Nailsworth Health Partnership (NHP)
Minutes – Business meeting and AGM
Date: TuesdayFebruary 3rd. Time: 19:30
Venue: Prices Mill surgery, Nailsworth.
Attendees: Sam Pereira, Nick White, Paul Young, John Miles, Rachel Stevens, Hazel Millar, Betty Young, Aileen Bendall, Elfie Klinger, Marilyn Miles, Paul Hofman, RosMulhall, Sally Millett, Leisa De Burca, Kate Kay, Jo Hofman.
- Apologies for absence: Kathleen Beard and Richard Easthope
- Minutes of previous AGM February 13th 2014
- Corrections: no feedback received
- Matters arising not covered by the agenda: none
- Changes to the constitution: it was suggested that the amendment is wide ranging enough in its scope to cover all aspects of health. The revision is adequate. Jo Hofman proposed accepting the revision. Betty Young seconded. Everyone in favour.
- Chair’s report: attached.
- Treasurer’s report: attached. Sally Millett proposed acceptance of the accounts. Leisa seconded. Everyone in favour. Paul wishes to thank the Nailsworth Natural Health Centre and Prices Mill Surgery for not charging NHP for its activities, particularly given that NHP has no regular stream of income.
- Election of officers
- Chair: Hazel Millar, proposed by Jo Hofman. Everyone in favour. Thank you to Marilyn for all she has done as Chair.
- Vice chair: Jo Hofman to continue, proposed by Sally. Everyone in favour.
- Secretary: Sam Pereira, proposed by Nick White, Everyone in favour. Thank you to Sally for all she has done as Secretary.
- Treasurer: Paul Young to continue, proposed by John Miles. Everyone in favour.
- Reports from sub groups by current chairs
Talks (Jo Hofman): less active this year. Trying to arrange a gluten free group talk at Arkell Centre. She may repeat her talk on walking the Camino together with Dave Wilson’s talk.
Walking Festival and physical activities (Paul & Jo Hofman): it was fairly well attended. The next one will be in 2016. Hopefully a group will form in early summer to help with organizing it; it would be great if more people got involved. There will be one shared walk with Nailsworth Festival this year. The new outdoor gym machines have been set up at Miles Marling and King George playing fields. More activities for young people are needed.
Website (Paul Hofman): thank you to Marilyn for her work on the website. It is a bit restrictive in terms of making modifications. It would be ideal to have a group of people who would keep the content fresh. It would be nice to have the Nailsworth Health Directory online, and online ability to accept donations. Online booking is going well. A separate section for the gluten free group would be nice.
Directory and health fair (Nick White and Jo Hofman): it was printed in Sept 2013. It would be good to update the paper version and also put it online. Paid-for adverts would finance printing costs. Making changes to the directory should not coincide with the health fair as that was too much to do both at the same time! Paul Hofman will help put the directory online and enable those with an entry to make any changes. Rachel is happy to help with the paper version.
Health fair: Nick cannot co-lead it again. Leisa and Hazel are happy to get involved. The plan is to have it in mid or late Sept. It will be a scaled-back version compared with last time. Rachel, Jo and Sam are also happy to help with the health fair. Nick is happy to help out but not to lead. Hazel and Jo will lead. Simon Andrews would also like to be involved.
Patient participation group (Kate Kay): a cohesive group. Prices Mill’s new practice manager Alison Anderson has joined. There have been improvements in the patient reception area, appointments and phone triage. We have given robust feedback on the practice website. It is about fostering a relationship with Prices Mill.
Safeguarding committee (Duncan Mann): Duncan is happy to continue this role.
- Any other items
- Aileen Bendall has been involved with the GRCC dealing with the police and fire services regarding helping vulnerable older people.
- CPAD training: Elfie says there is lots of interest in this in the local community including Tesco, Lloyds Pharmacy Steppes and Winslow House.
File agenda AGM jan 2013 v2.doc