Name: Ezzat Hamed Sayed

Date of Birth: 01 April 1951

Place of Birth: Assiut /Egypt

Address: Assiut University Hospitals -Womens’Health Center - Assiut /Egypt


Fax: (2088) 2333327

Home: (2088) 2283770

Mobile: 0100004310


Marital Status:

Married & has two children


M.B., B.Ch. in Medicine

Assiut University School of Medicine Egypt in September 1975.

M.Sc. in Obstetrics and Gynecology Assiut University 1980

M.D. In Obstetrics and Gynecology Assiut University in 1983


Date / Degree / Institution / Specialty
2012- now
1993 / Professor Emeritus
Head of OBGYN
Professor / Assiut University
Assiut University / Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obstetrics and Gynecology
1988 / Assistant Professor / Assiut University / Obstetrics and Gynecology
1983 / M.D. & Lecturer / Assiut University / Obstetrics and Gynecology
1980 / MS & Assistant Lecturer / Assiut University / Obstetrics and Gynecology
1977-1980 / Residency / Assiut University Hospital / Obstetrics and Gynecology
1975 / Bachelor Degree (excellent grade) / Assiut University / General Medicine, Surgery
1969-1975 / Undergraduate / Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University. / Basic Science of medicine

Position / Appointments :

Date / Position / Institution
1993-2012 / Professor Emeritus
Professor / Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine
Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine.
1988 -1993 / Assistant Professor / Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine.
1983 - 1988 / Lecturer / Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine.
1980 - 1983 / Assistant Lecturer / Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine.
1977 - 1980 / Resident / Assiut University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Professional Certificate:

Professor of OB.GYN, contraception and infertility work, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt.

Director of the ultrasound unit in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Clinical and Teaching Activities:

Chairman of OBGYN Department, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.

Director of Women’s Health Center, Assiut University Hospitals, Assiut

Professor, teach undergraduate, postgraduate OB.GYN students (MS, Ph.D.) of the Faculty of Medicine.

Director of the ultrasound unit in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1980 and till now..

Clinical work in hospital and private. Supervise inpatient management, surgical procedures.

Operative: Gynecological and obstetric surgery.

Endoscopy: Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

Supervise MS and Ph.D. thesis for postgraduate students.

Training Courses on Ultrasound Examination in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Training on Breastfeeding Training Course Quiz MOH/MCH/UNICEF.

Research Activities:

MS: A study on routine cytological examination in Gynecology, 1979 .

Ph.D.: Study on Prolactin in normal and abnormal pregnancy, 1983.

Supervise and conduct several researches in different topics (see publications).

Research: main area ultrasonography in OB. & GYN., Preeclampsia-eclampsia and reproductive health.

International Workshops:

1986Early detection of Gynecological Cancer, Ain-Shams University, Egypt.

1990Human Reproduction Update, Assiut University, Egypt.

1996Technical Working Group Meeting on Normal Birth, Geneva, Switzerland.

1996Improving Reproductive Health in Egypt, Luxor, Egypt.

1996Training of the trainers on Breastfeeding Training Course Quiz MOH/MCH/UNICEF.

Professional Memberships:

1.Egyptian Fertility Care Society (EFCS).

2.Coordinator for Baby Friendly Hospital initiative (UNICEF/WHO)

3.Breast milk Friendly Society, Egypt.



Arabic:(Mother’s tongue)


International Publications:

  1. Reliability of out-patient hysteroscopy in one-stop clinic for abnormal uterine bleeding

Atef M. Darwish, Ezzat H. Sayed, Safwat A. Mohammad, Ibraheem I. Mohammad, Hoida I. Hassan

Gynecological Surgery , September 2012, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp 289-295

  1. Mouse ovarian follicle cryopreservation using vitrification or slow programmed cooling: Assessment of in vitro development, maturation, ultra-structure and meiotic spindle organization

Nina Desai1,*, Faten AbdelHafez1,2, Mansour Y. Ali2, Ezzat H. Sayed2, Ahmed M. Abu-Alhassan2, Tomasso Falcone1 and James Goldfarb1

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research Volume 37, Issue 1, pages 1–12, January 2011

  1. Oocyte cryopreservation: a technical and clinical update

Faten AbdelHafez, Nina Desai, Mansour Y Ali, Ezzat H Sayed, Ahmed M Abu-Alhassan, and Mohamed A Bedaiwy

Expert Review of Obstetrics & Gynecology (2009) 4 :443

  1. Review
    Oocyte cryopreservation: a technical and clinical update

July 2009, Vol. 4, No. 4 , Pages 443-454 (doi:10.1586/eog.09.24)

Faten AbdelHafez, Nina Desai, Mansour Y Ali, Ezzat H Sayed, Ahmed M Abu-Alhassan, and Mohamed A Bedaiwy

  1. Evaluation of the use vs nonuse of urinary catheterization during cesarean delivery: a prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled trial.

Journal of perinatology: official journal of the California Perinatal Association 02/2009; 29(6):416-21. DOI:10.1038/jp.2009.4 · 2.35 Impact Factor

A M Nasr, A F ElBigawy, A E Abdelamid, S Al-Khulaidi, H G Al-Inany, E H Sayed

  1. Prediction of successful menorrhagia treatment after thermal balloon endometrial ablation

Ayman H. Shaamash and Ezzat H. Sayed

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research Volume 30, Issue 3, pages 210–216, June 2004

  1. Contraceptives for lactating women: A comparative trial of a progesterone-releasing vaginal ring and the Copper T 380A IUD

Irving Sivin, Soledad Díaz, Horacio B. Croxatto, Patricia Miranda, Mamdouh Shaaban, Ezzat H. Sayed, Bilian Xiao, Shang-Chun Wu, Ming-kun Du, Francisco Alvarez, Vivian Brache, Sriani Basnayake, Terry McCarthy, Maria Lacarra, Daniel R. Mishell Jr, Suporn Koetsawang, Janet Stern, Theodore Jackanicz

Contraception, April 1997Volume 55, Issue 4, Pages 225–232

  1. Comparative study on the efficacy and acceptability of two contraceptive pills administered by the vaginal route : an international multicenter clinical trial. Elsimar M., Coutinho; Jose Calos de Souza; Ana R. da Silva; ...... M. M. Shaaban; Ezzat H. Sayed; Hany Abdel-Aleem;...... Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, St. Louis. Vol. 53, No. 1, PP. 65-75, January, 1993.
  2. Superiority of amniotic fluid index over amniotic fluid pocket measurement for predicting bad fetal outcome.

Alaaeldin A. Youssef, Sayed A. Abdulla, Ezzat H. Sayed, Hossam T. Salem, and Ali M. Abdelalim. Abdelalim , Lawrence Devoe

  1. Georgia Regents University
  2. Remove suggestion
  3. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assiut University, Lycopolis, Asyūţ, Egypt

Southern Medical Journal (Impact Factor: 1.12). 04/1993; 86(4):426-9. DOI:10.1097/00007611-199304000-00011

Source: PubMed

  1. The use of Bromocriptyine (Parlodel®) in EPH Gestosis of pregnancy. H. T., Salem; E. H., Sayed and M. M. Shaaban. Perinatal Care and Gestosis; M. Suzuki, Editor. Elsevier Science Publisher B. V. 1985.

International Presentations:

  1. The recovery of ovarian function during breast-feeding. E. H. Sayed; M. M. Shaaban; A. M. Abdel-Aleem; G. H. Sayed and S. A. Ghaneimah. Annual Scientific Meeting of The Egyptian Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes. 1987
  1. The probability of ovulation and fertilization during prolonged breast feeding: an ultrasonographic and endocrine study. M.M. Shaaban, Gamal H. Sayed, A.T. Abdel-Hafeiz, Abdel-Gaffar Ahmed, E.H. Sayed, and S.A. Ghaneimah. International Conference of the Faculty of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 17-21 March, 1990, Kuwait.
  1. Sonographic monitoring of hysteroscopic adhesiolysis: a promising non-invasive procedure. E.H. Sayed, M.H. Makarem, G.H. Sayed, A.M. Darwish, A.M. Abdel-Aleem and M.B. Sammour II World Congress of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology ;Bonn, Germany, 1992.
  1. Doppler Ultrasound could improve the predictive value of fetal biophysical profile scoring system (BPP) in cases with pre-eclampsia. Sayed, E., H.; Sayed, G., H.; El-Nashar,I., M.; Ali, M., Y.; Makhlouf, A., M.; Abdel Aal, D., E. And El-Sonosy, E. IX World Congress on Human Reproduction, USA, Philadelphia, 1996.
  1. The use of nifidepine in the management of eclampsia and severe pre-eclampsia. Sayed, G., H.; Awad, H. A.; Sayed, E., H.; Abdullah, S., A.; Mostafa, S., A.; and Abdel Aal, D. IX World Congress on Human Reproduction, USA, Philadelphia, 1996.

National Publications

  1. Diagnostic accuracy of sonar in the Differential diagnosis of bleeding in early pregnancy. E. H. Sayed; M. A. Abdel-Aleem; M. Y. Ali and H. S. Kamel. Assiut Med. Journ. 8:2,1984.
  1. Sonographic determination of fetal sex. E. H. Sayed. Assiut Med. Journ. 8: 2, 1984
  1. Sonographic features of ectopic pregnancy. E. H. Sayed and M. Y. Ali. Assiut Med. Journ. 9: 22, 1985.
  1. The evaluation of profile scoring system for early identification and severity assessment of pregnancy induced hypertension. E. H. Sayed; H. T. Salem; M. H. Makarem; A. B. Osman and E. M. Khalifa. Fifth Annual Scientific Conference of Assiut Faculty of Medicine, 1985.
  1. Sonographic parameters for normal fetal growth in Assiut, Upper Egypt. E. H. Sayed, H. T. Salem, E. M. Aboueleon and A. T. Abdel-Hafeez. Fifth Annual Scientific Conference of Assiut Faculty of Medicine, 1985.
  1. Total replacement of the female urethra in cases of incontinent giant urethro-vaginal fistula. M. A. Shalaby; M. I. Taha; M. A. Moatemd; A. Abdel Aziz and E. H. Sayed. Assiut Med. Journal. 11: 1, 1987.
  1. 3,3,5-Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxin (T4) in Preeclampsia and eclampsia. E. H. Sayed and M. Y. El-Tahtawy. Egypt. Med. Journal. 1987.
  1. Birth outcome with different risk factors during delivery. E. H. Sayed; M. A. Youssef; E. M. Aboueleoon et Al. Assiut Med. Journal 11: 2, 1987.
  1. Evaluation of WHO home based mother’s record in a maternity service. Mansour Y. Ali, Ezzat H. Sayed, Maher Salah, Gamal H. Sayed, H.T. Salem and Ahmed M. Helal. Assiut Medical Journal, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1990.
  1. Screening threshold of capillary blood glucose for gestational diabetes. Sayed E.H., Makarem M. H., Abdel-Aleem A.M., Kalaf M. R., Sayed G. H, and Youssef M. A.
  1. Ultrasonic detection of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). Ezzat H. Sayed, Gamal H. Sayed, S. A. Abdullah, H. T. Salem, M. Y. Ali, and Hassan S. Kamel. Assiut Medical Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1991.
  1. Sonographic evaluation of fetal macrosomia. Ezzat H. Sayed, M.Y. Ali, H. T. Salem, Gamal H. Sayed, S. A. Abdullah, E. M. Abol-Oyoun, and H. S. Kamel. Assiut Medical Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1991.
  1. Prophylactic antibiotics in Cesarean section. Gamal H. Sayed, Enas Abdel-Magid, Ezzat H. Sayed, H. Abdel-Aleem, and M. M. Mahmoud. Assiut Medical Journal: Proceedings of 9th Annual Scientific Conference, Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine, March, 1991.
  1. Comparative study of the T-cu 380 A and the T-cu 380 Slimline intrauterine contraceptive devices. Ezzat H. Sayed, Gamal H. Sayed, S. M. Mohamed and M. M. Shaaban. Assiut Medical Journal: Proceedings of 10th Annual Scientific Conference, Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine, April, 1992.
  1. Reliability of ultrasound in the assessment of cervical incompetence. Ezzat H. Sayed, Gamal H. Sayed, M. A. Youssef, and A.M. Abdel-Aleem. Assiut Medical Journal: Proceedings of 10th Annual Scientific Conference, Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine, April, 1992.
  1. A comparative study between the vaginal use of two types of oral contraceptive pills. Ezzat H. Sayed; Gamal H. Sayed; Maher S. Mohamad; A. F. Amin and M. M. Shaaban. Assiut Medical J., Proceedings of the ُTenth Annual scientific Conference, April 1992.
  1. A standard policy of use of “WHO” partograph in the active management of labor. Ezzat H. Sayed; Hany Abdel-Aleem; Gamal H. Sayed; Sayed A. M. Taha and Sayed A. Abdullah. Presented in The XVIth International Annual Ain Shams Medical Congress, April 5-8, 1993 Cairo, Egypt.
  1. A comparative clinical trial of progesterone-releasing vaginal rings and Tcu 380A-IUCD in lactating women. Ezzat H. Sayed; Abdel-Ghafar M. Ahmed; Gamal H. Sayed; Ahmad T. Abdel-Hafeez and M. M. Shabaan. Presented in The XVIth International Annual Ain Shams Medical Congress, April 5-8, 1993 , Cairo, Egypt.
  1. A comparative trial of magnesium sulphate and diazepam in the management of eclampsia. Ezzat H. Sayed; Gamal H. Sayed; Diaa M. Abdel-Aal; Sayed A. Abdullah and Safia A. Mostafa. Assiut Medical Journal; Proceedings of Eleventh Annual Conference, April, 1993.
  1. The use of nifedipine in the management of eclampsia and severe pre-eclampsia. Ezzat H. Sayed; Gamal H. Sayed; Sayed A. Abdullah; Safia A. Mostafa; Ihab M. El-Nashar; Mohamad E. Hassanen; and Diaa M. Abdel-Aal. Assiut Medical Journal, Proceedings of the eleventh Annual Scientific Conference , April, 1993.
  1. Fetal biophysical profile and perinatal outcome in high risk pregnancy. Ezzat H. Sayed; Gamal H. Sayed; Alaa-Eldin A. Youssef; Maher S. Mohmad and Sayed A. Assiut Medical Journal, Proceedings of the eleventh Annual Scientific Conference , April, 1993.
  1. Can the sonar accurately differentiate between a premature and a postmature fetus ? An improved approach. Ezzat H. Sayed; Aly M. Sabra; Hassan S. Kamel; Gamal H. Sayed; Mohamad A. M. Youssef and Mostafa M. Abdel-Raheem. Assiut Medical Journal, Proceedings of the eleventh Annual Scientific Conference , April, 1993.
  1. Fetal biophysical profile follow-up can safely prolong the conservative management of premature rupture of the membranes. Ezzat H. Sayed; Abdel-Ghafar M. Ahmad; Mohamad A. Youssef; Gamal H. Sayed; Sayed A. Abdullah; Ekram A. Hashem and Mostafa M. El-Saied. Assiut Medical Journal, Proceedings of the eleventh Annual Scientific Conference , April, 1993.
  1. Comparative study of the effect of metoclopramide and meperidine on cervical dilatation and effacement during labor. Mohamad A. Youssef; Ezzat H. Sayed; Gamal H. Sayed; H. Abdel-Aleem; and A. M. Abdel-Aleem. Assiut Medical J., Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual scientific Conference, April 1993.
  1. Occult infertility in women prior to the use of intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCDs). Mohamad A. Youssef; Gamal H. Sayed; Ezzat H. Sayed ; and M. Y. Aly. Assiut Medical J., Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual scientific Conference, April 1993.
  1. Detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis antigen in endocervical specimens of females with secondary sterility. Monazzama A. Fadel; Ezzat H. Sayed; Mohamad R. Khalaf; and Zeinab A. Abdel-Hafez. Assiut Medical Journal, Proceedings of Ninth Annual Scientific Conference, March 1991.
  1. Observations of antimicrobial action of amniotic fluid. I. Seddik; A. M. El-Timawy; S. H. Ahmed; M. Y. El-Tahtawy and Ezzat H. Sayed. Al-Azhar Journal of Microbiology, vol.5, p164, 1989.
  1. The effects of body image changes in patients with disabling conditions. Ezzat H. Sayed; Mustafa A. El-Sonbaty; Magda A. Badaway; Abdel-Fattah A. Ghazal; Olfat A. El-Shafie and Mahmoud A. El-Oteify. Assiut Medical Journal, Proceedings of Tenth Annual Scientific Conference, April 1992.
  1. Vitamin K dependent coagulation factors in newborns : effect of vitamin K administration. El-Deep S., Askar, A.; El-Kabsh, M.; Abdel-Shafee, K. H.; Sayed, E.; and Abdel-Moneium, H. GAZ. Egypt Paed. Ass., Vol. 38. No. 1 , 2 Jan. & April. 1990.
  1. Superiority of decreased amniotic fluid index over the one cm pocket for diagnosis of bad fetal outcome. Alaa-Eldin A. Youssef; Sayed A. Abdullah; Ezzat H. Sayed; Hossam T. Salem; Aly M. Abdel-Aleem and Lawerence D. Devoe. Presented in the 85th Annual Scientific Assembly of The Southern Medical Association in Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia . November 15-19, 1991. Abstract published. Signed as Best scientific Paper award.
  1. Evaluation of the WHO home based mother's record in the identification of high risk pregnancy: A community based study. Mansour Y. Aly; Ezzat H. Sayed; Mohamad A. Youssef; Ahmad M. Helal and Hossam T. Salem. Assiut Medical Journal, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1990.
  1. Evaluation of the use of partograph in the management of labor. H. Abdel-Aleem; Ezzat H. Sayed; S. Taha and S. A. Abdullah. J. Egyp. Soc. of Obst. & GYN. Vol. XVI, No. 1, Jan. 1990.
  1. Nomograms of cervical dilatation and characteristics of normal labor in Upper Egypt. H. Abdel-Aleem; Ezzat H. Sayed; S. Taha and S. A. Abdullah. Assiut Medical J., Vol. 15, No. 4, July 1991.
  1. Menstrual dates: Sonographic reevaluation of its value in gestational age determination. Hassan S. Kamel; K. A. Abdalla; M. A. Youssef and Ezzat H. Sayed. El-Minia Medical Bulltin. Vol. 2, No. 2, April, 1991.
  1. Assuring and alarming message of antepartum fetal heart rate tests (AFHRTs) in high risk pregnancy. M. Y. Aly; M. I. Abol-Eyoon; Ezzat H. Sayed; S. A. Abdullah and Ihab M. El Nashar. Assiut Medical Journal., Vol. 14, No. 3, July 1990.
  1. Evaluation of maternity services in Assiut University Hospital. Mohamed Alaa El-Din Youssef, Aly M. Sabra, Maher Salah, Gamal H. Sayed, and Sayed A. Abdullah. Assiut Medical Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 1994.