Name:MansourI. Irshid (Abbadi)
Address: Electrical Engineering Department
JordanUniversity of Science and Technology
Irbid, Jordan
Tel: work: (962) 27201000 Ext. 22550
Fax: (962) 27095123
Mobile: 0795574238
Date and place of birth: 1952, AmmanJordan
Sex: Male
Marital status: married
19781982 Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (GPA = 3.75/4)
University of WisconsinMadison (U.S.A.)
19771978 M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (GPA = 3.8/4)
University of WisconsinMadison (U.S.A.)
1969-1974 B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Very good with honours)
King Saud UniversitySaudi Arabia
Positions Held:
1995- present Professor in Electrical Engineering Department
Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan.
2009-2011 Visiting Professor, E. E. Dept., Princess Sumaya
University for Technology, Jordan.
2001-2002 Visiting Professor, E. E. Dept., Princess Sumaya
Universityfor Technology, Jordan.
1995-1996 Visiting Professor, E. E. Dept., Princess Sumaya
Universityfor Technology, Jordan.
1991 1993 Chairman of Electrical Engineering Dept., Jordan
University of Science and Technology, Jordan.
19901991 Visiting Professor, E. E. Dept., University of Ottawa,Canada.
1989-1995 Associate professor in Electrical Engineering Department,
JordanUniversity of ScienceTechnology, Jordan
19861989 Assistant professor in Electrical Engineering Department
JordanUniversity of ScienceTechnology, Jordan.
19821986 Assistant professor in Electrical Engineering Department
Yarmouk University, Jordan.
19741977 Teaching assistant in Electrical Engineering Department
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Major Optical Fiber Communication Systems.
Digital Communication Systems.
Minor Electromagnetic Theory and Mathematics.
M.Sc. Photocounting statistics of superposed coherent and
thermal light and performance of pulse delay binary
laser communication systems.
Ph.D. Digital communication over nonlinear fiber optic channels.
Held a Ministry of Education (Jordan) scholarship for B.Sc.
degree at King Saud UniversitySaudia Arabia (19691974)
Held a YarmoukUniversity scholarship for M.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees at University of WisconsinMadison-U.S.A (1977-1982).
Current Research:
Lightwave networks
Optical fiber communication systems
Digital modulation techniques
Digital electronics (A/D and D/A converters)
-Data compression techniques
Teaching Experience
Teaching the following undergraduate and graduate courses in the Electrical Engineering Departments at Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan University, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, German-Jordanian University, New York Institute of Technology (Amman Campus):
Undergraduate Courses:
-Electric Circuits
Electronic Devices & Circuits
Digital Electronics
Electromagnetic Fields & Waves
Analog & Digital Communication Systems
Microwave Devices & Circuits
- Communication Electronics
Telecommunication Systems
Radar Systems
_ Satellite Communications
_ Optical Fiber Communication Systems
Different Electrical Engineering Labs.
-Supervising different Graduation Projects
Graduate Courses:
Optical Fiber Communication Systems
- Digital Data Transmission
- Detection and Estimation Theory
Information and Coding Theory
-Radio wave propagation
Graduate Students:
Supervised the following master theses at the Electrical Engineering Department at JordanUniversity of Science and Technology:
Ahmad K. Atieh, "Effect of mode coupling on dispersion and loss in fiber optic channels," M. Sc. Thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept.JordanUniversity of Science & Technology, Sept. 1987.
lhab S. AISalous, "Bit error probability for coherent Mary PSK systems," M.Sc. Thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Jordan University of Science & Technology, May 1989.
Said Y. Helo, "Performance of coherent optical DPSK receiver using avalanche photodiode," M.Sc. Thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Jordan University of Science & Technology, March 1990.
Ahmed S. Musa, ”A modified text compression technique based on Lempel-Ziv algorithm,” M.Sc Thesis, Elec. Eng.Dept.,JordanUniversity of ScienceTechnology, Dec. 1999.
Rola M. Tawalbeh, ”Optical star networks using distributed star couplers,” M.Sc Thesis, Elec. Eng.Dept., JordanUniversity of Science & Technology, Dec. 2001.
Haythem Bani Salameh, “Wavelength Division Demultiplexing Using Graded Index Planar Structures,” M.Sc Thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Jordan University of Science & Technology, Feb. 2005.
Mohammad H. Al-Omari, “Digital Down Converter using Non-sinusoidal Local Oscillator,” M.Sc Thesis, Elec. Eng.Dept., JordanUniversity of Science & Technology, August. 2006.
Musbah M. Shaat, “A Modified M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Receiver,” M.Sc Thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Jordan University of Science & Technology, June. 2007.
Sofyan M. Hayajneh, “Single Sideband PSK Modulation Technique,” M.Sc Thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Jordan University of Science & Technology, July. 2007.
Mohammed A. Hankal, “Minimum Energy Circular Constellation for QAM with Even and Odd Bits Per Symbol,” M.Sc Thesis, Elec. Eng.Dept., JordanUniversity of Science & Technology, April. 2008.
Faeik Tayseer Al-Rabee "A novel all pass optical filter for dispersion compensation in optical fiber systems," M.Sc Thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Jordan University of Science & Technology, April. 2014.
Member board of master thesis committees at Jordan University of Science &Technology, Jordan University,Al-Ahliyya AmmanUniversity and Yarmouk University ( over 70 thesis).
1- B. Saleh and M. Irshid, "Statistics of integrated speckle pattern due tomixed coherent and diffused light," Optical and Quantum Electronics,No. 11, 1979.
2- B. Saleh and M. Irshid, "Coherence and intersymbol interference indigital fiber optic communication system," lEEE J. Quantum Electronics , Vol. QE18, No. 6, June 1982.
3- B. Saleh and M. Irshid, "ColletWolf equivalence theorm and propagation of a pulse in a single mode optical fiber," Optics Letters, Vol.7, No. 7, July 1982.
4- B. Saleh and M. Irshid, "Transmission of pulse sequences throughmonomode fiber," Applied Optics, Vol. 21, No. 23, Dec. 1982.
5- M. Irshid and B. Saleh, "Effect of source phase fluctuations on theperformance of monomode fiber optic digital communication systems,"Optics Communications, Vol.43, No. 5, Nov. 1982.
6- M. Irshid, "Gray code weighting system," IEEE Trans. InformationTheory , Vol. IT33, No. 6, Nov. 1987.
7- M. Irshid, "A simple method for determining Hadamard sequencyvectors," IEEE Trans. Computers , Vol. 37, No. 6, June 1988.
8- M. Irshid and M. Othman, "Vtroughs with high concentration ratiosfor photovoltaic concentrator cells," Solar Cells, No. 23, 1988.
9- M. Irshid, "A new digitaltoanalog conversion technique," Int. Journalof Electronics, Vol. 67, No. 1, Jan. 1989.
10- M. Irshid, "A modified variable threshold A/D converter," Int. Journalof Electronics, Vol. 68, No. 3, Much 1990.
11- M. Irshid and M. Kavehrad, " Phase noise countermeasures for coherent optical phase shift keying " Journal of Optical Communications,Vol. 11, No. 3, Sept. 1990.
12- M. Kavehrad and M. Irshid,"A novel optical homodyne differentialphase shift keying receiver," Journal of Optical Communications, Vol.11, No, 4, Dec. 1990.
13- M. Irshid and I. Salous, "Bit error probability for coherent MaryPSK systems," lEEE Trans. On Communications, Vol. 39, No. 3, March1991.
14- M. Irshid, "A modified procedure for the construction of Huffmancode," AMSE Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, March 1991.
15- M. Irshid and M. Kavehrad, "Distributed optical passive star couplers," IEEE/OSA Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 3, No. 3, March 1991.
16- M. Obaidat and M. Irshid, "Fast multistep addition algorithm," INT.Journal of Electronics, Vol. 70, No. 5, May 1991,
17- M. Irshid, W. Shahab and B. ElAsir, " A simple programmable frequency meter for low frequencies with known nominal values," IEEETrans. on Instrumentation and Measurements , Vol. 40, No. 3, June 1991.
18- M. Irshid and M. Kavehrad, "A fully transparent fiber optic ringarchitecture for WDM networks," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 10, No, 1, Jan. 1992.
19- M. Irshid and M. Kavehrad, "Star couplers with gain using few highpower Erbiumdoped fiber amplifiers," IEEE/OSA Photonics TechnologyLetters, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1992.
20- M. Irshid and M. Kavehrad, "A WDM crossconnected star topologyfor multihop lightwave networks," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology,Vol. 10, No. 6, June 1992.
21- M. Irshid and M. Kavehrad, "Expansion of FDM/ WDM star networksusing highpower Erbitundoped fiber amplifiers," Journal of OpticalCommunications, Vol. 14, No. 3, June 1993.
22- M. Tabiani, M. Kavehrad, and M. Irshid, " A novel integratedopticWDM crossconnect for wide area all optical networks," IEEE/OSA Journal ofLightwave Technology, Vol. 11, No. 3, March 1993.
23- M. Irshid, Y. Zebda, and W. Shahab, "A generalized successive approximation analogtodigital converter," International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 75, No. 4, 1993.
24- M. Irshid and S. Helo, "Exact error probabilty for optical homodynePSK communication system," Journal of Optical Communications, Vol. 15, No. 4, August 1994.
25- M. Al-Ibrahim, S. Bataineh, and M. Irshid," A New Fast Analogue-to-Digital Counting Converter,""Journal of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Computer Science Series), Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 87-94, 1996.
26- M. Irshid "Doubling the number of users in a WDM star networks," Journal of Optical Communications, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 1998.
27- A. Elabdallah and M. Irshid "An efficient bitwise Huffman coding technique based on source mapping," Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2001.
28- A. Elabdallah and M. Irshid “A simple binary run-length compression technique for non-binary sources based on source mapping” Active and Passive Elec. Comp., Vol. 24, 2001.
29- A. Elabdallah, M. Irshid and Talha Nassar “A File Splitting Technique for Reducing the Entropy of Text Files”Intrnational Journal of Information Technology Vol. 3, No. 2, 2006.
30- H. Bany Salameh and M. Irshid “Wavelength Division Demultiplexing Using Graded Index Planar Structures” IEEE/OSA Journal of lightwave Technology, Vol. 24, Issue 6, 2006
31- Mansour Irshid and Abdel-Rahman Jaradat, "Artificial Voltage-Controlled Capacitance and Inductance using Voltage-Controlled Transconductance", International Journal on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (IJECS), pp. 190-193, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2008.
32- Ahmed Musa, Ayman Al-Dmour, Osama Al-Khaleel and Mansour Irshid, "An efficient compression technique using Lempel-Ziv algorithm based on dynamic source encoding scheme"Int. J. Information and Communication Technology, pp. 210-219, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2010 .
33- Ahmed Musa, Ayman Al-Dmour, F. Fraij, Osama Al-Khaleel and Mansour Irshid, "A Dynamic and Secure Arabic Text Compression Technique Using Bitwise Lempel-Ziv Algorithm"Information Technology Journal 9 (4), 673-679.
34- Haythem A. Bany Salameh, MansourI. Irshid, "Ray-Tracing Studies for A Graded Index Planar Structure," submitted to Journal of Optical Communications.
1-M. Irshid, "Nonlinear intersymbol interference in digital fiber opticcommunication systems," JordanInternational Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference, April 1985.
2-M. Kavehrad and M. Irshid, "Fiberoptic ring architecture for WDMnetworks," Proceedings of the 2nd MEE International Workshop onthe Photonic Networks, Components and Applications, Montebello,Canada, March 911, 1992.
3-M. Tabiani, M. Kavehrad and M. Irshid, "A novel integratedopticWDM crossconnect for wavelength routing networks," IEEE GlobalTelecommunications Conference, Orlando, Florida, Dec. 69, 1992.
4-M. Irshid and M. Kavehrad, "A WDM crossconnected star multihopoptical network," International Conference on Communications, ICC92.
5-Elabdalla, A.-R.; Irshid, M.I., “AN EFFICIENT BIT-WISE HUFFMAN CODING TECHNIQUE BASED ON SOURCE” Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Devices, Circuits,and Systems, Caracas, Mexico, 15-17 March, 2000.
6-M. Abaza and M. Irshid, "An Accurate Method for Measurement of Line Frequency using Read-Only Memory" The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (PES 2007) Clearwater, Florida, USA January 3 – 5, 2007.
7-M. Irshid, "Advancement in fiber optic submarine cables technology" Plenary session, Mosharaka Muli-conference on Communication, Computers and Applications, Amman-Jordan, 6-8 September, 2007.
8-Ahmed Musa and Mansour I. Irshid, "A Modified Text Compression Technique Based on Lempel-Ziv Algorithm" The 2008 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 14-17, 2008.
9-Ahmed Musa, Ayman Al-Dmour, Osama Al-Khaleel and and Mansour Irshid, "An Efficient Text Compression Technique Using Lempel-Ziv Algorithm"The AMSE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODELLING AND SIMULATION (MS'08 JORDAN), November 18-21,2008, Petra, Jordan.
10-Ayman Al-Dmour, Ahmed Musa, Fares Fraij, Osama Al-Khaleel,Mansour Irshid,"Arabic Text Compression Technique Based on Lempel-Ziv Algorithm."IKE 2009, 284-289.
M. Irshid and M. Kavehrad, "OPTICAL HOMODYNE DPSK RECEIVER WITH OPTICAL AMPLIFIER" Filed: number: CA 1323657 (Canada), Sep. 22,1989, Issued: Oct. 26, 1993.
1)Coauthor of a book on Industrial Drawing for Electronics specializationin Technical Secondary Schools (Arabic) sponsored by Ministry ofEducationJordan, 1987.
2)Harvest of the century (chapter on communication systems), Issued by Abdel-Hameed Shoman Foundation, 2012.
3)Introduction to Electrical Engineering (Arabic), 2011.
Honors and awards
-Abdel-Hameed Shoman Award for Young Arab Researchers: Engineering Sciences 1993.
-Held a YarmoukUniversity scholarship for M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees at University of WisconsinMadison-U.S.A (1977-1982).
-Held a Ministry of Education (Jordan) scholarship for B.Sc. degree at KingSaudUniversity,
-Member of the council of trustees, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, 1999-2001, 2007-2009.
-National Committee member: Accreditation of Communications and Electronic Engineering Programs in Jordanian Private Universities.