facts speaks to design, not chance. The human eye is irreducibly complex.
- Atheist is actually a religion.
- Claims of Atheists
- They compare the above question to “The same way collecting stamps to not collecting stamps”.
- Answer
- Evolution is without any doubt a religion. If your belief is based on faith on things not seen, it is a religious belief. Despite the claim that macroevolution (bacteria to human) is scientific, an open minded investigation shows clearly that macroevolution has no real scientific basis. It has never been observed nor does observations indicate it’s true. It is only an interesting story filled with wishful thinking.
- Oh yeah, Scientist X believes in God.
- Claims of Atheists
- The only reason that the pioneers of science believed in God is because they were ignorant about modern science. They lived in the time of “dirt floors”.
- The overwhelming majority (93%) of the members of the National Academy of Sciences reject the concept of God.
- Answers
- It is true that the leading historical scientific discoveries were made by believers in God; they pursued knowledge to find out what God had created. Contrary to statements by evolutionists that a belief in God shuts down science, that belief is what compelled the early scientists to seek knowledge.
- The National Academy of Science is a membership by invitation only organization. The invite has to come from the membership. It is true that 93% of this organization is either atheistic or agnostic. The positions taken and the writings of NAS are always in support of materialism (only matter and energy exist-nothing supernatural). The organizationfights very hard to keep intelligent design ideas out of the schools. It makes since that they would not invite many believers into the club.
- You’re saying that everything happened by “chance?”
- Claims of Atheists
- Chance plays are part but natural selection promotes random change over time.
- Answer
- The problem with this claim is that atheists cannot give one example in the history of evolution when natural selection ever increased the genetic information of any organism. Natural selection relies on beneficial mutations in the genetic code (DNA) to drive macroevolution. Billions of increases would be necessary to go from bacteria to humans. There are no examples of any of these increases in science.
- America was founded as a Christian nation.
- Claims of Atheists
- The US Constitution never mentions God.
- Many of our fathers were either deists or ambivalent about the Christian God, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Janes Madison, and George Washington
- Answers: The Atheist Claims ignore many statements by the founding fathers concerning their faith. See attached quotes.
- The US Constitution does mention God. Article VII reads, "Done in Convention … the Seventeenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America." Also the document that started it all The Declaration of Independence states clearly “Wehold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
- Attached in Appendix
- The second law of Thermodynamics.
- Claims of Atheists
- This law only works in a closed system and the earth is not a closed system because it receives energy from the Sun.
- Answer
- It is true that the Earth is not a closed system, but evolution theory includes the evolution of the chemicals in the universe and the universe is a closed system. The second law of Thermodynamics states that in a closed system, the degree of order always decreases over time unless work is applied to the system. Evolution theory definitely violates this law.
- Adolf Hitler was an atheist.
- Claims of Atheists
- Hitler was raised Roman Catholic. Hitler spoke of the “creator of the universe”. Hitler claimed that God gave him the job to make the Arian race the only race.
- God only exists in the imagination of man.
- Answer
- Hitler stated that he was a catholic only to gain political power. Atheist ignore many writingsof himabout Christianity. Attached are only a few of many. Hitler was a devout atheist. Over 11 million Jews and others murdered. Hitler quotes in appendix.
Atheists do not mention the atrocities committed in the name of atheistic ideology:
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin: Total murdered: 91,000,000
Mao Tse-tung: Total murdered: 65,000,000
Margret Sanger (Founder of Planned Parenthood): Total murdered: 50,000,000 per year. In 50 years from 1-2 Billion worldwide.
Statements of the Founding Fathers
Thomas Jefferson-"God, who gave us life, gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever; that a revolution of the wheel of fortune, a change of situation, is among possible events; that it may become probable by Supernatural influence! The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in that event."
--Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVIII, p. 237.
"I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ."
--The Writings of Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and in it he writes:“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
George Washington-“It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.” and “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.”
John Adams-“he general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.
Benjamin Franklin-“Those Doctrines delivered by our Savior and the Apostles, which areabsolutely necessary to be believed, are so very plain, that the meanest
Capacities, may easily understand ’em.”And: "Christ gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity, andpurify to himself a peculiar People zealous of Good-Works. And there isscarcely a Chapter in the whole Gospels or Epistles from which thisDoctrine can’t be prov’d."
“We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that ‘except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.’ I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest.”
James Madison- “A watchful eye must be kept on ourselves lest, while we are building ideal monuments of renown and bliss here, we neglect to have our names enrolled in the Annals of Heaven.”
Madison even desired that all public officials - including Bradford - would declare openly and publicly their Christian beliefs and testimony:
“I have sometimes thought there could not be a stronger testimony in favor of religion or against temporal enjoyments, even the most rational and manly, than for men who occupy the most honorable and gainful departments and [who] are rising in reputation and wealth, publicly to declare their unsatisfactoriness by becoming fervent advocates in the cause of Christ; and I wish you may give in your evidence in this way.”
Second, Madison was a member of the committee that authored the 1776 Virginia Bill of Rights and approved of its clause declaring that:
“It is the mutualdutyof all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity toward each other.”(emphasis added)
Quotes from Adolf Hitler’s Journal
Night of 11th-12th July, 1941:
National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.... Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things. (p 6 & 7)
10th October, 1941, midday:
Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure. (p 43)
14th October, 1941, midday:
The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.... Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why someday its structure will collapse...... the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.... Christianity the liar.... We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. (p 49-52)
19th October, 1941, night:
The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.
John Adams- “There canbe no legitimate government but that which is administered by this Holy Ghost. There can be no salvation without it. All without it is rebellion and perdition, or in more orthodox words damnation.”
“He [Thomas Paine] understood neither government nor religion. . . . His billingsgate [vile and vulgar attack] . . . will never discredit Christianity, which will hold its ground in some degree as long as human nature shall have anything moral or intellectual left in it. The Christian religion. . . . will last as long as the world. Neither savage nor civilized man without a revelation could ever have discovered or invented it. Ask me not, then, whether I am a Catholic or Protestant, Calvinist or Arminian. As far as they are Christians, I wish to be a fellow-disciple with them all.”