Ladies News–January 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone and welcome back to Bowls. We are looking forward to our year ahead together. We wish you Good health, Happiness and Good Luck to all.

BE PREPARED: EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS – LADIES PLEASE BE AWARE THAT WE HAVE AN “EXTREME WEATHER” POLICY TO ADHERE TO. The Weather Chart from Bowls Australia that is displayed on the Bowls Office window is a recommended guideline we should follow for the wellbeing of our Members. Any further information you require in regard to this can be found on the Bowls Australia Website or you can make enquiries to the Bowls Office.

Home News

Thu 15 December 2016: Christmas Break-up Day. What a wonderful day. The entertainment by our Merrylands Troupe was excellent as usual. Thank you to the Board and Sylvana and Staff from the kitchen for a scrumptious lunch. The room looked great, thank you to the Committee and all who helped to make this a successful day.

Thu 12 January: Bowls resumed - Happy to see all the girls back again ready for the year ahead.

Tue 17 January: Committee Meeting – Minutes available in the Bowls Lounge.

Thu 19 January: Major Singles commenced – the 1st round of the Major Singles was played. Congratulations to the winners who have moved into the 2nd round. As you can see by the Calendar, all championships are carded on a Saturday. This means the round can be played on or before this day by agreement of the players.

Pennant Selection for 2017: The list of the Pennant Teams for 2017 is on the board. Congratulations to all players who have been selected to represent Merrylands in this year’s Pennants which is due to commence in March.

Thu 26 January: Australia Day – Our Social Day was replaced by a Mixed Social Day to celebrate this very Special Day.We had a full green of players who enjoyed a very social game. Many were decked out in Australian colours to celebrate the day.

PLEASE NOTE: 2017 Merrylands Bowls Calendar -Members who have not yet received a copy for the year, please see Val Smith or Maureen Randell.

Email Address: Members are encouraged to give Maureen Randell their email address (written on note paper) so they can be advised of matters arising.

The President’s Award: (Previously known as the Encouragement Award) -The Criteria for The President’s Award is on the board in the Bowls Lounge. Please read and take note if you wish to partake. Any questions please see Jan Rolph.

2016 NSW Awards Night: to be held at Kirribilli Bowling Club on 22 February 2017 - We are pleased to announce that Val Smith has been nominated in the 2016 NSW Player of the Year category and Merrylands Bowling Club has been nominated in the 2016 Best Metropolitan Club of the Year category. Congratulations and all the best for this special night.

Out and About

29th Dec – 8th Jan: New Zealand National Championships. Congratulations to Val Smith who won Gold in the Fours with Jo Edwards and their team. Well done girls.

Tue 16 & Wed 17 January: NSW v Q’LD Test Series – Congratulations to Sam Shannahan who was selected and played in this Series. NSW were successful winning 2 from 3 Tests which was played in Queensland.

A Bit of Etiquette is Nice

Mobile Phones: Before commencing a game all mobile phones, pagers and other electronic devices should be switched off for the duration of a game. Music listening devices such as IPods should not be used during a game.

Birthdaysfor the Month of January

1 Jan:Patricia Scorse9 Jan:Virginia Lewis

2 Jan:Sarah Hennessy10 Jan:Thelma Wallis

5 Jan:Cheryl Gillard15 Jan:Willow Fong

6 Jan:Debra Schoemaker17 Jan:Robyn Smith

Rule for the Month

Q: The thirds look at the head and both agree that Team A has 2 shots and then Team B signals 2 down and starts to remove the bowls. However, third A stops third B from removing any more bowls realising her skip still has a bowl to play. May Skip A play her bowl?

A: If the result of an end has been agreed or the process of deciding the number of shots scored has started, a player who has failed to play a bowl (either deliberately or accidentally) will lose the right to play the bowl. (Law 29.4.1)

Quote for the Month

Change your thoughts and you change your world.

(Norman Vincent Peale)

Joke for the Month

My doctor took one look at me and refused to believe that I work out. So I listed the exercises I do every day: jump to conclusions, climb the walls, drag my heels, push my luck, make mountains out of molehills, bend over backward, run around in circles, put my foot in my mouth, go over the edge and beat around the bush.


Good to see Glenys Marcus and Irene Littlefield fit and back at bowls.


Jan Rolphspent a week with her Son and Family in Melbourne before Christmas. Always special to catch up with the Grandchildren.

Joyce Dwyer sadly passed away on 11th January 2017after turning 99 in December 2016. Please read the booklet on her past life which is on the board.

Carmel Byrnes has had a lovely holiday laying around and swimming. Sounds perfect.

Tess Smithers said that Fred is well and truly on the mend and is now driving. Way to go Fred!

Jan Anlezark’s youngest brother just gave her 87 and 97 old Parents another Grandchild to make it 45 Grandchildren – and a Great Grandchild is due any day as well. Also Jan’s niece has won the part of Princess Meane in the musical in France. Congratulations to all.

Robyn Smith has quote for us “Rumours should go in one ear and out the other. (A rumour is just general talk not based on definite knowledge). Thanks Robyn, so true.

What’s Coming Up in February?

Sat 4 February: The Major Singles will continue on in February. Good luck to all playing.

Tue 7 & Wed 8 February: NSW v VIC Test Series–Sam Shannahan has been selected in this Series. Good Luck Sam.

Tue 7 February: Skills Training at Merrylands at 9.30 am

Thu 9 February: Ladies Half Yearly Meeting – To be held after bowls and lunch. Minutes will be in Bowls Lounge.

Mon 13 February: LansdowneDistrict singles – to be played at Guildford and Merrylands on the first day and will continue through the week at Merrylands. Good Luck to all our Ladies competing.

Thu 23 February: Pennant Practice v Northmead and our own Merrylands Men - The Selectors are arranging a Pennant Practice against the Men as well as a couple of teams from Northmead. Social Bowls will also be held on this day for players not playing Pennants and the Lansdowne Medal.

Sun 19 February: Merrylands v Education BowlsThis is the opportunity for our Merrylands to play against the NSW Education Bowlers. We will be playing a game commencing at 9.30 a.m. followed by a sausage sizzle. There will also be a draw for winners and runners-up. The cost for the Merrylands members will be $5 per head.

Mon 20 February: District Open & Senior Pairs to be played at St Johns Park. Good luck to all our Ladies competing in this competition.

If we have missed any news, please let us know. We will be are happy to include it nexttime.